Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 Hufflepuff Common Room

By the time the dinner was over, Adam had gotten to know all the freshmen this year and several seniors sitting nearby.

Should I say that liking food is a common trait among Hufflepuffs?

I feel like I can open a chain of French restaurants and Chinese restaurants in the wizarding world in the future.

The food disappeared from the table, and Professor Dumbledore stood up and said to everyone:

"At the beginning of the new semester, I have to remind everyone of the following: First-year students, please note that the forest behind the school is off-limits to any students - some senior students would do well to keep this in mind."

Professor Dumbledore glanced at the Gryffindor table.

"Our administrator, Mr. Filch, has asked me to remind everyone not to cast spells in the corridors between classes. The review of Quidditch players will be carried out in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in participating in the college varsity team should contact Huo Qi Ms. Contact.”

Having said this, Professor Dumbledore paused and emphasized his tone:

"Finally, I must tell everyone, don't go near the corridor on the right hand side of the fourth floor of the library, if you don't want to bleed from your orifices and die in pain."

After the words fell, the auditorium was quiet for a few seconds.

The freshmen looked at each other, and the old students also frowned and thought about this extra precaution than in previous years.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. Finally, let's sing the school song together. Everyone can choose the tune they like."

After a hodgepodge of school songs, Professor Dumbledore asked the prefects to take the students back to their dormitories.

The four teams separated at the stairs after leaving the Great Hall - Ravenclaw and Gryffindor going up, Hufflepuff and Slytherin going down.

"The advantage of the dormitory being underground is that our stairs don't run around on their own, and even if there's a storm, we can enjoy a quiet and comfortable sleep in the dormitory."

A senior who Adam just met at the dinner introduced him.

"Besides, although our dormitory and Slytherin's are both underground, our dormitory is much warmer. Besides...ah, this is it!"

The Hufflepuff team stopped in front of a huge oil painting with a fruit plate. Prefect Bruce turned around and looked at everyone:

"Ahead is the Hufflepuff common room and dormitory, but please allow me to stop here and introduce it to you. In front of you is the Hogwarts kitchen - yes, it is right next to our dormitory. ”

Facing the excited whispers from the freshmen, Bruce smiled and walked to the oil painting:

"Look, just reach out and scratch this pear—"

The pear seemed to be tickled, and after a while of shaking, it turned into a green doorknob.

"It will turn into a door handle, and you can pull it open to enter the kitchen. I believe that some people's stomachs always growl in the dead of night, just like me."

Touching his belly, Bruce sighed:

“When the weather gets cooler at night, who can resist a hot glass of pumpkin juice paired with a big plate of grilled sausages?”

“Come on, you’re going to want ice-cold butterbeer and chips in the summer!”

A senior who looked very familiar with Bruce complained, causing a burst of laughter from the little badgers.

"Oh, Vivian, don't put me down at this time...but you have to admit that they go well with the hot summer days, don't you?"

Bruce shrugged, seemingly not caring about the senior's teasing.

“And there’s butterbeer in school?”

Adam looked at the senior who had introduced him before.

"There isn't one in school, but there is one in Hogsmeade. You can go to Hogsmeade after your third year. Then you can buy butterbeer and entrust the house elves in the kitchen to keep it safe for you."

The senior explained:

“They’ll be happy if you’ll leave the barrel with them when you’re done.”

After introducing the kitchen, the team continued forward. There was a pile of huge oak barrels not far to the right of the kitchen entrance, where the entrance to the Hufflepuff lounge was.

"Remember how to enter the door, tap the bottom lids of the two large barrels in the middle of the second row to the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', and the lids will automatically rotate open."

Bruce said while demonstrating for the new students:

"Don't knock it wrong, otherwise you will be doused with jealousy. In addition, although we do not exclude students from other colleges, please keep the method of entering the lounge confidential. I think everyone needs some relatively private space. Right?"

While they were talking, the lid of the oak barrel had been opened. Adam and the others walked along the passage and entered the Hufflepuff common room - a round, low-ceilinged room with a faint earthy fragrance.

The yellow of earth, copper and the green of plants make up the main colors of the Hufflepuff common room. There is a circle of round windows very close to the ceiling, and a warm fire is burning in the fireplace.

Above the fireplace, there was a large picture frame decorated with several dancing badgers. In the picture frame, Ms. Helga Hufflepuff saw the students entering, smiled and raised her golden cup to greet everyone.

"Entering the passage from this side is the boys' dormitory, and walking from this side is the girls' dormitory - by the way, although I believe in your morality, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, boys are not allowed to enter the area of ​​the girls' dormitory. "

Bruce clapped his hands:

"Okay, let's split up next. The old students can go back to their dormitories. The male freshmen will go with me. The female freshmen will follow Vivian. She is your female prefect."

After being led by Bruce to the door of the dormitory, which looked like an oak barrel lid, Adam bid farewell to the enthusiastic prefect, and then entered the dormitory with the next roommates.

Among the roommates were Uther Rameses and Bernard Lancelok, who had sat next to Adam at the dinner earlier. In addition, there were two classmates:

Eugene Krall, a eldest brother who was taller than most of his peers, didn't speak much at the dinner and spent most of his time listening. Adam only knew about him that he liked to eat fish. .

Well, because two of the few times he took the initiative to speak were asking Adam if there was fish in the restaurant and what the methods were.

Colon Pamir, a very lively young man, introduced himself very enthusiastically and comprehensively. He loves Quidditch, wizard chess, Gobstone and other games.

Adam also found out that his family was engaged in breeding magical animals and opened a store called Rare Birds and Animals in Hogsmeade.

Under the warm light of the copper lamp, five black and yellow four-poster beds were displayed in front of the five people. Each person's name was posted on the bedposts. Bernard was not afraid of finding mistakes. Bernard took the lead and walked to his four-poster bed and sat down:

"Wow~ This dormitory is bigger than I thought."

Looking around, Bernard was startled by the package beside Adam's bed that was so high that it almost hit the ceiling:

"Whoa! What are these?"

Adam also sat on the bed and was checking his luggage. Hearing this, he stood up and took a look:

"Oh, these are the books I bought at Flourish and Blotts. It seems they have been sent."


Cologne, who turned around and looked over, opened his mouth wide:

"So many? Have you emptied Flourish and Blotts Bookstore?"

"It's pretty much the same, actually. I actually bought a copy of most of the books at Flourish and Blotts."

Adam touched his chin and thought for a moment, then nodded:

"I quite like reading books."

"...I can see it."

That mountain of books was simply a horror story for Cologne, who loved games rather than studying. He shuddered and stopped looking at it, and instead said:

"Do you guys want to take a shower? Let's go together? I just saw a map in the common room."

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