Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 164: Put Your Mind on the Emperor

It's rare that he wanted to drink some wine but was disturbed by Empress Changsun. Li Shimin always felt uncomfortable somewhere, and had a subtle feeling that he was at a loss, so he subconsciously wanted to find something to make up for it.

So he remembered the chair he was sitting on.

He suddenly said: "By the way, your table and chairs are also pretty good. It's very comfortable to sit on. Send me some sets to the palace later." As he spoke, perhaps realizing that something was wrong, he also smiled and said: "I really don't know that you have such a long brain, and you don't care about business at all, but you often have ingenious thoughts on such strange skills and tricks, which makes people itch."

Indeed, being an emperor but asking others for such small items as tables and chairs always gives people a feeling of embarrassment that is difficult to describe in words. That's why Li Shimin explained in words to rationalize his behavior.

In fact, he can't help it. The pain of sitting at a low table and reviewing memorials for several hours every day, who really knows who has experienced it. Often at the end of the day, my body is sore and my back hurts, and nothing is good. Coupled with high-intensity mental work, it is simply a top-level human torture.

If it weren't for Li Shimin's strong will, which is far beyond ordinary people, it would be difficult for him to persevere.

However, even Superman has the right and desire to pursue comfort. Just now, he suddenly thought that sitting on such a table and chair on the first floor is a great enjoyment, so what if you sit on such a table and chair to correct memorials? It must be much better than the previous experience!

As soon as this idea came out, Li Shimin blurted it out subconsciously.

Li Xin didn't think there was anything wrong with such a thing. In other words, he had anticipated this situation a long time ago—compared with kneeling, the improvement in user experience of things like reclining chairs is not random.

Any human being with a normal physiological structure, no mental illness, and no tendency to be masochistic will completely abandon the kneeling posture, which represents a backward way of life, after experiencing the reclining chair.

Li Xin hadn't thought about this before, but when he heard Li Shimin's words, he immediately thought of a deal.

He smiled and said: "Tables and chairs seem simple, but in fact there are some tricks. Different needs need to be met in different ways. For example, the tables and chairs on the first floor are specially designed for eating, whether it is Both the height and the inclination of the backrest have been carefully adjusted. I don’t know what your majesty wants to use it for, so we can design several sets of tables and chairs for you.”

After hearing the words, Empress Changsun asked curiously: "Don't deceive Your Majesty. How can a small table and chair have so many skills?"

"Of course." Li Xin nodded resolutely, "Including the table used for dressing up by the empress, in fact, it can be designed very differently, and it is very easy to use."

After all, Empress Changsun is a woman. Although she is calmer and wiser than other women, her eyes light up without leaving a trace when she hears words such as "dressing makeup". However, she is afraid of the empress's dignity and restraint, so she forcibly refrains from opening her mouth. That's all.

Li Shimin pondered for a moment, and decided that he would rather believe what Li Xin said was true, and said: "I mainly want to handle official business on such desks and chairs, and I don't have any special requirements for the rest. Just send me a few sets of desks and chairs for office use. Palace will do."

"Oh yes, I also need a dressing table like the one you mentioned!" Perhaps after finally noticing the eyes of Empress Changsun, Li Shimin suddenly added seriously, "This must be well-made, and it must not be sloppy, otherwise, I But I can't forgive you."

Li Xinli, like Ming Jinger, secretly laughed at Li Shimin's strong desire to survive, but there was no fluctuation on his face, and he said calmly: "Of course. Even if Your Majesty doesn't say it, I will make it well. However, other than that Besides, I suddenly thought of a business, I wonder if I can have a talk with His Majesty?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin showed a hint of interest.

On the contrary, Empress Changsun blamed: "You boy, have you lost your mind in business? How dare you do it on His Majesty's head? I just want you a few sets of tables and chairs. Why are you being stingy?"

Li Xin quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, of course it's not a small business for these sets of tables and chairs. It's a big business."

Li Shimin couldn't help laughing, and said: "Then you can talk about it. I'm also a little curious, what kind of big business is it worth talking about with me personally, the King of Chu."

Li Xin said with a smile: "There are so many palaces and rooms in the Imperial Palace. Doesn't Your Majesty want your concubines, princes and princesses to live more comfortably and avoid the torture of sitting on their knees? And those officials in the three provinces and six departments , Don't His Majesty want to improve their working conditions? If they work comfortably, it will be a great help to Your Majesty!"

As the saying goes, if a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. A wise leader like Li Shiming will definitely not refuse to create a suitable working condition for the people under him.

Li Shimin thought for a while, shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm really moved by what you said. Tell me, how much do you want to charge me?"

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