Liu Yuanchen was not surprised by what happened to Ao Rong's lineage.

The strategy of diversified investment is not very sophisticated, and anyone can use it.

It is just a little difficult to grasp the opportunity.

The strength of the human race is not strong enough now. Except for themselves, the overall strength is far inferior to that of the demon race.

They do not have the strength to wipe out the demon race in one fell swoop.

If the demon race comes to surrender, the human race must accept it.

First, it can reduce the fighting spirit of other demon races, and second, the witch race is strong and far superior to the human race.

The human race needs to take advantage of the opportunity to pacify the demon race to gather more forces, at least to narrow the gap with the witch race.

The opportunity of the dragon race and the Xuanwu race is very good, which just meets the needs of the human race.

Even if Ao Rong is not sincere in surrendering, as long as they do not sell out the interests of the human race after surrendering, he will not punish him.

As for the Xuanwu clan, it will probably take some effort to get them to hand over the Xuanming Yushui Seal.

At least the Xuanwu clan will give up until the end of the war.

If I win, the Xuanwu clan will certainly offer the seal.

If I lose, the Xuanwu clan's surrender will naturally blow.

"Since the dragon clan wants to gather the power of the demon clan to attack the human race, I wonder how they will act and when they will take action?"

Xuanyu shook his head slightly: "This matter has not been determined yet, but the tribes have reached an agreement to launch an attack in the next 20 years.

It will take at least several decades for the God to get the Dinghai Pearl to refine the innate treasure ban in it.

After the refining is completed, the God's strength can be taken to a new level."

"Therefore, both the dragon and phoenix tribes plan to fight a decisive battle with the human race before the God refines the Dinghai Pearl."

This is not beyond Liu Yuanchen's expectations. Before, Ao Yuan had the Dinghai Pearl in his hand, but he was not his opponent.

If I wait until I refine the Dinghai Pearl, my strength will definitely be taken to a new level.

With the Dinghai Pearl in hand, killing the immortal masters of the four tribes is as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a message token: "If you find out the movements of the other three tribes, you can send me a message."

"In addition, if you are willing to hand over the Xuanming Imperial Water Seal now, I can make the North Border and the North Sea the territory of the future Xuanwu Emperor.

As for how the Xuanwu tribe will be treated in the future, it depends on your decision."

Hearing this, Xuanyu's face was complicated.

He had to be cautious about the life and death of the entire Xuanwu tribe.

If he surrendered to the human race now, he would hand over the Xuanming Imperial Water Seal.

If the human race was defeated, the Xuanwu tribe would inevitably be liquidated by the other three tribes.

If he made a wrong step, the entire Xuanwu tribe would be in danger of destruction.

He took the token: "Don't worry, God, I will definitely not let you down."


One year later, Liu Yuanchen was 595 years old.

The reaction of Ao Rong of the Dragon Clan was indeed quick enough.

He was given two years, and it only took him one year to bring more than fifty real dragons and more than a hundred flood dragons to Guanyun Peak.

Among these more than fifty real dragons, not all are blue dragons.

There are also many other black dragons and red dragons, but their cultivation is not high, only the Yuanxian realm.

Liu Yuanchen laughed in his heart: 'The dragon clan really regards me as a refuge, and each branch has sent some dragons here.

Even if the dragon clan perishes, these real dragons who surrender to the human race can continue the bloodline of the dragon clan. '

Liu Yuanchen used the power of the Earth Book to spy everywhere, and did not find any ambush, so he sent the magical clone No. 3 to Guanyun Peak.

As soon as the clone appeared, Ao Rong and a group of dragons knelt down to salute.

"Ao Rong, the minister of the Eastern Frontier, is ignorant of fate and has been the enemy of the God many times. He has only come to surrender today. Please forgive me."

After saying that, he looked at Ao Qing again: "Ao Qing, you have made things difficult for the God many times, why don't you apologize quickly?"

Ao Qing looked unlucky: "The sinner Ao Qing has offended the God many times, please punish me."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised.

It is said that the Dragon Clan has not officially perished yet, and these guys will definitely not be killed if they surrender.

At most, they will be beaten to make them behave.

But Ao Rong knelt down and surrendered, with an attitude of lying down and accepting the beating and punishment.

Even if I want to beat him again, I can't find a point to focus.

In such a situation, all the methods Liu Yuanchen had expected before could not be implemented.

This feeling is like punching cotton.

Since the Dragon Clan has no face, I can't blame them too much.

"No need to do that. The past grudges were for our own tribe, not personal grudges.

You have already surrendered to our human race, so let bygones be bygones."

"My previous promise is still valid. Ao Rong will become the God King of the human race.

The dragons who have reached the sixth realm will all get the position of God.

Follow me to the human race's Daoshan Mountain to accept the canonization."

After saying that, he just waved his hand, and the dragons disappeared without a trace.

Guanyun Peak is only 20,000 to 30,000 miles away from Panlong Mountain, and is still within the influence of Dongyang Realm. The dragons were taken into the wilderness cave heaven affiliated with Dongyang Realm.


Liu Yuanchen's original body put away the Book of the Earth and Dongyang Realm, and used the magical power of the substitute death clone to come to the meeting hall of Daoshan Mountain.

At this time, everyone in Daoshan Mountain was discussing matters, and they were all there.

I only heard the Guard Hall Master Xia Linze complaining: "The demons have been very restless recently, and there have been movements at various borders.

The war reports are like snowflakes, almost burying my Guard Hall.

The casualties on the front line are not small. In order to reduce casualties, I will try my best to send out the Divine Court Army to deal with the demons."

"If the Lord hadn't reminded me before, I'm afraid I would have suffered a great loss this time.

But this is not a long-term solution. I suggest that Daoshan issue an order to recruit more monks into the army."

"Also, find out what happened as soon as possible.

We have been fighting with the demons for so long, and we have no clue at all."

At this time, Liu Yuanchen walked into the hall.

"I have caused some big commotion in the underworld, and the demons want revenge.

This is just the beginning. Next, all the forces of the demons will withdraw from the underworld and concentrate all their forces to try to annihilate our human race in one fell swoop."

The whole hall fell into silence, with only one panting sound.

Daoist Master Qing Yuan was the first to react: "What big move did you make that caused such a big commotion?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "It's not a big deal. I just cooperated with the Wu Clan and went to the nest of the dragon clan in the underworld.

I killed Ao Yuan, the celestial ancestor of the dragon clan, and stole the Xiantian Dinghaizhu.

The Wu Clan took the opportunity to kill the dragon clan's earthly immortal masters."

"Now, the dragon clan has lost 50% to 60% of its strength and is already the weakest of the four royal clans of the demon clan."

"In order to reverse the situation, the dragon clan made a desperate move and surrendered to the human clan, threatening the other three clans to deal with us together."

Hearing this, everyone was silent again.

After a long time, Venerable Jin Yan asked: "Yuanchen, did I hear it wrong?

You said you killed a celestial immortal of the dragon clan and stole the Xiantian Dinghaizhu?"

In the Yuanling Realm, who among the cultivators with a little knowledge would not know the name of Dinghaizhu?

Although no one has ever seen the Xiantian Dinghaizhu, the Acquired Dinghaizhu is not uncommon.

Every earthly immortal of the Dragon Clan has one, and some Yuanxians of higher status can also get this thing.

This thing is not only in large quantity, but also extremely powerful.

Among the acquired spiritual treasures that the human race has seen, none can beat the imitation Dinghaizhu.

The imitations are already so powerful, how about the Xiantian Dinghaizhu?

Liu Yuanchen immediately took out the Xiantian Dinghaizhu: "This is the Xiantian Dinghaizhu. I haven't completely refined it yet, so I can't exert its full power."

As early as 130,000 years ago, after the underworld appeared, the demon clan took all the innate spiritual treasures to the underworld to compete with the witch clan for territory.

The human race was officially established about 110,000 years ago. Except for the group of people from the Yuanxian Futian Sect, the human race has never seen an innate spiritual treasure.

Now the strongest innate spiritual treasure in the Yuanling Realm is in front of everyone, how can they not be excited.

Feeling the powerful power of Dinghaizhu, Venerable Jinyan couldn't help but sigh: "If someone uses this Dinghaizhu to deal with me, I'm afraid I can't resist it even if I try my best."

"No wonder the dragon clan went crazy after losing this thing."

The original Hongyuan Daojun of Futian Sect has now joined the Dao Mountain and become the deputy hall master of the Transmission Hall.

At this time, he was also discussing matters here.

Seeing Dinghaizhu, he couldn't help but sigh: "Before the Wu clan retreated to the underworld, I had the honor of witnessing the battle between the Wu and Lich clans.

At that time, the old man Ao Yuan relied on the power of Dinghaizhu to fight against the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons of the Three Peaks of the Earthly Immortals.

After several battles, Ao Yuan was only slightly at a disadvantage."

"Since then, my Futian Sect has never dared to confront the Wu and Lich clans head-on.

When Futian Sect wanted to own an innate spiritual treasure, it never thought of snatching Dinghaizhu.

The old man was able to snatch this thing, and the old man was very happy. Xiu was full of admiration. "

"The Lord of Gods can snatch the Dinghai Pearl. Even if the remaining masters of the demon race join forces, they may not be the Lord of Gods' opponents."

Liu Yuanchen put away the Dinghai Pearl casually: "With my current strength, no one in the entire Yuanling Realm can threaten my life.

However, once a war breaks out, the loss of the human race will definitely not be small.

Such losses may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years to recover completely.

"However, the dragon race has sent me the means of counterattack."

Everyone was a little worried when they heard that this war might cause serious damage to the human race.

Hearing that Liu Yuanchen had a means of counterattack, everyone became interested.

Qingyuan Daojun hurriedly said: "Yuanchen, don't keep us in suspense.

What is the counterattack, tell us quickly."

Others also looked curious.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It's simple to say. The dragon race was worried that they couldn't win this battle, so they sent some real dragons to surrender.

There are only five real dragons left in the Qinglong lineage now, and they all surrendered to me.

The dragons of other lines also selected some marginal members to surrender in advance.

The total number of surrendered real dragons is more than 50, and there are more than 100 Jiaolongs. ”

Hearing this, Jin Yan Daojun looked disdainful: "The dragon clan is really bad at playing tricks.

Even if we want to send people to surrender, now is not the time.

As long as we publicize the surrender of some dragons, the other three clans will certainly suspect that the dragon clan is secretly colluding with our human race.

They want to lure the other three clans to take action so that they can catch them all in one fell swoop. ”

"By then, even if they can still organize their manpower, they must have their own ulterior motives.

Once people's hearts are not united, no matter how many troops are gathered, the combat power will not be too strong. "

Liu Yuanchen took out a few image beads and injected magic power into them. Images appeared in the image beads.

In the image, Ao Rong spoke very humbly, and other dragons knelt down to pay their respects.

"That's what I was thinking too. The dragons have fallen into a trap, so naturally we have to make a big fuss about it."

Taojun Qingyuan nodded with satisfaction: "With this thing, our human race's losses can be reduced by at least 90%."

"The Weapon Refining Hall will refine some more image beads and make hundreds of thousands of copies of the images in these beads.

Let them flow to the demon clan's territory through various channels.

I want to see if the Feng Clan, White Tiger Clan and Xuanwu Clan will still believe in the Dragon Clan after seeing these image beads. "

Liu Yuanchen took out another image bead. After injecting magic power, an image appeared in the bead, which was the scene of Liu Yuanchen talking with Xuan Yu.

Of course, only the part of the scene where they were having a good conversation.

Later, Liu Yuanchen asked the Xuanwu clan to hand over the Xuanming Royal Water Seal, and Xuanyu wanted to go back to discuss with the clansmen. This scene did not appear in the scene.

Naturally, there is a promise to make Xuanyu the emperor and continue to rule Beihai and the Northern Territory.

The content in the photo beads cannot be forged, but it can be copied and spliced.

Daojun Hongyuan laughed heartily: "The Demon Clan is really divided! When there is a problem with the Dragon Clan, the Xuanwu Clan starts to look for a new home."

"In my opinion, we can first disperse the shadow beads of the dragon clan's surrender.

The image of the Xuanwu Clan coming to test it will be released after a year and a half. "

“To make the Feng Clan and White Tiger Clan have the wrong impression, it was someone from the Dragon Clan who surrendered, which caused the Xuanwu Clan’s confidence to be shaken, and that’s why they contacted the Human Clan.

With this demonstration, the Feng Clan and White Tiger Clan will inevitably be shaken.

Even if the entire clan is not willing to surrender, it is very likely that they will follow the example of the Dragon Clan and send some of their clansmen to seek refuge. "

Venerable Jinyan nodded repeatedly: "It is indeed a good idea. In this way, each of the four tribes will have their own hidden agendas and will inevitably be on guard against each other.

When the time comes, let alone attacking the human race, if there is no internal fighting, it will be considered good. "

"If this shadow bead is announced, the other three tribes will no longer trust the Xuanwu tribe.

At that time, the Xuanwu clan will have to surrender even if they don't surrender. "

"It's just that if you do this, Yuan Chen, your reputation will inevitably be damaged."

After all, a majestic immortal, the number one master in the Yuanling world, would definitely be ridiculed for playing such a small trick.

Liu Yuanchen didn't care, as long as he pacified the demon clan, who would dare to say otherwise?

As long as you are strong enough, this little hobby is not considered bad news at all, it can only be regarded as personality.

"I don't care. It can save the human race some losses. What's the point of losing a little face?"

"By the way, I have brought the group of people who came to join the Dragon Clan.

I promised to give Ao Rong the position of a god king, and all dragon species that have reached the sixth level of cultivation will also be assigned a god position. "

King Qingyuan Dan stroked his beard and smiled: "These are all trivial matters. It can break the fighting spirit of the demon clan, and giving him the position of God King is nothing.

The Earth Immortals of the Dragon Clan are given divine positions of one to three grades, while the Yuan Immortals are given divine positions of four to six grades.

The dragon species with lower cultivation level will be given the seventh to ninth grade god status. "

"Give them a false name now, and then give them some real power after the Dragon Clan is dealt with."

This is also safer. If they are given real power now, they will be in trouble if they contact the Dragon Clan.

Taojun Hongyuan chuckled: "In my opinion, the scene of the dragon clan's deity being consecrated should also be recorded with a photo bead.

Released together with the images of them kneeling and worshiping the gods, the effect of dismantling the fighting spirit of the demon clan should be much better. "

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