Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 165 Extraordinary generosity

Li Xin shook his head and said, "No money."

"Oh?" Li Shimin raised his eyebrows, stared at Li Xin strangely, and repeated suspiciously, "No money?"

Li Xin nodded, and said with certainty: "Yes, I don't want a single penny. Not only that, but if Your Majesty is willing, from now on, I am willing to provide all the tables, chairs and furniture in the palaces and all the yamen in the three provinces and six ministries for free." Offer it to share your majesty's concerns."

When Empress Changsun heard the words, her eyes lit up, she looked at Li Xin in surprise, and said, "Xin'er, have you figured it out? With so many yamen in the palace, the cost is not a small amount. What are you doing today?" Sudden change of temper, so generous?"

She waved her hand and said, "Just now, this palace was just joking with you. If it's really a few sets of tables and chairs, it's fine. Now that it's talking about the palace, let the Ministry of Internal Affairs purchase it through normal channels. After all, Your Majesty and I are your elders, so we wouldn't let your child suffer such a big loss."

Hearing this, Li Xin was very touched and felt warm in his heart. Empress Changsun is indeed a respectable elder who thinks of him very much.

But Li Shimin on the side suddenly sneered a few times at this moment. He looked at the Empress Changsun, but pointed at Li Dao bluntly: "Maid Guanyin, believe it or not, this kid has definitely not finished talking. Don't you know this kid? He is a person who is willing to suffer?"

As soon as the words fell, before Empress Changsun could react, she saw Li Shimin turning to Li Daoxin with a smile: "If you don't say anything and don't ask for anything, then I will reluctantly accept your filial piety."

Li Xin was stunned on the spot.

Is there such a thing to play? It means that you only want the benefits, and you don’t want to suffer even the slightest loss? You said that you, Li Shimin, are a majestic emperor, why should you care so much about me, Li Xin, a little king of Chu? Do you still have the air of an emperor?

After slandering for a long time in his stomach, Li Xin said to Li Shimin with a mournful face, "Your Majesty, isn't this very good?"

"Then you're talking about what's wrong?" Li Shimin asked slowly after taking some time off.

Li Xin was speechless. How do you say this? Could it be that he pointed at Li Shimin's nose and said he was not kind? That would be a little too inflated.

Li Xin had no choice but to look at Empress Changsun with pleading eyes, hoping that she could say a few words for him.

Unexpectedly, Empress Changsun didn't speak, she shook her head slightly and closed her eyes. She finally understood that with her intelligence, she might not be able to intervene in the mutual calculations between Li Xin and Li Shimin, the two foxes, one big and one small. If you say too many mistakes, it's better to just shut up and watch the show, so as to save time. It was a joke.

Li Xin fell into a situation of isolation and helplessness.

He had no choice but to grit his teeth and said, "Your Majesty's behavior is...unfair!"

"Unfair?" Li Shimin rolled his eyes, "You have such a good thing but never thought of taking the initiative to send it to the palace. I still think you are unfilial! Why? Want to be punished?"

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty played a scoundrel, who can stand it?

Li Xin was helpless.

After a long time, probably Li Shimin admired Li Xin's helpless expression enough. He finally put away his smile a little, and said solemnly: "Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore. Tell me, what is your condition?"

Li Xin hurriedly smiled humbly: "It's nothing, nothing, it's just a small request."

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