Carefree Prince In Tang Dynasty

Chapter 338: Presenting the Knife

Before meeting Li Shimin, most people had to go through a strict body search, only a few people didn't need it. Li Xin is one of them. However, as usual, when he was walking into the palace with a thing wrapped in a rag and a small knife point protruding from the top, the guards stopped him immediately.

What a joke, even the king of Chu can't just go to the emperor with a knife in his arms! At that time, he will be fine, and the guards who let him in will count as one, and they will all be unlucky.

"My lord, my lord, my lord! You can't take this thing with you!" the guard hurriedly said.

Li Xin stopped in his tracks and said sincerely, "But, I just want to show His Majesty this thing. Could it be that you still suspect that I will hurt Your Majesty?"

The guard quickly knelt down and said, "I don't dare. But the rules in the palace are the rules. You can't take this thing with you."

"Then what should we do?" Li Xin asked in embarrassment, "Your Majesty must have a look at this knife."

The guard said: "You can give it to the villain first. The villain can transfer it to the servant."

Li Xin thought for a while, and there was really no need to embarrass the subordinates who were ordered to act, so he nodded in agreement, and readily handed over the knife in his hand to the guard.

The guard heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "My lord can go in now."

"Then I will trouble you." After speaking, Li Xin strode towards the palace.

The guard stood there holding the knife for a while. In any case, Li Xin was the only prince who would express his gratitude to the guards.

Li Xin was led to Liangyi Hall by the servant. Li Shimin was sitting and waiting for him.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty." Li Xin knelt down and saluted respectfully.

"Get up, get up." Li Shimin glanced at Li Xin, and said, "Why are you so anxious to see me all of a sudden?"

Li Xin got up, consciously came to sit down beside Li Shimin, and said: "I have something to show Your Majesty."

Li Shimin frowned slightly. At this moment, a servant next to him came up to him and whispered something in his ear, and his brows relaxed slightly.

"Then let's take a look." He said calmly.

As soon as the words fell, a waiter brought up a tray covered with yellow silk, on which was the knife brought by Li Xin, still tightly wrapped in rags, and looked like a long strip.

The servant came to Li Shimin's side, knelt down, still holding the tray with both hands, the height was exactly where Li Shimin could reach it.

"Is this what you want to show me?" Li Shimin asked.

Li Xin nodded.

Li Shimin held the knife in his hand and removed the cloth strip wrapped on it. For a while, the shining sword god was exposed in the air.

"Good knife." Li Shimin praised sincerely, "Who made it?"

Li Xin said with a smile: "The old blacksmith who beats the rake at the head of the village."

Hearing this, Li Shimin almost dropped the knife on the ground.

What do you call a rake at the head of the village? What kind of nonsense is this.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Shimin rolled his eyes and said.

Li Daodao: "I'm not talking nonsense. With such a knife, Lao Wang can strike several times a day."

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Daodao: "If you continue to pretend to be crazy and play dumb, I don't guarantee that you will be able to walk away from here in a while."

Clearly aware of the threatening light in His Majesty Li Er's eyes, Li Xin immediately tightened his buttocks, and quickly apologized with a smile: "You are joking with Your Majesty, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Li Shimin snorted through his nose and said, "Then let's talk about it. What is the origin of this knife and what does it mean?"

Li Xin cleared his throat and said: "Weichen invented a brand new steelmaking method, which can greatly increase the production of steel. This knife is made of good steel produced during the experiment. If you don't count the time for steelmaking , It took an hour to beat it back and forth."

The advantage of using high-quality steel directly is that it saves the time for repeated forging. If it can be used in the army, it means more and better weapons.

Li Shimin realized this immediately, and the way he looked at the precious sword in his hand became a little different.

If the army can be equipped with such high-quality weapons, then the battle in the near future will be

Before Li Shimin could speak, Li Xin took out a thick stack of papers from his pocket, and said, "All the equipment and details involved in steelmaking have been explained in detail in these documents. Your Majesty can leave it to the workers as much as possible." By the way, I also redesigned some weapon blueprints in it, so that the weapons built in this way should be stronger than the original ones."

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