Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 12: Hufflepuff, the Hidden Dragon

After the magic sound of the Sorting Hat's appearance hit his ears, Professor McGonagall took a piece of parchment and walked to the Sorting Hat's high stool:

"Next, when I call your name, come here, put on your hat, sit on the stool, and the Sorting Hat will assign houses to you."

"Hannah Abbott!"

Starting from the future owner of the Leaky Cauldron, one by one the future pillars of the British wizarding world stepped forward and were assigned to their respective colleges, and the gears of fate began to turn.

The future Minister of Magic, the future Auror, the future noble, the future Herbology Professor...

"Adam Reed!"

Adam came to his senses when his name was called, walked forward, picked up the Sorting Hat, put it on, and then sat on the stool.

"Hmm...a natural Occlumency master? This is the first time I've seen..."

The Sorting Hat muttered.

Because of the protective magic, it couldn't even converse with Adam in consciousness and could only speak in a low voice.

"Occlumency? What is that?"

Adam asked equally quietly.

"Ah, it's a long story to explain. Although I don't mind answering questions for freshmen, I'm afraid the professors won't be willing to give me this time... Ahem, I can only say that I may not be able to give you a good answer. suggestions.”

Under the gaze of Professor McGonagall, the Sorting Hat cleared its throat:

"So, which house do you want to go to? Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, pick the one you like~"


Adam answered decisively.

I love food, I love flowers and plants, I love magical animals, and I love Hufflepuff!

"Okay~ Now that you've made your choice..."


Hufflepuff is the house with the largest number of students, and every new student from Hufflepuff will receive the warmest applause from the audience.

Adam came to the Hufflepuff table amid applause and sat down next to the previous freshman.

"Welcome to Hufflepuff!"

The classmates around him greeted him enthusiastically, and he responded one by one.

Hufflepuff does not have the ambition of Slytherin, the drive of Gryffindor, and the shrewdness of Ravenclaw, but it is the most warm and friendly house.

They do what they have to do, are true to nature, and are honest and enthusiastic.

When you make friends with Hufflepuff, you basically don't have to worry about the other party stabbing you secretly. Hufflepuff, which has the largest number of people among the four houses and the fewest dark wizards, deserves your trust.

After Dumbledore's speech, the dinner party began. Adam took a sip of pumpkin juice and forked a grilled sausage.

Hmm~ The shell is grilled to a crispy texture, the meat inside is tender and juicy, and the seasoning is also great. Black pepper, rosemary and lemon juice just temper the greasy taste of the pure meat.

Apart from the fact that although the meat itself has been marinated, it still has a bit of fishy smell and has not been cleaned, Adam's evaluation is that it can be used as a signature dish in the restaurant.

Adam tasted the food and listened to the chatter of the people around him.

"My parents are ordinary people. When they first received the letter, they were very angry and thought it was a prank..."

"My parents are both Hufflepuffs, and I wrote to them in the evening to tell them the good news!"

"Wow, this Yorkshire pudding tastes so good!"

Catching the key words, Adam looked at the Yorkshire pudding on the table, took one and took a sip.


Adam put down the Yorkshire pudding with his eyes wide open and took a sip of pumpkin juice to smooth it down.

The Yorkshire pudding soaked up the juices of the roast beef not only had the aroma of bread and butter, but also had a strong fishy smell. He just seemed to have seen a dead cow pole dancing on the Naihe Bridge...

Why! Obviously the grilled sausage just tasted normal!

Putting the remaining half of Yorkshire pudding on the plate, Adam glanced at the classmate who said the Yorkshire pudding was delicious with complicated eyes.

Poor child, his sense of taste has been destroyed.


At this moment, the classmate opposite Adam covered his mouth and let out a muffled groan. He silently put the thing in his hand aside and took a closer look. It was the Yorkshire pudding that had been bitten.

Adam and he looked at each other.

"Hello, could you please recommend some dishes that you think taste normal?"

The other person's tone was pitiful, and his English had an accent that Adam couldn't distinguish.

Adam looked down at his plate, Yorkshire pudding, beef stew, roast beef, roast lamb chops...

Good guy, this unlucky kid has stepped on all the traps he could.

"If you like meat, this grilled sausage tastes okay, and the chicken drumsticks should taste good...well, it's really good, but it's a bit woody."

Adam took a bite of the chicken leg and commented,

"In short, stay away from all uncured meat products..."


The other party took a bite of the sausage without cutting it, almost crying.

It looks funny and pitiful.

"The French fries also taste good. You can try them. If you are too tired of them, you can drink some pumpkin juice."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

After staring at the sausage and eating it for a while, he drank a whole glass of pumpkin juice, and then he raised his head and looked at Adam:

"Thank you, what's your name?"

Although every new student's name was read out when they were first sorted, it was obvious that no one would remember the names of other students when they were so excited.

"Adam Reed, just call me Adam."

"Adam...I will remember it!"

The other party nodded.

"What about you? What's your name?"

"Uther Ramses."

"... Ramses?"

This special surname made Adam look sideways.

"What? Is it the Ramses of Pharaoh Ramses II?"

A classmate beside him asked the question in Adam's mind.

"Yes, that's right, but that was many, many years ago. There are no pharaohs now."

Uther shrugged.

They were almost done eating, so Adam decided to join the discussion:

"Then you should be studying in the magic school in Egypt, why did you come to Hogwarts?"

"Well, I actually found out that I was going to study in the UK after I received the letter from Hogwarts. My mother said it might be because I was born in the UK - she is a magical zoologist and met my father when she was studying the Sphinx in Egypt."

"Sphinx?! It sounds so magical!"

The freshman who said that his parents were ordinary people sighed:

"My parents are more ordinary. They met in court - they are the lawyers representing the plaintiff and the defendant."

Lawyers, it may be much easier to run a restaurant after building a good relationship.

"My parents met at the dragon farm, they are colleagues."

"My parents also met at work. My father transferred from the Department of Magical Accidents and Disasters to become an Auror in order to pursue my mother."

"My parents met at Hogwarts, and they hope that I can find my other half during school."


Hiss... I didn't expect that Hufflepuff is so talented!

Hufflepuff friendship is trustworthy, and building a good relationship now may come in handy in the future.

With this in mind, Adam also joined the discussion:

"My parents are also ordinary people, and my family runs a restaurant."

"Oh! Really? I thought only my parents were ordinary people."

The freshman's eyes lit up and he took the initiative to extend his hand:

"My name is Bernard Lanslock. I just heard you say your name is Adam?"

"Yes, welcome you and your family to our restaurant, I'll treat you."

Adam reported the names of Mr. Reed and Ms. Li's restaurant and wine shop.

"So that's yours? There's one not far from my house! I like your red wine stewed beef, it doesn't have any fishy smell!"

Bernard's eyes widened. He thought Adam's family only opened a husband-and-wife restaurant, but he didn't expect it to be the two-story French restaurant near his home!

"Adam, can we go to your restaurant too?"

The other little wizards around couldn't help but be moved. They didn't have any idea about Adam's restaurant, but they heard about the stewed beef without fishy smell.

They are just used to it, it doesn't mean they like the fishy smell of beef!

"Of course, everyone can come, but if you are a student who has always lived in the wizarding world, it is best to eat in the box, otherwise some special living habits and terms may attract the attention of ordinary people."

"No problem!" xN

When it comes to passion for food, Hufflepuff is absolutely serious.

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