As an engineering student, Li Xin is not good at metallurgy. This is why he has been experimenting for so many days before he finally came up with the optimal mixing ratio of pig iron and wrought iron in the steel pouring method - he had to search for the barren knowledge in the chaotic memory in his mind and use it constantly To resolve the immediate confusion.

Frankly speaking, when he was writing and calculating in those few days, his head was so painful that it almost split open, and he even wanted to give up at one point, but fortunately he persisted in the end, and he was able to see the moon.

However, regardless of metallurgy, he scored very close to full marks in various mechanics courses including engineering mechanics. This is something that he is very proud of during his college career.

Therefore, for him, it is more convenient to design several kinds of weapon maps with more scientific force.

Among modern cold weapons, there is a very important structure called bloodletting tank. For a long time, many people thought that this structure was to make the enemy bleed more easily after being stabbed by a weapon, which is also the origin of its name. but it is not the truth. Its main function is to form a sufficiently stable "I" structure on the blade spine, so that the weapon is less likely to break or deform, and can withstand more stress.

Li Xin added bloodletting tanks to several military standard weapons currently in use in the Tang Dynasty, and also made some structural improvements along the way. In general, making them more lethal, more stable in structure, and less likely to break.

Li Shimin slowly flipped through the weapon map in the appendix. Although he couldn't understand whether it was the iron-making part in the front or the weapon design diagram in the back, but out of trust in Li Xin, he had no doubt that Li Xin would cheat him with something useless. After all, this is of no benefit to Li Xin.

"I will hand this over to the Ministry of Industry." Li Shimin slowly put down the paper in front of him.

Li Xin nodded.

"What about you? What reward do you want?" Li Shimin looked at Li Xin and asked.

Li Xin shook his head and said, "No reward is needed."

"Oh?" Li Shimin was a little surprised, and half-jokingly said, "You are not such a person who likes to give away for free."

Li Xin smiled, and said, "Then this time, let's treat it as a gift from me to the soldiers."

Li Shimin didn't speak, and looked at Li Xin's face silently.

Li Xin's smile did not change, and he said slowly: "Your Majesty knows that I am a person who is very afraid of suffering. All I think about is how to make myself live a little more comfortably."

"It's a good thing you can say this without changing your face." Li Shimin shook his head with a smile.

Li Xin shrugged and said, "I'm not a masochist. There's nothing wrong with wanting to live comfortably. Everyone wants to live comfortably. I don't think it's a big mistake."

Li Shimin was unable to refute, and said: "Your words are somewhat unreasonable. Then, what then?"

"I know very well that my comfortable life actually comes from the efforts of many people." Li Xin raised his eyebrows and said, "They can't live a life like mine."

Li Shimin was speechless.

"I'm a very soft-hearted person. I feel sad when I see others suffer. But at the same time, I'm a selfish and hypocritical person after all, so I don't want to give up my good life to others." Li Xin said slowly, "So, I can only find ways to compensate others. Even if I actually just make their lives better a little bit, that can greatly reduce my guilt."

Li Shimin looked at Li Xin quietly. The obviously young and immature face in front of him suddenly showed a bit of maturity and stability at this moment.

When did it start? Has this always mischievous guy grown into such a reliable young man?

Time is really the most wonderful magic in the world.

Li Xin didn't know what Li Shimin was thinking, but he just said to himself: "This military exercise lasted for about a month. I lived and boarded in the barracks. It was really hard. Especially the day and night of the official military exercise. That morning, the adjutant asked me to get up for breakfast, which was just very rough millet porridge. I was really uncomfortable and couldn’t eat it.”

"I can't stand that kind of life for a day. However, once the war starts, this will be the only life left for the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Tang Dynasty." He couldn't help laughing when he said this Laughing, he said, "Your Majesty may not believe it. I didn't want to make weapons at the beginning. I wanted to make something called canned food. It can preserve food very well, so that the soldiers on the front line can eat it." Serve something other than millet porridge."

"Then why didn't you do it?" The great Li Er Majesty has become a most qualified listener at this time, looking at Li Xin with loving eyes.

"Because it can't be done." Li Xin shook his head slowly, "The cost is too high. It is impossible to apply it to the army on a large scale. Even if it is made, the soldiers will not be able to eat it. It is just a plaything after all."

"So, you made this?" Li Shimin pointed to the stack of papers in front of him.

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