Hongyuan Daojun is indeed an old and wise man. These hundreds of thousands of years have not been lived in vain.

If we just send out the humiliating scenes of Ao Rong and other real dragons, it will only make the Phoenix Clan and the White Tiger Clan cause trouble for the Dragon Clan.

These two clans are not guys who can bear humiliation. Maybe they will make them fight desperately.

But if we add the scene of conferring gods, it will be different.

Only real benefits are the most attractive.

Everyone agreed unanimously, and this proposal was naturally passed.

The psychological warfare has been settled, and the next step is to talk about some actual preparations for war.

Liu Yuanchen spoke first: "In addition to attacking the hearts and minds, we must also find out the movements of the demons.

The demons want to wipe out the human race in one fell swoop, and will never slowly gnaw at the human border line like in previous wars.

It may be that they concentrate their forces to break through one point.

After breaking into the heartland of our human race, they will burn, kill and plunder and force us to fight a decisive battle."

"It may also be that they will ignore the defense line and send masters directly to the Dao Mountain to force the human masters to fight a decisive battle."

"The second situation doesn't matter. The demon masters will come directly to the Dao Mountain. We have the advantage of the terrain, and they are no different from sending themselves to death.

Once they use the first method, the entire human race will suffer heavy losses.

Moreover, they can choose a place where the human defense is weak for a decisive battle, and the initiative is in the hands of the demons."

"The Demon Suppression Temple must collect intelligence as soon as possible to find out where the demons' attack points are, so that we can prepare in advance."

Liu Yuanchen also asked Ao Rong about the demons' attack plan.

But this guy didn't know anything and couldn't get a fart.

Now, we can only count on the Demon Suppression Temple.

The Demon Suppression Temple of the human race was very famous at the beginning, and it also accepted many half-demons to explore the intelligence inside the demon race.

After the Futian Sect surrendered, the wood spirits under the Wanling Daojun also joined the Demon Suppression Temple.

Even Wanling Daojun himself became the deputy temple master of the Demon Suppression Temple.

Wanling Daojun stood up and saluted: "Don't worry, God, my wood spirits have many spies in the demon tribe's territory.

Once there is any movement in the demon tribe, my subordinates will definitely be the first to find the clues."

The Futian Sect has been trapped by the witches and liches for hundreds of thousands of years. In order to survive, they must have worked hard on intelligence.

But they are too timid and dare not confront the witches and liches head-on.

The established intelligence system can only be used to save lives.

Now that they have joined the human race, the human race dares to fight the demon race.

The value of this intelligence system will be fully utilized.

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "That's good, the Guard Hall is also ready.

If the demons adopt the strategy of opening a gap and killing our human heartland, it is definitely not just the masters who participate in the attack.

There will also be many low-level demons, and it is these low-level demons who will slaughter the human race.

The Guard Hall must prepare a group of elite troops. After the demons launch an attack, they must wipe out the low-level demons at the fastest speed."

Xia Linchuan bowed and saluted: "Don't worry, God, as long as the demon army dares to kill in, I guarantee that none of them will escape."

After discussing the general battle plan, it was time to confer the gods.

Liu Yuanchen released a group of dragons, and Qingyuan Daojun took out the Conferred God List, took a trace of the spirit of the dragons, and integrated it into the Conferred God List.

Then write the positions of the dragons, and the actual Conferred God will be completed.

Of course, there are still some twists and turns such as rituals.

These things are managed by the Standing Hall, and Liu Yuanchen doesn't need to bother. His body returns directly to Panlong Mountain.

After arriving in the underworld, he immediately sent a message to Hunyu.

This guy's space golden bridge has a very fast travel speed.

A distance of tens of millions of miles can be reached in an instant.

The attack point of the demon clan master is still unclear, and it is very likely to play a trick of making a feint to the east and attacking in the west.

Although the speed of the flying body and the traces of the magical power is also very fast, it can also hide the body and pass through the formation.

But in terms of travel speed, it is still far behind the space golden bridge.

Bring the old guy Hunyu with you, no matter where the demon clan attacks from, you can arrive in time.

After sending the message, only half an hour later, Hunyu arrived at Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

Liu Yuanchen welcomed him into the secret room. After he sat down, Hunyu immediately said, "Thank you so much this time, fellow Daoist.

We worked together before and severely damaged the dragon clan.

Now, the entire dragon clan has evacuated the underworld, and the other three clans have also made moves.

My witch clan took the opportunity to attack the territory of the white tiger clan and gained a lot of advantages.

If this continues, it won't be long before the demon clan will withdraw from the underworld."

If the demon clan withdraws from the underworld, the witch clan only needs to guard a few yin and yang channels to ensure the safety of the underworld.

However, all the pressure is given to the human race.

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "The witch clan is relieved, but the human race is in big trouble.

The guys of the demon clan dare not stay in the underworld, so they all ran to the world of the living."

"Now the four royal families of the demon clan have united to exterminate the human race in one fell swoop.

With my strength, the demon clan can't hurt me at all.

But the mortals and many cultivators of the human race are in big trouble."

Hunyu didn't take it seriously at all: "This matter is simple, and my witch clan can help.

As long as Daoyou asks, it's not a problem to send dozens of earth fairyland witches out."

The witch clan is willing to help, and Liu Yuanchen doesn't dare to let them take action.

The world of the living in the Yuanling Realm is more fragile than the underworld.

When the witch clan fights, they never take it lightly.

If you are not careful, countless human beings will be affected.

If they take action, the damage may be greater than that of the demon clan.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "Let's forget it, today's Yangjian cannot withstand the destruction of the Twelve Heavenly Gods.

However, when I invited fellow Taoist here, I really wanted the Wu Clan to do me a favor. "

“I still don’t know where the demon clan will attack from.

At that time, I will need fellow Taoist space golden bridge to take me to the place where the demon clan attacks. "

Hunyu looked indifferent: "It's easy to say, now that most of the demon clan has withdrawn from the underworld, the pressure on our witch clan has been greatly reduced.

Those juniors can manage things beautifully without getting involved. "

"I will live here on Panlong Mountain for a while. If you need me to take action, just ask."

Two years later, Liu Yuanchen was 597 years old.

In the past two years, the demon clan has been launching offensives in the border areas of the human race.

However, Daoshan is now fully prepared for war, and there are more and more troops on the front line.

The demon clan's tentative attack could not have much impact.

However, the top leaders of the Monster Clan still had no idea where to attack.

The Demon Suppression Temple sent out most of its manpower to go deep into the Demon Clan's territory to collect information about the Demon Clan.

The wood spirits under Wanling Daojun even searched all the territory of the demon clan on land, but there was still no definite information.

However, the people from the Demon Suppression Temple still gained a lot.

For example, the dissemination of photo beads has achieved a lot of results.

Almost all the demon clans on Yuanling Continent know that the dragon clan is colluding with the human clan.

As for whether the Dragon Clan wants to trick the other three tribes, it's hard to say.

Moreover, Xuanyu, the ancestor of the Xuanwu clan, took the initiative to find Liu Yuanchen and wanted to attach himself to the human clan's shadow beads, which had also begun to spread in the demon clan's territory.

Deep in the South China Sea of ​​Yuanling Realm, there is a huge island burning with red flames.

In the middle of the island, there is a towering sycamore tree, with green flames burning on the tree.

This island is the Qinghuo Island, the ancestral land of the Phoenix Clan in the Yuanling Realm.

And that towering sycamore tree is one of the native innate spiritual roots of the Yuanling Realm - the Qinghuo sycamore.

Under the plane trees, there is a red palace.

At this moment, there were more than ten people in the main hall, all wearing feathered robes of different colors, they were the senior members of the Phoenix Clan.

Above the main seat are two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, who are the Phoenix Emperor and the Phoenix Queen of the Yuanling Realm.

Emperor Feng casually took out two photo beads: "The Qinglong lineage of the Dragon Clan, along with some people from other branches of the Dragon Clan, defected to the Human Clan and obtained the status of gods.

You must have heard of these things, right? "

An old man in red robes from the left was the first to speak: "Of course I heard about it, and I also sent someone to ask the Dragon Clan.

Although the Dragon Clan has been vague, no trace of Ao Rong has been found.

I think this should be true. "

Emperor Feng sighed: "You idiot Ao Jin, even if you want to leave a way out, you can't stay now.

Now this matter is making a big fuss, and there are still rumors that the Dragon Clan has surrendered to the Human Clan.

This time, we invite the other three tribes to deal with the human race together. We are trying to set a trap and want to wipe out all three of our families in one fell swoop. "

The old man in red robe shook his head helplessly: "Your Majesty, maybe we can think about it from another angle.

For example, is it not that the Dragon Clan made a stupid move, but that the situation is really in danger?

If the dragon clan is really in danger, it is normal to leave a way out before a decisive battle. "

"We don't know how many losses the Dragon Clan has suffered, and how strong Liu Yuanchen is.

Either the Dragon Clan's losses far exceeded their claims, or Liu Yuanchen was so powerful that the Dragon Clan had no chance of winning. "

Everyone fell into silence. The Dragon Clan only said that they were jointly attacked by the Wu Clan and the Human Clan, which killed many masters. Even their ancestor Ao Yuan was seriously injured, so they wanted revenge from the Human Clan.

As for the specific losses, the Dragon Clan has not leaked anything.

At this time, a young man in purple robe said: "This is absolutely impossible, the dragon clan has two immortals sitting in the sea of ​​ten thousand dragons in the underworld.

The two innate spiritual treasures, Ding Haizhu and Yin Yang Gourd, have also been sitting in the underworld.

Even if Liu Yuanchen is an immortal, he still cannot defeat Senior Long Yuan who controls the Dinghai Pearl. "

The old man in red robe nodded slightly: "It's better not to act rashly until this matter is clarified.

The relationship between the Xuanwu Clan and the Dragon Clan is extremely close, and things about the Dragon Clan must not be hidden from Xuanwu.

We might as well wait and see what the Xuanwu Clan does. If the Dragon Clan suffers heavy losses, maybe the Xuanwu Clan will also collude with the Human Clan.

In that case, we Phoenix Clan cannot follow the Dragon Clan to die. "

"On the contrary, if the Xuanwu Clan follows the Dragon Clan wholeheartedly, it means that the Dragon Clan still has strength.

If our four races join forces, we may not be able to destroy the human race. "

At this moment, a young man wearing red armor entered the hall.

Holding a box in both hands, he bowed and saluted: "Your Majesty, there is news from the front line."

Fenghuang reached out and grabbed it, and the box flew into his hand.

He opened the box and saw that there was also a photo bead inside.

After injecting mana, I saw the scene of Xuan Yu and Liu Yuanchen talking.

Finally, Liu Yuanchen was willing to give Xuanyu an emperor's position, and also made the northern border and Beihai the jurisdiction of the Xuanwu clan.

After seeing the scene in the photo bead, the Great Elder immediately said: "Things are in trouble. It seems that the Dragon Clan has indeed suffered heavy losses.

The Dragon King of the Dragon Clan is assisted by people from the Xuanwu Clan.

The loss of the Dragon Clan can satisfy our Phoenix Clan and White Tiger Clan, but it can never be hidden from the Xuanwu Clan.

Moreover, Xuanwu will have some deduction methods.

The old turtle Xuanyu went to Liu Yuanchen in person, which shows that he is not optimistic about the Dragon Clan. "

"Time is running out, and our Phoenix Clan can't just wait.

We have to make a decision whether to attack the human race or contact the human race. "

The purple-robed young man immediately objected: "I think this image may be fake.

Don't forget that Liu Yuanchen has a prehistoric background, and it shouldn't be difficult to learn some transformation methods.

He can completely transform into the appearance of Xuanyu and let people record these images. "

"Then spread these photo beads to shake the confidence of our three clans. "

The red-robed old man shook his head: "This is impossible. When I was young, I followed the ancestor to fight in the south and the north, and I saw Xuanyu many times.

The transformation method can change the appearance of Xuanyu, but it cannot change his voice, temperament, and habits. "

"The Xuanyu in the photo bead is indeed him.

However, this Liu Yuanchen is too unmanly.

He is the strongest man of the human race, the descendant of Zhenyuan Daxian, but he secretly recorded these images. He is really shameless."

Hearing this, all the Phoenix clan masters began to criticize Liu Yuanchen.

However, no one questioned the authenticity of the images in the photo bead.

The Phoenix Emperor asked: "Since it is confirmed that the images in the photo bead are true, the Xuanwu clan should indeed have the intention to surrender to the human race.

From this point of view, the dragon clan must have suffered heavy losses.

In this case, how should our Phoenix clan act? "

Everyone was silent for a while. Most people supported cooperating with the Dragon Clan to wipe out the Human Clan in one fell swoop.

But now the behavior of the Xuanwu Clan proves that the Dragon Clan is no longer viable.

Following the Dragon Clan to fight the Human Clan is to die for the Dragon Clan.

The Phoenix Clan and the Dragon Clan have a bad relationship, and there is even a blood feud.

Now that they can stand on the same front, it is also because of the threat of the Wu Clan and the Human Clan.

Following the Dragon Clan to eat meat is OK, but following the Dragon Clan to get beaten is absolutely not OK.

The Great Elder thought for a long time before speaking: "Now that things have come to this, it is absolutely not OK to continue to follow the Dragon Clan to fight with the Human Clan.

But now the situation is not clear, and it seems too cheap to directly surrender to the Human Clan. ”

"In my opinion, it is better to send someone to find out the tone of the Human Clan first.

Don't ask for any goal, at least show a friendly attitude. ”

"In addition, we must also contact the Xuanwu and White Tiger Clan to find out how much strength the Dragon Clan has left.

We must also find out the attitudes of the two clans, and it is best to advance and retreat with them. "

Everyone nodded slightly. This method is the safest and most in line with the interests of the Phoenix Clan.

The purple-robed young man objected: "But what if these things are all conspiracies of the human race? When we contact the human race, Liu Yuanchen will definitely leave a video.

The human race will take the video of our Phoenix Clan contacting and spread it everywhere, and this conspiracy will be even more unbreakable. "

The red-robed old man smiled and said: "Doing this will only make the four tribes have different intentions, and the plan to jointly attack the human race will not succeed.

The final result is that the demon race completely succumbs to the human race. "

"But the demon race belongs to everyone, and the Phoenix Clan is our own.

We can't let our Phoenix Clan bleed in vain to maintain the glory of the demon race, right? "

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