Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 566: Happy Shuangfeiyan (13)

A powerful official who holds a high position and holds power. An official who is used to giving orders and letting all kinds of busyness and troubles fill his entire life. An official who always thinks about going further.

Well, what is he most afraid of for such a person?

Are you afraid that you have too many enemies? Or are you afraid of too much trouble at work? Or is it worried that you can't make progress?

Oh, actually, none of these. Although, this is also part of the worry, after all, no one wants to have too many enemies, too many, and the road is gone. No one will not hate that their troubles are too strong, and troubles that are too strong represent trouble. Of course, as an official, it is really intolerable that you cannot make progress. However, these are only secondary concerns. The most important worry is power!

Well, if you are clearly in a high position, but you don't have any power in your hands. This taste. . . But it is really uncomfortable. It even said that a person who is accustomed to power at hand will fall into madness. This is a great torture on the mind and spirit. Although, this torture may be a chance for promotion. But in short, it is certain to be uncomfortable.

And Gu Changuang is in this situation now. Think about how high-spirited you were before? Gu Changuang was also the top leader before! Although the city is worse than Jicheng, no one dares not listen to Gu Changuang's words, the top leader, with power in hand! That kind of feeling, if it is not personal experience, it is difficult to say clearly. Didn’t some people say that as long as they experience the benefits of power, they will never forget it for a lifetime?

But now it is transferred to Jecheng, although it cannot be said to have been promoted. But no one can deny the slight progress. Moreover, as long as he stayed in Jecheng for a year and a half, no one could fault it further. Well, of course, the premise is to have political achievements. But Jecheng really does not lack political achievements. Therefore, Gu Changuang's rise is basically stable.

To say that Gu Changuang agreed to come to Jicheng, he was fully prepared. I didn't plan to fight for anything, and the above didn't allow Gu Chan to fight for anything. Of course, Gu Changuang couldn't compete in Jicheng. But after coming to Jicheng, Gu Changuang really understood how difficult it is to lose power! Although I can often see Gu Changuang on TV. But Gu Changuang knew it himself. What he was emptied was so thorough. He is completely a puppet!

It is not correct to ask Chan Gu to be willing. No one will be willing in this situation. However, the so-called situation is better than people. Regardless of the small environment or the large environment, Gu Changuang is not allowed to make any excessive actions. Because once Gu Changuang fails, then not only Gu Changuang's future will be lost, but also the interests of Zhu's family behind him! Regardless of which family and faction, a senior official at the deputy ministerial level is a key target for training. Because, this has the opportunity to become a powerful official in the frontiers. And not all the chief officials in Xinjiang can fully represent the interests of a faction and expand the influence of the faction?

Therefore, Gu Changuang can only constantly suppress his desire for power. Live this life that I didn't even dare to think about before. Even Gu Changuang didn't dare to chat too much with Lin Meiling. Because Gu Changuang was really worried about venting that repressed unwillingness during the chat!

Forbearance go further! In fact, this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone. Gu Changuang should be enough, but sometimes people are strange and complicated animals. Therefore, Gu Changuang's troubles also came.

"Good or good, I am worried that you will not think about it. Actually, I really enjoy my life now. We have been together for nearly thirty years? The time spent together in such a comfortable and worry-free way is really rare. Less. From this point, I should be satisfied. But seeing your uncomfortable look, I feel that my satisfaction seems very sinful! This Jecheng is really not something we can do. It's not just you at work. I don’t have much power. When I go to work, I only read the newspaper and watch a movie. I can’t even find anyone who chats. No one likes me who is destined to leave in a year or a half and is different from them. What kind of talk?" Lin Meiling said softly. Lin Meiling didn't know what her current mood was, but she felt that if she said something, she would feel better.

"Is there anything I can't think of? And, don't you have anything to think about. Jecheng is just our transition. This time has passed. We can go back to our original life. In fact, after all, it's still Isn’t our energy not high enough, and the position not high enough? When I rise one step or two steps, I can talk to the old Zhu’s family. At that time, I should be able to become the core layer. Such an annoying thing is absolutely I won't show up to us again!" Gu Chan said with a smile. From this point of view, Gu Changuang is also ambitious. Um, this seems a bit nonsense. Those who are officials nowadays don't tell me whether they can do anything for the people, but no one wants to go one step further and climb up. Without saying a word, aren’t soldiers who don’t want to be generals good soldiers? In fact, the same applies in official circles. An official who does not want to be a high official, not a competent official! Well, you are not even enterprising. How to do good?

"This is only a few months? It's still a long time!" Lin Meiling murmured. In fact, to put it bluntly, although Lin Meiling has a small official position, she is not an important department. But in the past, who met Lin Meiling was not respectful? Because Lin Meiling is the secretary's wife! Even though she is still the secretary's wife, there is a huge difference from before. . . It is inevitable that there will be a strong gap in Lin Meiling's heart, which is also normal.

Gu Chan just smiled and didn't speak any more. Whether it is dissatisfaction or unwillingness. Even crazy. . . . This has to be endured! Gu Changuang had heard that before Gu Changuang came to Jicheng, Zhu Shao had acted. But the result was a terrible failure. Although there was nothing to lose, Zhu Shao was severely reprimanded by Zhu's parents!

What can be seen from here? Old Zhu's family dare not play any tricks in Jecheng!

So, does Gu Changuang dare to play any tricks?

When Lin Meiling saw that Gu Chan didn't speak, she also shut up and did not mention this issue.

However, I chatted with Gu Changuang and the TV series came. Recently, the two of them have fallen in love with watching TV series. Well, they found a common topic again, which is pretty good.

"By the way, where's Xiaoxing?" Gu Changuang felt a little uncomfortable as he was eating and chatting. After thinking about it, Gu Xiaoxing was not there.

"Look at your mind, you only think of your son now? I heard that a friend came back from abroad. I called a group of friends to get together, and I let him go. How long has it been? There is no such thing as a ban. Isn't it the banned foot method?" Lin Meiling said and fell. To talk about Gu Xiaoxing's bad ills, a large part of it is really caused by Lin Meiling's doting. I have to say that spoiling can be very harmful sometimes.

Gu Changuang smiled, feeling helpless, doesn't Gu Changuang love Gu Xiaoxing? of course not! It's just that Gu Changuang didn't know how to express it, or even if Lin Meiling spoiled her, Gu Changuang wouldn't be able to nod her head?

"It doesn't matter if you go out for activities, I'm afraid it will be some friends who are inconsistent!" Gu Changuang said a little worried.

"How come, it's the son of Ren Qiufeng who visited our house last time. There is also a group of young masters. Our son should also have his own network? Don't worry about these things anymore!" Lin Meiling Said with a smile. However, whether it was intentional or unintentional, neither Lin Meiling nor Gu Changuang mentioned Li Xing's name.

Li Xing's car quickly reached the door of the Municipal Party Committee's Family Courtyard.

Then Li Xing stopped the car.

No way, I could drive in before because Li Xiangrong was here. Now that Li Xiangrong has left, Li Xing really can't do this. Otherwise, someone will say something again. Although Li Xing doesn't care. But how much affects the image, isn't it? Of course, if Li Xing proposes to visit other people in this compound, such as the mayor, deputy secretary, deputy mayor, etc. Still no problem. However, Li Xing did not want to alarm them.

The guard station in front of the door is straight. These are all armed police. He stretched out his hand fiercely, or he would not be sent to the guard compound. After all, this is also an important place for security.

However, when Bi Jie came down with ten big men in black. The guard at the door couldn't help but take a few more glances. However, when he saw Li Xing and Gu Xiaoxing, he turned his head aside.

Li Xing, they knew each other, and their relationship with the former Secretary Li had nothing to say. Although Secretary Li is gone, it seems that the officials are all Secretary Li’s people, so Li Xing can also be called a young master! This is not something they can provoke the guards. That Gu Xiaoxing knows even more. Isn't this the son of Secretary Gu who has not been here for a long time? However, Secretary Gu didn't seem to deal with other officials very much. Why did Li Xing and Gu Xiaoxing come together? Is it because the name has a "xing" reason? The guard was also extremely YY thinking. Well, by the way, standing like this all the time, if you don’t use your brain to make yourself fun, it’s really boring, isn’t it?

"You are waiting, get in the car, get in the car. If this is to let people see your underworld standing at the gate of the municipal party committee family compound, what is it?" Li Xing waved his hand and said angrily.

"Yes, boss!" Bi Jie stuck his tongue out and hurriedly greeted everyone in the car. The space in the car is not small. It's not too frustrated to stay inside!

"Gu Shao, let's go, we are all looking at the door of the house." Li Xing smiled and said while looking at Gu Xiaoxing.

Gu Xiaoxing has now walked out of the entanglement. No way, Gu Xiaoxing, who couldn't figure it out, simply broke the jar. Gu Xiaoxing didn't believe it anymore. How did his father say that he is now the secretary of the municipal party committee, and is he really afraid of you, Li Xing?

No matter how arrogant you are, can a dignified secretary of the municipal party committee apologize to you?

As for how Gu Changuang would treat Gu Xiaoxing, Gu Xiaoxing had no idea. But as Li Xing said, this is all at the door of the house, what else?

Therefore, Gu Xiaoxing raised his head very bachelor, and said, "Let's go!"

After speaking, Gu Xiaoxing walked in on his own. However, looking at that figure, how could there be such a little bit of wind and cold, I will never return.

Li Xing chuckled lightly. Well, this seems to fit Gu Xiaoxing's current situation very well. If the talk is not good, Li Xing really wants Gu Xiaoxing to go forever!

In fact, this society is complicated and simple. In a word, strength represents everything.

Taking out the cigarette, Li Xing lighted one for himself, and still gave one to the two guards.

"Brother, don't refuse, this is an internal cigarette and it has not been listed. I produce it myself. There is absolutely no nicotine and tar, and the hazard is basically zero. Try it!" Li Xing said with a smile.

"I'll go to Secretary Gu to do something. Wouldn't it stop me from making progress?" Li Xing helped them light up their cigarettes. Uh. . . As for the question of whether it can be smoked. There seems to be no one around now, who cares?

"How can I, Li Shao, go in!" The two guards said with a smile.

Li Xing waved his hand and walked in slowly!

The two guards looked at Li Xing's back with envy and awe. Well, this is the big man, and his walking posture is different.

The two took two mouthfuls, and the original meaning was done. But it feels that the smell of smoke is really good. The two looked at each other, their eyes fixed on the surroundings. Well, safety is most important! Don't be seen smoking!

The municipal party committee compound is not particularly large, but it is definitely not small.

When a cigarette was half smoked, it was in the No. 1 courtyard!

Gu Xiaoxing was standing at the door before entering.

"Why? Not going in?" Li Xing looked at Gu Xiaoxing amused and said.

Gu Xiaoxing hated Li Xing's current expression. The expression that seemed to have mastered everything even made Gu Xiaoxing a little crazy, besides, Li Xing's current expression was still facing him! It made Gu Xiaoxing even more embarrassed.

"I said that we have settled, and I was unintentional. Would you believe it?" Gu Xiaoxing couldn't help but said. After all, standing here, Gu Xiaoxing really felt a little timid. Gu Changuang is very majestic in Gu Xiaoxing's heart!

"You said I would believe it? First, I believed. The second time, I believed most of it. This time... I didn't say what you just said." Li Xing let out a smoke ring and flicked a bullet. Smoke the ashes, take another bite, throw away the cigarette butt, and step on it!

Li Xing's movements made Gu Xiaoxing's eyelids twitch, as if Li Xing was not stepping on a cigarette **** but Gu Xiaoxing himself.

"Let's go, things have to be resolved. Avoidance is not a good way, facing bravely is what a man should shoulder. I believe, you are still a man?" Li Xing still said coldly, Regardless of Gu Xiaoxing, he went to ring the doorbell on his own!

—————————— Well, I’m going to start to speed up the progress today, lest everyone worry about not being able to complete the number of 310,000 words. Then, speed up, let's also ask for flowers. Of course, please also ask for a recommendation ticket. . . .

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