Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 50 Sphinx



Looking at the two people who were clamoring to see the ancestral graves and corpses of their ancestors, Adam couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

"Well, since you want to see it so much, let's put the pyramid on day one."

Adam looked at Uther in shock.

"I told you it doesn't matter. The pyramid that is now open to tourists is not fake. It's just that there is no real thing inside."

Uther shrugged:

"Just in time to take you to see the Sphinx."

Because they are smart enough and like to solve puzzles and riddles, the sphinx's biggest employment direction, whether in Egypt or elsewhere, is to guard treasures and passages. In Egypt, it is naturally to guard pyramids and temples.

So, no matter what the original travel plan Uther had arranged for everyone, at the strong request of Cologne and Bernard, they embarked on the road to the pyramids.

The means of transportation to the pyramids is a small bus. It doesn't look big from the outside, but it has a seamless stretching spell inside. It can accommodate more than ten or twenty people without being crowded. There are fruits, drinks and ice cubes next to the seats.

On the way, Uther looked at the two excited faces and reminded:

"Although we are going to the pyramids, it is definitely not what you think. Those pyramids are not open to the public, but they have been dealt with by the Ministry of Magic. It is basically impossible for anything dangerous to happen - of course, the premise is You can’t act haphazardly.”

Otherwise, Uther's parents would not be able to let Uther take them to play alone.

"I know!" x2

Unlike the pyramids adjacent to Cairo, the car drove all the way to the depths of the desert, and it took several hours of travel before they reached their destination.

"Even with the Muggle Expelling Curse, there are things in these pyramids that made the ancient pharaohs build them deep in the desert."

Uther said as he got out of the car:

"In the past few days, I will take you around Cairo and enjoy the Nile River. Then I will take you to Thebes. There are also many pharaohs' tombs in the Valley of the Kings there, which is much more interesting than here."

Speaking of this, Uther couldn't help but smile:

"And my favorite, the pride of Egypt - Ramesim, I will show you what it really looks like."

Rasseu Tentyris, a sacrificial temple built during the reign of Ramses II, is second to none in Egyptian history in terms of scale and splendor.

It's just that in the current perception of the Muggle world, it is only a ruin.

After briefly mentioning the arrangements for the next few days, Uther led everyone to the closed door of the pyramid, stretched out his hand and touched the door from top to bottom.


Amidst the sound of sand and gravel shaking, Uther led them to the other side of the pyramid.

"Who was that just now?"

Colon looked curiously at the door, which had no other movement.

"That door is a switch into the pyramid, but not an entrance into the pyramid."

There was a bit of sarcasm in Uther's smile:

"Even if the door is opened in the correct way, anyone who enters through that door, except for the descendants of the Pharaoh, will fall into the underworld and never come back - don't tell others."

Bernard came over and said:

"So, have you seen the underworld?"

"No, an ancestor once entered that door out of curiosity. There was a dead end inside. The long corridor prohibited all magic. At the end was a wall made of a whole stone. Except for a linen curtain hanging at the door and a Except for the portrait of Nubis, there is nothing in the entire corridor."

While talking, they had arrived at the real entrance.

Uther used his wand to touch a boulder. With the boulder as the center, more than a dozen boulders seemed to have melted and transformed into a huge stone door. The paintings on the door were as bright as if they had just been painted yesterday.

"Please come in~"

With a gentle push, the stone door opened inwards, and what came into view was none other than a giant male Sphinx!

"Please tell me, what is... um, Master?"

The Sphinx originally thought that someone from the Ministry of Magic was coming to feed her, so she was about to tell the new riddle she had come up with during this period. Unexpectedly, she saw Uther, so she quickly swallowed the rest of the riddle and stood up. Step aside and get out of the way.

"This is a Sphynx I raised. It's called Hairball. You can look at it as you like, but it's best not to do anything rude."

As he spoke, Uther looked at the giant creature called Hairball:

"These are my friends, don't resist."


Eugene looked up at the Sphinx and couldn't help but say.

The opponent lying on the ground is at least three meters high!

The reason for Eugene's question was obvious. Uther sighed:

"Believe me, the hairball was really small when I was has grown so big without even realizing it."

"It's hard for me to believe you said you grew to this size without knowing it."

Fortunately, Eugene would complain about it. The roommates didn't think anything of it, but Eugene's grandma was happy. She had no interest in the sphinx and rested with old Reed and Kelly.

Old Reed has no particular interest in magical animals, he just needs to take a look at them. Kelly has seen the Sphinx, so naturally she has no interest in them.

Adam walked over to the furball and reached out to touch it. Sphinx is also called a sphinx. Adam was not interested in the human face part, but the body was indeed similar to that of a lion. The thick hair could be seen to have been taken care of carefully. , as smooth as satin when touched.

It's almost comparable to Xiao Ke's body.

Adam, who had already gained experience in touching Xiao Ke, unknowingly used professional techniques, and the tail of the hairball unconsciously lifted up in the air, throwing out an afterimage.

Cologne was not interested in touching the hairball. He did not come forward to join us but looked at Uther expectantly:

"The hairball was going to come up with a riddle before, right? Let's guess!"

"Yes, of course you have to experience the Sphinx's riddle when you meet the Sphinx!"

Bernard followed.

Hairball immediately became energetic when he heard this and looked at Uther expectantly.

"Well, you can, but if you answer the Sphinx's riddle incorrectly, the Sphinx will fall into a state of agitation and become more aggressive. Even if I raised the hairball, I can only guarantee that it will not attack. We won’t be able to observe it so closely.”

"Then take a guess."

Adam let go of his hand and took a few steps back. He was more interested in the Sphinx's riddles.

If he really wanted to pet something furry, he had other options.

Seeing that everyone had unified their opinions, Mao Tuan proudly raised his upper body:

"Tell me: What can fly but never walk, has a mouth but never speaks, has a head but never sheds tears, has a bed but never sleeps?"

Uther raised his eyebrows. Years of familiarity allowed him to quickly guess the riddle of Hairball. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This at least ensured that Hairball would not go into a rage.

Adam thought for a few seconds. The riddles of the Sphinx are usually not made up casually and are basically inseparable from the environment in which it lives, so he quickly guessed the answer.

"Whoever guesses should not tell the answer first, just write it down on paper, and then everyone will come up with it together."

Eugene suggested, taking out a notebook from his bag, tearing off the paper, and taking out a few pens, and distributed them to everyone along with the paper.

"Eh? You've already guessed it?"

Cologne, who was still thinking, looked at him in surprise.

"not yet."

Eugene shook his head, and then looked at Uther and Adam who were already writing:

"But I think they figured it out."

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