The Dinghai Pearl is already ownerless. It only takes time to recognize its master, and then it can be driven freely.

However, this Dinghai Pearl is a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure, and recognizing its master is not a simple matter.

Before, Liu Yuanchen asked the innate black lotus to recognize its master and refine an innate treasure ban, which took nearly a year.

This Dinghai Pearl is of a higher level, and the difficulty of refining the innate treasure ban is naturally greater.

It takes at least two or three years to refine an innate treasure ban.

There are fifteen innate treasure bans in the Dinghai Pearl, and it takes more than forty years to refine all of them.

Liu Yuanchen took back the Dinghai Pearl and looked at the situation of the Wu clan.

The aftermath of the previous attack severely injured many dragon clan masters.

Only the powerful dragon clan escaped from the underworld with the help of the Yin-Yang channel.

At this time, the Wu clan masters were killing those seriously injured dragon clans.

These Wu clans were really rude. After killing the dragon clans, they threw them directly into their mouths and chewed them.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh: "As expected of the powerful tribe that dominated the prehistoric continent in the past, this style is indeed domineering."

After that, he used the Earth Book to explore the entire Wanlong Sea, trying to find the trace of the Yin-Yang Gourd.

Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, he couldn't find the Yin-Yang Gourd.

"It seems that a dragon master took advantage of the chaos just now and escaped with the Yin-Yang Gourd.

It's a pity that although this Yin-Yang Gourd is not strong, it is still interesting as a spiritual treasure with special functions."

Then, he used the Merit Eye to look at the karma of the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan.

I saw that both groups were covered with dazzling red light, which was a sign of karma.

After the Wu Clan killed the Dragon Clan, there was actually authentic merit descended, which offset part of the karma.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised.

'No wonder the Wu Clan and the Demon Clan have been fighting for millions of years and are still enjoying it.

Both sides have karma. After killing each other, they can gain merit and offset some of the karma.

After eliminating karma, the speed of cultivation will increase. This is really getting stronger with each battle. ’

The stronger masters of the Dragon Clan have all escaped.

The remaining ones are not very powerful, and they are all seriously injured.

It didn't take long for them to be swept away by the masters of the Wu Clan.

After having fun, Hunyu brought a group of masters of the Wu Clan to Liu Yuanchen.

"Fellow Daoist Liu, this time it's all thanks to you!

My Wu Clan and the Demon Clan have been in a standoff for more than 100,000 years. The Demon Clan dared not go ashore, and we dared not go to the sea.

If it weren't for the help of fellow Daoist, who knows how many more years the standoff would have lasted."

"I really didn't expect that the Earth Book could play such a big auxiliary role for my Wu Clan.

If I had known this earlier, my Wu Clan would have established a good relationship with Zhenyuan Daxian.

With the help of the Earth Book, it would be easy to attack the Heavenly Palace."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Supernatural powers cannot defeat the destiny of heaven. No matter how powerful the Earth Book is, it can't resist the great trend of heaven.

The great war between witches and demons in the prehistoric times has already ended, and the Golden Crow has already The tribe was completely killed or wounded.

Except for the Goddess Zhishan Pingxin, all the twelve ancestors of the Wu tribe died in the battle.

Why mention the past again? "

Hunyu also laughed at himself: "Yes, the war between the witches and demons has been settled, and both tribes have suffered heavy losses.

If it weren't for the fact that Hou Tu, the ancestor of the witch, turned into a reincarnation and made great contributions to the way of heaven and the great way, how could our Wu tribe continue to this day? "

"Now that we have severely damaged the strongest dragon tribe of the demon tribe, there will be turmoil in the demon tribe.

What should we do in the future, Taoist friend? "

Liu Yuanchen naturally has plans for how the situation will develop in the future.

Now that Dinghaizhu is in hand, the other four innate spiritual treasures in the hands of the demon tribe are not to be feared.

If the high-end combat power cannot threaten the human race, the demon race will be nothing.

Back then, the demon race was able to force the Wu tribe to the underworld because of the rapid growth of the mid- and low-end combat power.

In terms of growth rate, the human race can completely crush the demon race.

Now that the high-end combat power of the demon race has been defeated, as long as I do not leave the Yuanling Realm, they will not be able to pose a substantial threat to the human race.

With the growth rate of the human race, it will not take long for the demon race to be completely overwhelmed.

What we really need to worry about now is the witch race.

They have the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation, which is powerful.

If I stay in the Yuanling Realm, I can really subdue them.

But it is too difficult for the human race to grow to the point of defeating the witch race.

In the future, the biggest threat to the human race may be the witch race.

It will take a long time for the human race to surpass the witch race in terms of hard power.

Before that, the demon race needs to be retained to balance the power of the witch race.

As for how to subdue the demon race, this is very difficult.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen could not tell his plan in front of the witch race.

After all, the two sides are allies and have to deal with the demon race together.

"I really didn't expect that I could defeat the demon clan so easily.

This time, not only did they snatch the Dinghai Pearl, but they also killed many masters of the dragon clan.

After this battle, the demon clan's strength has been greatly reduced."

"As for how to act in the future, it depends on the actions of the demon clan."

Hearing this, Hunyu just nodded slightly and said nothing more.

The crowd walked onto the golden bridge and left the Wanlong Sea.

After returning to Panlong Mountain in the underworld, Hunyu and others left immediately.


Liu Yuanchen entered the Dongyang Realm and sat cross-legged under the ginseng fruit tree.

He took out a sea-blue bead, which was the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl that had just been seized.

He used his spiritual consciousness to condense a simple master recognition restriction and injected it into the Dinghai Pearl.

This simple master recognition restriction naturally cannot completely control the innate spiritual treasure.

However, it can bring out some of the power of the innate spiritual treasure.

Then, Liu Yuanchen injected mana into the Dinghai Pearl, and the whole bead emitted five-color light.

But the five-color light was a little dim, and rich water-attributed energy continued to escape from the three cracks.

"This Dinghai Pearl is seriously damaged. Although it can be restored, it may take a long time before it can be used."

"I have four imitation Dinghai Pearls in my hand. When imitating these Dinghai Pearls, it is necessary to extract energy from the innate Dinghai Pearl.

If the energy in the imitation Dinghai Pearl is extracted and injected into this innate Dinghai Pearl, it may be possible to repair the crack at the fastest speed."

Thinking of this, he immediately took out a replica Dinghai Pearl.

Extract a ray of sea blue energy from it and try to integrate it into the innate Dinghai Pearl.

Before the two came into contact, the sea blue energy became extremely active.

It was like a child seeing his parents and cheering.

That ray of energy actively merged into the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl and disappeared in an instant.

Sure enough, a crack on the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl was restored a little bit.

Although it was not obvious, it did exist.

"The origin in the imitation Dinghai Pearl can really help the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl recover."

Then, he continued to extract the origin power from the imitation Dinghai Pearl and merge it into the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl.

After a few days, the four imitation Dinghai Pearls changed from sea blue to colorless.

The origin energy in them was all merged into the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl.

At this time, the cracks in the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl had completely disappeared.

"Sure enough, these imitation Dinghai Pearls are still very useful.

Although the origin energy consumption is too large, the acquired treasure ban is not damaged. As long as it is nurtured for a period of time, it can be fully restored."

Liu Yuanchen performed the secret technique in the Xiantian Refining Treasure Jue and began to refine the Xiantian treasure ban in the Xiantian Dinghai Pearl.


In the world of the living, the crystal palace deep in the East China Sea.

This crystal palace is the earliest place where the dragons settled in the Yuanling Realm, and it is also the power center of the dragons.

For more than a million years, the Dragon Emperor has been in charge here.

Although the Dragon Emperor is not the strongest of the dragons, the ancestors of the Heavenly Immortal Realm rarely reject the Dragon Emperor's orders.

In the main hall of the Crystal Palace, the Dragon Emperor, wearing a golden dragon robe and a crown on his head, had a gloomy face that could drip water.

The news that Liu Yuanchen joined forces with the Wu Clan to sneak attack the dragons in the underworld has been passed on.

There are many masters of the Dragon Clan in the Earthly Immortal Realm in the hall, and many of them are injured. They are the guys who escaped from the underworld.

All the dragons remained silent, and the whole hall was extremely quiet. You can even hear the breathing of the warriors outside the hall.

After a long time, the Dragon Emperor spoke first: "This time, our dragon clan's base in the underworld was attacked and suffered heavy losses.

Ancestor Ao Yuan died in the battle and the Dinghai Pearl was lost.

If it weren't for Ancestor Ao Ming who fought to the death to snatch the Yin-Yang Gourd, our dragon clan would have lost even the innate spiritual treasure."

"Now, the remaining power of our dragon clan is probably inferior to the Xuanwu clan, becoming the weakest of the four clans.

What should we do next? Everyone, tell me."

At this time, a green dragon spoke first: "Now the Dinghai Pearl is in Liu Yuanchen's hands, and he also has the Earth Book and the Innate Black Lotus in his hands.

I remember that he was only about 600 years old, but he already had the cultivation of a celestial being.

Even in the prehistoric world, I have never seen such a powerful cultivator, and even the Dao fetus looks like Pangu.

Who is he, do I need to tell you?"

A black dragon immediately took over: "You mean, Liu Yuanchen is a chess piece laid by Zhenyuan Daxian.

Even, he may be a chess piece laid by the prehistoric heavenly way?"

Then Qinglong nodded: "That's what I mean. Whether it's Zhenyuan Daxian or Tiandao, we can't deal with them.

Liu Yuanchen has the Book of Earth in his hand. There were various abnormalities in the ancestral veins before. We suspect that it was the Black Lotus Holy Church.

Now it seems that it should be Liu Yuanchen who caused it.

Now he is the True God of Tiandao in Wuyunling, and he is also a celestial immortal. He has many powerful spiritual treasures in his hands."

"He joined forces with the Wu clan this time. The Wu clan and the human race should have formed an alliance.

So, we are destined to be unable to defeat him.

The best choice is to surrender. The human race's divine court has canonized many dragon species as water gods.

Aren't our true dragons stronger than those dragon species?

If you surrender early, you will always be treated better."

"Everyone knows about the Purple Moon Sky Fox clan that surrendered to the human race 20,000 years ago.

With their little combat power, they can get a position as a god king. Our dragon clan can't be worse than the Purple Moon Sky Fox clan, right?"

As soon as this was said, everyone objected immediately.

A golden dragon was furious: "My dragon clan is the descendant of the ancestor dragon, born noble, how can we surrender to the slaves of the past?

I would rather die in battle than be a slave to the human race."

After saying that, he was about to rush forward and fight the blue dragon.

Everyone stopped him immediately, and the black dragon hurriedly said something nice: "Calm down, this is just a negotiation."

"Let us surrender to the human race, I think most of the tribesmen will not agree.

However, we can use this as an excuse to threaten the Phoenix Clan.

If they don't join us in dealing with the human race, then our dragon clan will surrender to the human race.

As long as we surrender, other races will have nowhere to hide in the sea."

"If possible, I suggest sending some real dragons to surrender to the human race.

Even if we fail in the decisive battle with the human race, we will not be exterminated. "

After this statement, even the Golden Dragon Clan, who was most opposed to surrendering, stopped talking.

Now that the human race and the witch clan have joined forces, they are very clear about the power of the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Array.

Now there is another powerful Liu Yuanchen. The Dragon Clan summoned the four royal families to confront the human race, and the chances of winning are not very high.

Once they fail, they will inevitably be in danger of extinction.

Letting some of the dragon clan surrender to the human race in advance can be regarded as leaving a way out.

Seeing this situation, Qinglong hurriedly said: "Since everyone has no objection, we must hurry up.

The innate spiritual treasure is not easy to refine. Liu Yuanchen will not be able to exert its power for a while after getting the Dinghai Pearl.

If he waits until he completely refines the Dinghai Pearl, our four clans will not be his opponent even if they join forces. "

"By then, except for surrendering, our dragon clan will have no way out. "

The clan leader said in a deep voice: "Since everyone has no objection, let's do it.

Send someone to inform the other three tribes. If they don't attack the human race together, we will surrender directly to Liu Yuanchen.

And take Liu Yuanchen to raid the nests of the three families. "

"Also, who should we send to surrender to the human race?"

The dragons were silent for a long time, unwilling to speak.

After all, the dragon race is extremely arrogant. Once they surrender, they will definitely be looked down upon by the entire dragon race.

Even if they obey the order of the Dragon King, they will not be able to raise their heads in the dragon race in the future.

Hearing this, Qinglong immediately stood up: "Since all of you are unwilling, let me come from the Qinglong lineage.

Your other lines are prosperous and still care about face.

I don't have many dragons in my Qinglong lineage, and I can't withstand the ravages of the war.

Anyway, they are all going to be extinct, and there is no point in having face. I am not afraid of losing face. "

The other dragons were silent, and the Dragon King had to nod: "Then let's do it, Ao Rong, you will send someone to contact the human race.

All the Qinglong lineage surrendered, and other lineages sent some peripheral clansmen to surrender with Ao Rong. "

Ao Rong stood up and saluted: "I obey your order!"

After that, he turned and walked out of the hall, preparing to surrender.

The Dragon King glanced at the dragons in the hall: "Ao Rong surrendered, and our dragon clan has a way out.

Next, we should consider how to fight with the human race."

At this time, a real dragon wearing a khaki robe stood up.

"Although we have a way out, we are not going to die in the war with the human race.

We still have to strive for victory in this battle, and it can't be an ordinary victory.

It would be best to kill Liu Yuanchen and take back the Dinghai Pearl.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen has too many treasures on him, so it is unlikely to take him down. "

"If we can't do that, we must also pursue a big victory and make the human race unable to raise their heads for ten thousand years.

Not only that, we must also consume the power of the other three clans as much as possible in the war.

Now our dragon clan has suffered heavy losses, and the only innate spiritual treasure left is the Yin-Yang Gourd.

This treasure is not suitable for frontal combat, and our dragon clan will inevitably become the weakest of the four clans in the future. "

"Only by causing the other three clans to suffer heavy losses as much as possible can our dragon clan maintain its position.

If this goal cannot be achieved, it would be good for our dragon clan to become the weakest of the four royal clans.

If we are not careful, we may be used as food by the other three clans.

At that time, we can only choose between joining the human race and joining the extraterritorial demons. "

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