Cardcaptor at Hogwarts

Chapter 51 The journey to Egypt ends

After some struggle, everyone wrote their own answers.

The five hands came together holding their own answer sheets. On it was the same answer - "river" written in different handwritings.

A river can run but never walk, has a mouth but never speaks, has a source but never sheds tears, has a riverbed but never sleeps.

"Correct answer!"

Maodan nodded excitedly:

"Do you want to continue guessing?"

Uther glanced at the roommates who were all very interested and said to Hairball:

"Come up with a question."

After one year at Hogwarts, I just took this opportunity to spend some time with him.

Moreover, Hairball is also the only sphinx he can guarantee will not attack them if they answer the riddle incorrectly.

"Some people try to hide, some people try to deceive, but time will reveal everything and we will always meet."

It can be seen that Hairball seems to have accumulated a lot of riddles, and there is almost no hesitation when telling new riddles:

"Guess my name as best you can, and when I do have you, I guarantee you'll know the answer."

After some guessing, Cologne didn't get the answer right this time.

The answer is death, and Cologne's answer is the end-of-year exam paper.

"Some people try to hide, some people try to deceive, but time will reveal everything, and we will always meet... I think this answer seems to be okay?"

Bernard held his forehead and smiled bitterly:

"But Cologne, you clearly did well in the exam."

"Doing well on the test doesn't mean I like the test!"

Cologne was right.

The hair ball struggled for a while, and had to admit that for the students of Hogwarts, the answer did fit the riddle. He reluctantly decided that Cologne had answered it correctly.

It seems that this is still an enlightened sphinx, which Adam would like to call an enlightened beast (an enlightened beast located in Kunlunxu, China: "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" x9).

Everyone then guessed a few more riddles, and although the answers they gave were sometimes inconsistent with Maodan's, after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with Maodan.

So in the end, until they said goodbye to Mao Tuan, all five of them answered correctly, and Mao Tuan waved goodbye to them in high spirits.

"Actually, there's nothing particularly interesting inside the pyramid."

Entering the main body of the pyramid, while introducing, Uther took out lighting tools from his bag and distributed them to everyone:

"The only things that are more valuable to us are the words and statues on the walls, but you can't understand them. Let me translate them for you."

"Wow, Uther, you are really amazing, knowing so many languages."

Colon couldn't help but sigh.

Although Uther and his family communicate in English most of the time, they still use Arabic occasionally, and now the walls are written in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.

"Ahem, it's actually not bad~"

The darkest skin color among the five could not hide the blush on his cheeks. Uther translated the inscriptions on the walls and explained the stories behind the statues.

Some of them praised the achievements of the Pharaoh when he was still alive, and some wished the Pharaoh a smooth resurrection... The parts about the achievements were in the wizard's version, so Adam also felt eye-opening.

It is worth mentioning that in order to express respect for the gods and pharaohs, the biggest requirement for the overall hieroglyphics is to be beautiful and symmetrical. For this reason, it can be written vertically or horizontally, from left to right or from right to left. Specifically Look at the lines between the words and the orientation of those animals' heads.

This made everyone sigh:

"It's almost like painting."

"In that era, only those who mastered writing could have access to the mysteries of knowledge, and those who mastered the hieroglyphics mastered the most profound knowledge - magic."

Uther stroked the hieroglyph on the wall, sighing at the ancient past, and suddenly seemed to touch something.

"What's this?"

Uther took a closer look and saw that it was the Eye of Horus, which represented Pharaoh in this passage.

The Eye of Horus didn't look abnormal at all. With doubts, Uther stretched out his hand again and gently placed it on the Eye of Horus. Sure enough, I felt the bump again.

After confirming, Uther retracted his hand decisively.

How could there be such an abnormal protrusion in the inscriptions of the pyramid, and also on the Eye of Horus, which symbolizes the divine and the pharaoh? Not to mention that this seems to have been deliberately hidden.

Uther remembered that this pyramid was not built to welcome future generations to visit, so he might as well go back and ask his father.

"Everyone has seen it, right? Let's go back."

There was really nothing new about the rest, and everyone nodded in response.

Back at the villa in Cairo, Uther said that he had prepared Egyptian-style clothing for everyone - that is, the Karasilis he was wearing, so that everyone could change into it. In the evening, his parents would come back early and everyone would go boating on the Nile River together.

Unexpectedly, under the guidance of Uther's servants, everyone changed into Calasiris and came out, but Uther still made them wait for a while.

When he came down from the second floor, Uther was immediately surrounded by Adam and the others.

"Wow! No wonder it took you so long. I didn't expect to change into such beautiful clothes!"

Bernard used his fingers to hook Uther's belt, which was studded with turquoise and other precious stones, and dragged him forward. Cologne pushed his back from behind:

"After this change, we look like your followers!"

"Okay, okay, brothers and you are connected heart to heart, and you are playing tricks with your brothers?"

Adam stretched out his hand and summoned the Dark Staff. The spikes of the sun and the gems on Uther's body sparkled together in the sun:

"I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation, otherwise you may have to go on the boat trip tonight naked."

"At most, I will leave you a pair of underwear."

Eugene added.

"Didn't you say you wanted to see me wearing Egyptian clothes?"

Uther quickly complained and opened his hands to show his clothes with golden patterns and various gems:

"Only my father and I can wear this in Egypt. Isn't it special enough?"

"So this is your last words, right? Adam slashed him!"

Bernard and Eugene lifted Uther up, and Adam raised the Dark Staff as if he was about to chop him.

After a lot of pranks, Uther finally changed into the same clothes as everyone else when he went boating on the Nile with everyone else. After all, although Adam and others didn't dare to do anything in Egypt, they had to go back to Hogwarts after school started.

These people might really be able to strip him down to his underwear.

After spending four days in Cairo and seven days in Thebes, Adam and his friends spent less than a day in other cities. They played for nearly a month before saying goodbye to Uther.

Before leaving, Uther gave each of them a roll of papyrus with something written in hieroglyphics, which Adam and his friends could not understand.

"This is a blessing from Amon-Ra."

Ra and Amon were the main gods of the Heliopolis Ennead and Thebes Octagonal Gods, respectively, and later the two merged into one.

So this roll of papyrus should be a friendship letter of some diplomatic nature.

"I look forward to tasting the taste of my hometown in Hogwarts."

Before leaving, Uther could not help but remind him.

"No problem!"

After saying goodbye to Uther, everyone set off on the return journey.

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