After listening to Hunyu's instructions, a water wizard immediately responded: "Follow the orders of our ancestors."

After saying that, he walked to the front and prepared to part the water.

Liu Yuanchen immediately stopped him: "This fellow Taoist Xuantao, it's better to save some energy and arrange the formation of the Twelve Capital Gods.

I can handle the task of dividing water. "

After saying that, he stretched out a finger and drew it between the two islands in the distance.

I saw a white mark falling on the sea. In an instant, the sea water continued to drop where the white mark was.

Seeing this, Hunyu repeatedly praised: "Fellow Taoist's method of dividing the river into a land is really impressive."

He then looked at the group of witch clan immortals: "Set up your formation immediately, and when the sea bottom reaches the bottom, attack it with all your strength.

Even if we can't kill the dragon clan immortals and break through the formation of the Ten Thousand Dragon Sea, our trip is worthwhile. "

Upon hearing this, the twenty-four Immortals of the Witch Clan immediately divided into two groups.

The twelve people in each group are constantly gathering the Gang Qi in their bodies.

Soon, the twelve people connected with each other and seemed to become a whole.

The Gang Qi in their bodies also quickly merged to form a new energy.

This kind of energy is very familiar to Liu Yuanchen, and it is no different from the energy in Pangu Taoism.

‘It seems that the principle of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation is the fusion of the power of the twelve veins of the Wu clan, gathering a power close to that of the Great God Pangu.

In the final analysis, it is better to rely on the power of Pangu to fight against the enemy. ’

‘Just a large formation at the peak level of Earth Immortal can beat Daojun Tengu so hard that he runs away with his head in his arms and even loses an acquired spiritual treasure.

This fighting power is already comparable to that of an average Golden Immortal.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches personally set up the formation of the Twelve Capital Gods, which could even bring out the Pangu Dharmakaya. How powerful should it be? ’

In just a moment, the sea between the two islands had completely dried up.

The sand, gravel and corals on the seabed are exposed, and many fish and shrimps are jumping around on the sand and gravel ground.

In the vast sea, a waterless channel thousands of miles long and more than a hundred miles wide appeared.

On both sides of the passage are water walls thousands of feet high, blocked by a mysterious force and unable to fall down.

Five or six hundred miles away from everyone, there is a crystal clear palace-like building, which is the Crystal Palace.

At this time, a majestic voice sounded: "Who dares to invade the territory of our Dragon Clan?"

Before he finished speaking, real dragons soared into the sky from the sea.

The roar of the dragon echoed in all directions, and stormy waves continued to rise on the sea.

Hunyu shouted loudly: "Boys of the Wu clan, follow me to attack the Crystal Palace!"

Before he finished speaking, he quickly brought the entire alien space directly above the Crystal Palace.

At this moment, the two great formations of the Twelve Heavenly Gods each condensed a sky-opening axe.

The space dissipated, and the two axes fell at the same time, hitting the Crystal Palace.


After two loud noises, the entire Crystal Palace disappeared without a trace.

All that was left was a huge ravine that stretched to the horizon.

The yang and harmonious energy of Wanlonghai rapidly decayed, and the surrounding yin and evil energy continued to erode.

Obviously, those two axes just now forcibly broke through the great formation that reversed the yin and yang.

At this time, the twenty-four Earth Immortals of the Witch Clan had consumed a lot of energy, and their auras had obviously weakened.

Liu Yuanchen, who was still hiding in the void, immediately activated the earth book.

Twenty-four earth-yellow light pillars appeared out of thin air and poured into the bodies of the witches, and the aura on their bodies increased rapidly.

The witches looked at each other in shock. In the past, they would set up a great formation of the Twelve Heavenly Gods. After a full blow, most of their Gang Qi would be consumed.

Even if they still have the strength to fight, they can no longer maintain the formation.

But now, waves of earth's turbid air keep pouring in, as if there is a big river, constantly pouring into the body, nourishing the dry body.

If this continues, it will take more than a hundred breaths at most before they can strike with all their strength again.

At this moment, a black dragon more than ten thousand feet long flew out of the abyss created by the sky-opening axe.

"Young children of the Wu Clan, you are so brave, how dare you invade the territory of our Dragon Clan."

Hunyu sneered: 'Ao Yuan, you old guy isn't dead yet? ’

The black dragon glanced at Hunyu: "Hunyu, it turns out it's this old guy.

I said how could the little guy from the Wu clan be so courageous? It turns out that he relied on your golden bridge in space to finish the fight and leave.

With me here, you can try to see if you can walk away. "

Hunyu looked disdainful: "We are all old acquaintances. How many pounds do you have? I still don't know.

I want to leave, can you still keep me? "

Before he finished speaking, an earthy yellow rainbow bridge appeared out of thin air.

All the shamans immediately stepped onto the Golden Bridge, ready to escape at any time.

At this moment, a ball of five-colored light suddenly appeared in Ao Yuan's dragon claw.

The next moment, the five-colored light hit Hun Yu.

"You destroyed the Crystal Palace of my dragon clan. If you want to leave, you have to leave a few lives behind."

This ball of five-color light is naturally the Dinghai Pearl, but it exudes a strong power, which is obviously not something that imitations can possess.

Seeing that Ao Yuan had released the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl, Liu Yuanchen was immediately overjoyed.

He stepped on the innate black lotus, and the Pangu Dao Fetus appeared on his body.

The phantoms of thousands of mountains and rivers drooped, as if a whole world fell from the sky.

The powerful suppressive force pressed towards Ao Yuan.

At this time, Ao Yuan felt that his whole body's magic power was not flowing smoothly.

As a veteran immortal, he also reacts very quickly.

With a casual move, the five-colored light that flew out came back again.

The five-color light turned into a dazzling radiance, illuminating the area of ​​dozens of miles.

Protected by the Dinghai Pearl, Ao Yuan actually performed the escape technique and escaped from the range of the suppressing force.

Liu Yuanchen was amazed: ‘The mid-grade innate spiritual treasure actually has such power. Pangu Daotai plus the Earth Book and the innate black lotus can’t suppress a Dinghai Pearl. ’

Ao Yuan used all his strength to perform the escape technique, and only after escaping for dozens of miles did he calm down a little.

At this time, he only felt his whole body trembling and his heartbeat accelerated.

He was just a little bit away from his life.

He looked at Liu Yuanchen carefully, but the more he looked, the more frightened he was.

‘His Daotai seems to be Pangu. Although I have never seen the real Pangu Dharmakaya, this aura is exactly the same as the Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Gods and Demons.

Thousands of virtual images of mountains and rivers, this should be the power of the Earth Book.

And the black lotus platform exudes the aura of innate spiritual treasures, which should be the innate black lotus suppressed by the Wu clan for more than 60,000 years. ’

‘A few days ago, a secret agent sent a message saying that the Wu Clan dismantled the formation of the Demon Cloud Sea, and the innate black lotus should have been dealt with.

The Wu Clan alone could not possibly solve the innate black lotus.

Now it seems that this person helped the Wu Clan solve the problem of the innate black lotus. ’

‘This person has the means of Zhenyuan Daxian, and it should be Liu Yuanchen.

His cultivation is unknown, but with this means, he is at least in the realm of celestial immortals.

With the protection of the Earth Book and the innate black lotus, the Dinghai Pearl is also difficult to work.

I am not his opponent, so I can only think of ways to divide them. ’

Thinking of this, he bowed to Liu Yuanchen.

“Daoyou is the descendant of Zhenyuan Daxian. Our dragon clan and Zhenyuan Daxian have no grudges in the past or today.

Please stand aside and watch. My dragon clan will definitely reward you handsomely afterwards.”

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew that he was stalling for time, so he did not directly answer his question, but instead sent a message to Hunyu.

"I will hold Ao Yuan back, and you go and kill as many other dragon masters as you can.

Don't worry about the turbid air of the earth. I can replenish as much as you consume."

After receiving the message, Hunyu immediately ordered the other witches: "Once the Qi is restored, follow me to kill the dragon masters.

The Lord of Gods said that we can have as much turbid air as you want."

Hearing this, all the witch masters were delighted.

In the Yuanling Realm, the witches and demons have fought for millions of years and have a blood feud.

In the past, the witches were restricted by land and could not go deep into the sea.

This time, they can kill the dragons in their lair and have a continuous supply of energy.

How can the witches not be excited when they have the opportunity to give the dragons a big blow?

Twenty-four earthly immortals of the witches gave up escaping, maintained the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons formation, and quickly pressed forward.

Liu Yuanchen looked at Ao Yuan and sneered: "I am not only the descendant of Zhenyuan Daxian, but also a member of the human race.

When I first opened my residence in Panlong Mountain, you dragons did not bother me a lot."

After saying that, he immediately used the magical power of flying and disappearing in an instant.

Ao Yuan also came from the prehistoric times, and his knowledge was definitely not bad.

He saw Liu Yuanchen's tricks and quickly used the escape technique to escape far away.

He was extremely shocked: 'This is the magical power of flying and hiding. This escape technique is weird and unpredictable. If he is targeted, there is no way to escape.

We must find a stable formation to stop his pursuit. '

'For more than 100,000 years, the Wu clan has never dared to go deep into the sea, and the dragon clan has been careless.

The defensive formation did not work and was destroyed in one fell swoop. It is very difficult to find a place to stop Liu Yuanchen.

If it really doesn't work, I can only divert this disaster to the Phoenix clan. ’

The crystal palace of the dragon clan was previously destroyed by the Twelve Capitals of Heaven formation, which was also the formation center of the entire Wanlong Sea.

Now that the formation center has been destroyed, the power of the formation is not completely useless, but it can't play a little power.

Only the small formations in various important places can still operate normally.

After Ao Yuan explored, he soon found a large formation with a radius of more than 100 miles in the east.

He immediately showed a happy expression on his face: 'That is the passage between the Yin and Yang worlds. With the protection of the large formation, it can more or less stop Liu Yuanchen.

I sent a message to invite the masters of the Phoenix Clan and the Xuanwu Clan, and it may not be impossible to kill him.

If it really doesn't work, I will escape to the world of the living and lead the war to the human territory. ’

Thinking of this, he turned into a black stream of light and flew towards the large formation.


A crisp bell sound rang in Ao Yuan's ears.

The space within a radius of 100 miles was instantly frozen.

His entire flying momentum actually stopped for a breath of time.

At the same time, he felt as if he was trapped in glue.

Any action was extremely laborious.

‘This is the power of time and space. How can Liu Yuanchen know everything? ’

He quickly sacrificed the Dinghai Pearl, and the five-color light shone. The restraining power of time and space disappeared instantly.

At this moment, a towering figure appeared in front of him.

The figure was a strong man holding a Kaitian Axe.

On the axe, streams of purple-gray energy continued to gather.

At the same time, the world was trembling slightly.

It seemed to be greatly frightened and trembling.

The black face of the black dragon Ao Yuan was pale with fear at this time.

‘Since the battle between the celestial beings, I have never seen such a powerful method.

Liu Yuanchen is so young, how can he have such a terrifying method? But he can also fly and hide his magical power. I have nowhere to escape. ’

‘I can die in battle, but I must never let the dragon race perish. ’

Thinking of this, he shouted loudly: "All dragons, listen to my order, flee back to the world of the living immediately."

Before he finished speaking, real dragons flew towards the formation.

The Wu clan chased after them, killing the dragons as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

After saying this, he injected a huge amount of mana into the Dinghai Pearl.

The entire Dinghai Pearl radiated dazzling five-color light, and the area of ​​hundreds of miles was covered by the five-color light.

At the same time, the sea was also full of turbulent waves.

In Liu Yuanchen's perception, countless energies poured into the Dinghai Pearl from the sea.

'It's worthy of being the Dinghai Pearl, it can really control the power of the sea. '

After saying this, he immediately activated the Earth Book to temporarily change the direction of many spiritual veins in the Wanlong Sea.

Originally, the spiritual energy gathered towards the Wanlong Sea, but now it has become the Wanlong Sea spiritual energy scattered in all directions.

Sure enough, the energy obtained by the Dinghai Pearl from the sea has been greatly reduced.

Liu Yuanchen sneered: "Old loach, take my axe."

Pangu Daotai swung the axe in his hand fiercely, and a cold light flew out and slashed towards Ao Yuan.

At this time, Ao Yuan felt that the space around him was completely locked.

He seemed to be sealed in the stone and couldn't move at all.

He knew that he couldn't dodge, so he used all his strength to activate Dinghaizhu and smashed the cold light.


A loud bang broke out, and the five-color light illuminated the sky and the earth, and the shock wave swept across.

Tens of thousands of feet of raging waves continued to form and pressed in all directions.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth was washed away, and a hideous crack appeared in the sky and the seabed.

The chaotic energy was like a waterfall, constantly pouring in from the crack.

The Wu clan had no time to chase the dragon clan, so they had to rely on the power of the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Array to bear the remaining power.

Many fleeing dragons were affected by the remaining power and fell straight into the sea, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

The light faded, and a few tiny cracks appeared on the Dinghai Pearl, and its divine power was gone.

And Ao Yuan's dragon body was split in half vertically, and there was no life at all.

Liu Yuanchen waved his robe sleeve lightly, and a strong suction force came, and the Dinghai Pearl and Ao Yuan's body disappeared.

Then, he urged the Earth Book to repair the cracks on the seabed.

The severed spiritual veins and earth veins were also connected.

The sky has a strong self-repair ability, and the huge cracks cut by the Nine Styles of Opening the Sky are healing rapidly at this moment.

Liu Yuanchen used the Merit Eye and saw blood lights falling from the sky. This was karma.

Those karmas fell on his head and were blocked by the Merit Golden Lotus.

The petals kept withering, and it took five petals to completely offset the karma.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief: 'It's just five petals of the Merit Golden Lotus that were lost, and they are all incense merits. It seems that there is no big problem. ’

Then, another stream of merit descended, and the petals of the golden lotus of merit continued to increase.

In the end, the petals of the golden lotus of merit increased by six.

‘It seems that this Ao Yuan has a lot of karma.

The merit gained by killing him is more than the merit lost by damaging the heaven and earth. ’

Then, Liu Yuanchen took out the Dinghai Pearl to investigate, and indeed three small cracks appeared on it.

However, the innate spiritual treasure is protected by the innate immortal spiritual light, so a small injury is not a big deal.

When the Tiangou Daojun was besieged, the Dinghai Pearl was fixed by Donghuang Taiyi's backhand, but it still recovered.

He probed his consciousness into the Dinghai Pearl and found no restriction on recognizing the master.

‘The recognition of the Dinghai Pearl was lifted, and Ao Yuan was indeed dead. ’

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