When it comes to the Heavenly Demon, the faces of the dragons are not very good.

At the time of the Dragon Han Calamity, the dragons fought with the Phoenix and Qilin tribes, and the calculation of the Demon Ancestor Luohou was among them.

If it weren't for the Demon Ancestor Luohou's secret tricks, the dragons wouldn't have suffered so much loss, and naturally they wouldn't have carried the blood karma.

Now if they are desperate and go to the Demon Clan again, it would be really betraying their ancestors.

The dragon clan attaches great importance to their ancestors. Those who practice the inherited skills of non-dragon clans will be expelled.

If you betray your ancestors directly, skinning and cramping are the least of your punishment.

An old man in golden armor immediately objected: "You must not go to the Demon Clan. The Demon Ancestor Luohou provoked the war between the three tribes back then, and we have a blood feud with our dragon clan.

Going to the Demon Clan means betraying the Ancestral Dragon.

Don't forget how to deal with betraying the Ancestral Dragon."

The dragons didn't dare to mention the matter of going to the Demon Clan again, so they could only change the subject and talk about contacting the three tribes.

Three years have passed, and Liu Yuanchen is 594 years old.

After three years of hard work, he finally refined the first innate treasure ban in the Dinghai Pearl.

This treasure ban contains the complete space law. After refining this innate treasure ban, the speed will be extremely fast when offering the Dinghai Pearl.

In addition to offering the Dinghai Pearl, he also used the Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp to refine Ao Yuan's body.

Ao Yuan was born in the prehistoric world and participated in the whole plan of the Yuanling Realm to break away from the prehistoric world.

In his memory, there are also high-level members of the prehistoric dragon clan, including Ao Guang and other four sea dragon kings in the Journey to the West era.

However, the prehistoric dragon clan is still in power today, and the old man left behind by the Longhan catastrophe is still in power.

Ao Guang and other new generation dragon clan masters have not grown up yet, and now they can only be regarded as middle-level.

It is still a long way from being able to hold power alone.

The prehistoric dragon clan is still a whole, and has not yet been divided into the four sea dragon clans.

Although Ao Yuan is not in a high position, he is not qualified to participate in the decision-making of the plan to break away from the prehistoric world.

But after Marshal Tiangou wiped out the Golden Immortals of the Wu Lich and Lich tribes, he has been the decision-maker of the Dragon Clan in the Yuanling Realm.

He has the right to know all the secrets of the Dragon Clan.

The many inheritances of the Black Dragon lineage have been controlled by him for many years.

Not only the techniques, but also the inheritance of the formations, and the means of offering sacrifices and refining spiritual treasures.

In addition, he knows the names, appearances, and specialties of all the high-level dragon clan members clearly.

Even the Xunfeng City token that travels to other worlds, Ao Yuan has the method of refining it in his memory.

After solving the demons in Xunfeng City in the future, you can use the power of Xunfeng City to refine the Xunfeng token.

As for now, this method is useless.

As the only two immortals in the Dragon Clan, Ao Yuan is naturally very familiar with the Yin-Yang Gourd, another innate spiritual treasure of the Dragon Clan.

The origin of this innate Yin-Yang Gourd is exactly the same as the legend.

After the Wu Lich and Lich tribes joined forces to solve Marshal Tiangou, they started fighting internally not long after.

At first, the demon clan was no match for the witch clan and could only retreat to the four seas.

This Yin-Yang gourd vine grew in a place where Yin and Yang meet in the East China Sea. When the dragon clan retreated to the East China Sea, they happened to find this gourd vine.

The Yin-Yang gourd vine has three innate Dao essences, which are relatively weak among the lower-grade innate spiritual roots.

But as an innate spiritual root, it can still produce innate Yuanqi continuously.

Later, this gourd vine produced a gourd.

With the root of the gourd vine, a gourd is produced, so it will not die.

It’s just that the dragon clan is eager for quick success and wants the gourd to mature as soon as possible so that it can be sacrificed and refined into an acquired spiritual treasure, so they use secret methods to ripen the gourd.

As a result, the origin of the Yin-Yang gourd vine was excessively depleted, and it happened to catch up with the war, which destroyed the place where Yin and Yang met, and the gourd vine actually died.

All the essence of it was integrated into the Yin-Yang gourd.

Therefore, this gourd has become an innate spiritual treasure with three innate treasure bans.

However, the value of the innate spiritual treasure is not as good as the innate spiritual root.

The Yin-Yang Gourd Vine can communicate with the chaos and produce innate Yuan Qi.

Under normal circumstances, the gourd produced will not become an innate spiritual treasure, but its Dao Yun still has complete laws.

After being sacrificed and refined into an acquired spiritual treasure, its power surpasses most acquired spiritual treasures and should not be underestimated.

Moreover, innate spiritual roots have growth potential, and it may not be impossible to go further in the future and have more innate treasures.

After that, the Yin-Yang Gourd was sacrificed and refined into an innate spiritual treasure, and was managed by another dragon fairy Ao Ming.

The main function of the Yin-Yang Gourd is to transform the Yin-Yang Qi.

In addition, the gourd itself has the innate Yin-Yang Qi.

Put the living creatures into the gourd, and the innate Yin-Yang Qi can refine the living creatures into ashes.

The essence in the body of the living creature will also be absorbed by the gourd.

Below the Golden Immortal, it only takes a few days to completely refine.

And the Golden Immortal has the immortal gold nature, which is more difficult to refine.

However, this Yin-Yang Gourd has never refined the Golden Immortal, and the Dragon Clan does not know whether it can be refined.

Moreover, the Yin-Yang Gourd only has the function of refining, and it does not have the ability to forcibly take in living beings.

Others can only catch living beings and stuff them into the gourd.

Therefore, this function of refining living beings is somewhat useless.

Although the Yin-Yang Gourd vine has died, it is not completely without a chance of regeneration.

Because there is still a gourd seed left in the Yin-Yang Gourd, and it has also inherited a lot of the origin of the gourd vine.

Over the years, the dragon clan has also been nurturing that seed.

As long as that seed can be re-germinated and the source of the Yin-Yang gourd is sucked dry, a new innate Yin-Yang gourd vine can grow.

Unfortunately, in order for Calabash Vine to be reborn, an innate spiritual treasure must be destroyed, and the Dragon Clan is really reluctant to part with it.

The matter of recultivating the innate yin and yang gourd vines has also been delayed.

“In the future, if we snatch the innate yin-yang gourd from the Dragon Clan, we can cultivate it properly.

For Dongyang Realm, the value of an innate spiritual root is much greater than a low-grade innate spiritual treasure that is not good at offense and defense. "

At this moment, news came from Panlong Mountain in Yangjian.

A dragon came to visit, saying that the dragon clan had important matters to discuss with the Lord Dongyang.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised to receive this news.

"What does the Dragon Clan have to discuss with me? It can't be surrender, right?

The Dragon Clan are very stubborn. I just stole an innate spiritual treasure and killed some masters of the Dragon Clan.

At most, it will reduce the Dragon Clan's combat power by 50% to 60%, which is still far from annihilation. The Dragon Clan should not surrender so quickly. "

At this time, in Panlong Mountain in Yangjian, in Dongyang Shenfu.

A young man wearing a blue fish-scale robe was kneeling in the main hall of Dongyang God Palace.

Liu Yuanchen's magical clone No. 1 sat on the throne and asked in a cold voice: "You little dragon is not staying in the East Region, why did you come to my Dongyang Divine Mansion?"

The dragon answered tremblingly: "Returning to the Lord God, the little dragon came to report to the Lord God on the orders of the ancestors.

My ancestor is willing to take refuge in the Lord of Gods, only hoping that the Lord of Gods can save the lives of our people. "

Liu Yuanchen looked at the green dragon: "Is your ancestor Ao Rong, Ao Tan, or Ao Song?"

The Dragon Clan now only has five real green dragons, and these three are the green dragons from the Earthly Immortal Realm.

In addition to these three, there are also Ao Qing and Ao Jiao, both of whom are in Yuanxian Realm.

It can be said that the Qinglong lineage is not far away from extinction.

If another war broke out, the Qinglong lineage would probably be completely extinct.

Liu Yuanchen had also dealt with Ao Qing before. This guy's main focus in fighting against the human race was his strong ability to protect himself.

There is still a possibility that the Qinglong lineage would like to surrender.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the Dragon Clan wants to hedge its bets.

After all, the Dragon Clan is now the weakest among the four royal families, and will be most likely to be exterminated in the future.

It is also a good way to let some dragons join the human race in advance.

As for the possibility of pretending to surrender in a coordinated manner, it is extremely unlikely.

Unless the Qinglong lineage doesn't want to live anymore, doing this kind of thing like licking blood from the edge of a knife is no different from courting death.

The green dragon was still trembling at this time, but Liu Yuanchen actually knew the names of all the earthly immortals in the Qinglong lineage.

"Returning to Shenjun, my ancestor is Ao Rong."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt a little happy.

Ao Rong is the only master of the Qinglong lineage who is at the pinnacle of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and all affairs of the Qinglong lineage are decided by him.

Since he sent people to ask for surrender, it must be that the entire Qinglong lineage surrendered.

The status of the Qinglong lineage within the dragon clan is not low, and they are qualified to serve as the Dragon Emperor.

Now the Qinglong lineage intends to surrender, and whether it is true or false, they must accept it.

Once it is in their own hands, it will be impossible for them to cause trouble again.

As long as a ray of their souls is integrated into the list of gods.

I have the magic whip in my hand, why don’t I just manipulate them at will?

After conquering the Eastern Region and the East China Sea, we can collect dragon species and establish a Dragon Clan, letting Ao Rong be the Dragon King and manage the Water Clan.

"I have no intention of wiping out all the dragon clan. If Ao Rong is willing to surrender, I will naturally welcome it.

Go back and tell Ao Rong that as long as he surrenders, I can at least give him the title of Kaifu Divine Lord in the Divine Court.

If we can bring more dragons over and give them the position of God King, that won't be a problem.

True dragons and dragons above the sixth realm also have divine status. "

Hearing this, the green dragon kowtowed repeatedly: "Thank you God Lord for your generous gift. The little dragon will go back to the ancestors now."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "Go and tell Ao Rong that if he really wants to vote, he will go to Wuyunling to watch Yunfeng.

I gave him two years. If it doesn't come after two years, that means you don't have the sincerity to surrender. "

Qingjiao continued to kowtow: "Don't worry, God Lord, the little dragon will definitely report to the ancestors every word of God Lord's words."

Qingjiao said goodbye and left. Liu Yuanchen was just happy when someone suddenly heard a message in his ear.

"Xuanyu, the little demon from the north, comes to pay homage to the Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. There was a large formation around Dongyang Divine Mansion.

This person can directly transmit the message in, and his cultivation level must be not low.

He immediately used the book from the ground to explore the surrounding situation, and sure enough he found clues.

To the north of Panlong Mountain, there is a young man wearing an ice blue robe.

This person has a good cultivation level and is actually in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

In the entire Yuanling world, there are only about a dozen masters in the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Through Ao Yuan's memory, Liu Yuanchen knew them all.

This person calls himself Xuanyu, and he is an immortal of the Xuanwu clan.

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: 'The Xuanwu clan has always been a vassal of the Dragon clan. Now that they come to me alone, they probably know that the Dragon clan has suffered heavy losses and have no hope for the Dragon clan.

However, the Xuanwu clan lives in the ice and snow of the Northern Territory.

The human race is not adapted to the environment there and cannot fully occupy it.

The most I can do is come to them personally, kill the masters of the Xuanwu clan, and then support a few young Xuanwu to take over the Northern Territory.

Among the four royal families of the Monster Clan, the Xuanwu Clan can be said to be the safest. ’

'Xuanyu came to the door, definitely not to surrender, but to make a deal. ’

Thinking of this, he immediately used his magical power of flying to reach Xuanyu.

"Fellow Taoist Xuanyu has traveled thousands of miles to come to Panlong Mountain. What can I learn from you?"

Liu Yuanchen suddenly appeared, but Xuanyu was not surprised at all.

He gave a salute and said, "To be honest with the Lord God, the little demon came here this time to do a business deal with the Lord God."

The ancestors of the Xuanwu clan risked their lives and came to do business in person. Naturally, this business was not small.

"I wonder what business fellow Daoist Xuanyu wants to do?"

Seeing that he was interested in talking, Xuanyu also breathed a sigh of relief: "I will reveal the movements of the demon clan to the Lord God. I only ask the Lord God to let go of my Xuanwu clan. Our clan is willing to work as a horse for the Lord God."

Upon hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little at a loss.

‘It seems that I united with the Witch Clan before and raided the Dragon Clan’s lair in the underworld, which shocked the Monster Clan.

The old turtle of the Xuanwu clan has always been attached to the dragon clan.

Now that the Dragon Clan is weak, they will definitely find ways to protect themselves.

I just didn’t expect that they would come directly to me.

It's really unexpected that the demon clan sold out so quickly. ’

"Fellow Xuanyu, with the strength of the Xuanwu clan, there is no need to do this, right?"

Xuanyu sighed: "The Lord God should also know that my clan's innate spiritual treasures are restrained by the other three clans.

Now that Ding Haizhu is in the hands of Shenjun, coupled with the Book of Earth and the Innate Black Lotus, our clan is unable to resist.

Instead of waiting until the Divine Lord arrives at the northern border, it is better to come over as soon as possible. "

Liu Yuanchen secretly sighed in his heart: 'The old turtle of the Xuanwu clan is really a master at seeking good fortune and avoiding evil. ’

"Since the Xuanwu clan has taken the initiative to surrender, it would be inappropriate for me to attack the nobles again.

The Divine Court of our human race has always been willing to accept creatures from all races.

The whole Xuanwu clan came to vote for him, and the position of god king was inevitable.

If the information is important enough, the position of emperor is not impossible to win. "

“However, the noble must hand over the innate spiritual treasure.

We, the human race, are willing to give the demon race a chance, but that doesn’t mean we are willing to raise tigers to cause trouble.

The noble's Xuan Ming Royal Water Seal can exert extremely terrifying power in the Northern Territory and Beihai.

Fellow Taoist is also a Celestial Immortal. It will be difficult for our human race to cultivate Celestial Immortal masters for a long time in the future. "

"If the nobles keep the Xuanming Royal Water Seal, our human race really doesn't dare to take the nobles in."

Hearing the request given by Liu Yuanchen, Xuanyu felt mixed joy and sorrow.

‘If you betray the demon clan and gain the position of God King, you will naturally make a lot of money.

But if we hand over the clan's treasure, our Xuanwu clan can only become a vassal of the human race. ’

Thinking of this, he quickly bowed and saluted: "The little demon cannot make the decision alone on handing over the Xuanming Royal Water Seal.

You still need to return to the clan and discuss with the clan masters.

However, the little demon can inform the Lord of God in advance about the dragon clan's conspiracy. "

"A year ago, the Dragon Clan sent people to contact us, saying that they would gather the strength of the four tribes to re-create the human race.

If our other three tribes do not agree, the dragon tribe will surrender to the human race.

The Phoenix Clan and the White Tiger Clan are arrogant and may not surrender easily, so please make plans in advance. "

“There are many fringe tribesmen in our clan who work under the Dragon Clan, so they have long known the truth and falsehoods of the Dragon Clan.

The Divine Lord is so powerful that we, the Xuanwu Clan, do not want to be enemies with the Divine Lord, so we have come to seek refuge with him. "

"Also, in order to keep the bloodline from being exterminated, the Dragon Clan specially sent Ao Rong's lineage to surrender."

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