Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 567: Happy Double Feiyan (14)

Lin Meiling couldn't help being surprised when she saw Gu Xiaoxing and Li Xing standing together in front of the door.

His son Lin Meiling still knows well. Not to mention whether Gu Xiaoxing would regard Li Xing as his life and death enemy. But at least Gu Xiaoxing would never become friends with Li Xing. And now these two people are actually standing together. This cannot but surprise people.

Gu Changuang saw Lin Meiling standing in front of the door without speaking, and couldn't help but ask: "Who is that?"

"Haha, Secretary Gu, it's me, Li Xing. I'm here to visit you!" Li Xing said with a smile, then smiled at Lin Meiling and said, "What? Mrs. Gu? Don't you welcome me?"

Lin Meiling smiled reluctantly and moved a little away. However, after Lin Meiling took a closer look at Gu Xiaoxing, she couldn't help but exclaimed again.

"Xiaoxing, what's wrong with your face?" It turned out that the trace of Li Xing's slap on Gu Xiaoxing's face was still there.

Gu Xiaoxing didn't expect to be seen with his head down. However, Gu Xiaoxing didn't know how to answer Lin Meiling's words. Could it be that Li Xing was defeated?

Gu Changuang frowned, but obviously, Gu Changuang didn't mean to ask. Rather, he stood up with a smile, stretched out his hand and said enthusiastically, "I was surprised that Shao Li would come to the humble house. Have you eaten? Do you want to eat together? Let's have a drink?"

"Sorry, excuse me, isn't Secretary Gu?" Li Xing stretched out his hand and shook Gu Chan.

"How can I, Meiling, bring more chopsticks. Also, the bottle of wine. It's a bottle of Moutai that I treasure. Haha, Shao Li, is it okay to drink some white wine?" Gu Changuang ordered.

"Of course it's okay. The red wine is boring, or our white wine is energizing!" Li Xing sat down with a smile, not at all restrained and polite! A joke, if Li Xing knew how to restrain Gu Changuang, it would be really weird.

Lin Meiling looked at Gu Chan lightly, and then she took Gu Xiaoxing to sit on the sofa, and then she left to get the wine!

In fact, Li Xing's calmness towards Gu Changuang is still amazed. Well, it seems that it is not easy for this official and the person who has successfully emerged from this cruel competition. Of course, they are not simply based on rules, and I can only be regarded as a person in a half circle. Their rules are of little use to me, and I don't need to care about Gu Changuang's calmness.

"Heh, Secretary Gu, your wine is very good. This seems to be Moutai in the 1980s? I have a good fortune!" Li Xing's eyes lit up. The appearance date on the Moutai was 1984. Appearance. It's been over twenty years. This year is 2010.

"Isn't the wine just for drinking?" Gu Changuang set the chopsticks to Li Xing and said with a smile.

"Well, let's try it." Li Xing poured the wine on Gu Changuang with great interest, and then poured it on himself.

Moutai, which has been treasured for more than 20 years, is different from ordinary liquor. Leaving aside Youxiang, the taste alone is much better than the best liquor on the market.

In fact, winemaking is a matter of food. In terms of craftsmanship, the difference is not particularly big now. It is certain that Moutai and Wuliangye are stronger than ordinary liquors, but if they are much stronger, it is impossible! Wines like Moutai and Wuliangye. It is a brand that depends on survival now. . . In other respects, it is not too leading. Not even as good as other wines. But Moutai and Wuliangye are so expensive and they are popular. The key is this brand!

However, Li Xing's head is very lively. Grain wine, grain wine, isn't this key point a matter of food? So, what happens if the grains produced in different spaces are used for brewing? What will the wine taste like? Judging from the taste of wheat cultivation, it seems that this is still worth looking forward to.

Liquor. . . 90% of the market is in China. But don't underestimate the liquor market just because of this. One cigarette, one wine. In China, consumers are indispensable at any time, and there are still large groups of consumers. If there is some development in this area, it is still very promising!

However, Li Xing shook his head afterwards, and the stall is now a bit big. Moreover, they have not really developed yet. It is not a very good idea to launch a new project. Now the most important thing is to stabilize the project first. This wine, wait to see the situation later.

"How about it, the taste is okay?" Gu Chan said with a smile. From Gu Changuang's face, he couldn't see any estrangement from Li Xing at all, he was like an old friend.

"Well, it's really different from other wines." Li Xing nodded and said sincerely. Although Li Xing doesn't like drinking, he can't do without drinking. Over time, this wine tasting has a little knowledge. Of course you can taste the quality of a wine.

"Then drink more." Gu Changuang pours Li Xing again.

"Well, this is Mrs. Gu's craftsmanship? It's really good, Secretary Gu, you have a good fortune!" Li Xing tasted the dishes and said in admiration. Well, Lin Meiling's craftsmanship is worse than Li Xing, but it's already pretty good. . .

"Meiling, you can cook some more dishes. Shao Li and I have a good drink." Gu Changuang said to Lin Meiling, who was whispering to Gu Xiaoxing.

Lin Meiling nodded gently. Well, for a woman, the most important thing is to give a man face in front of outsiders. Lin Meiling understood this very deeply.

But Gu Xiaoxing quietly returned to his room. Li Xing and Gu Changuang both saw this, but they didn't say anything.

The wine is over thirty, and the food is over five flavors.

After eating and drinking enough, a bottle of Moutai has been completely consumed. Li Xing and Gu Changuang drank it clean.

Smoke a cigarette after eating, this life is simply a match for a living god.

"Nuo, smoke this, how about a taste." Li Xing took out his cigarette and still gave Gu Chan one.

"What kind of smoke?" Gu Chan looked at it, but he couldn't help but wonder if he didn't see the trademark sign.

"Hehe, this is not a cigarette in the world. It is produced by a company under my company. It is not yet on the market. However, it tastes very good." Li Xing ordered one to himself, took a light breath and spit it out. The smoke is very strong, but the smoke that comes out is very light and light, and there is no strong smell of smoke!

Gu Changuang couldn't wait to ignite. Take a breath.

Gu Changuang felt that the smoke was really strong and very enjoyable. . . However, it is not so aggressive! Moreover, there seems to be a fragrance. Gu Changuang's spirit was shocked. This. . . It seems to be the real refreshing!

"It feels very different, right?" Li Xing said flatly.

"Very, I feel very good. The smoke is very strong, and it is very suitable for old smokers like us. However, if it is only this kind, it seems a bit too monotonous." Gu Changuang put forward some commercial opinions.

"Of course I won’t make such a mistake. It’s just that I really like this kind of smoke. There are various models. Actually, the taste is not the most special about this kind of smoke. You know this kind of smoke is the most special. Where is the place?" Li Xing said with a mysterious smile.

"What?" Gu Changuang was very cooperative.

"The most special thing about this kind of smoke is that it does not contain nicotine, and the content of tar is basically negligible! Therefore, this kind of smoke can basically be said to be completely harmless." Li Xing took a mouthful of cigarettes. Said proudly.

"No nicotine? The tar content is negligible? Isn't it?" Gu Changuang said in surprise. If there is such an effect, then one can imagine how vast the future of this kind of smoke is.

"Hehe, I don't have to deceive Secretary Gu in this regard!" Li Xing blinked and said.

Gu Changuang couldn't help but smile. Yes, there is really no need for Li Xing to deceive Gu Changuang in this regard!

However, Gu Changuang was still shocked. Gu Changuang knew very well that relying on the characteristics of this smoke and the energy of Li Xing. Then, the development of this kind of smoke is almost incomparably bright.

Gu Changuang really had to sigh. . . Li Xing has created too many miracles. Xingyi Technology alone has caused such a sensation. Moreover, allowing Li Xing to earn enough money also allowed the Tang family to earn enough political capital. There is still such a cigarette now. Well, you know, there are nine out of ten smokers in the leadership! This kind of smoke can make people feel the same as other cigarettes, um, even better. Moreover, there is no harm. This unpopularity is strange. It seems that this is another big political capital!

Gu Changuang was a little envious of Li Xing. How can Li Xing always find such a good project? What kind of secrets and magic does this young man have? Gu Changuang really wanted to ask questions. However, this is a business secret. Gu Changuang knew that he would not say anything if he asked Li Xing, so he should not speak!

"Hehe, congratulations to Shao Li. This is a good project that can make a lot of money. However, you won't build the factory outside Jicheng?" Gu Changuang blinked and said.

"Haha, how could this happen. Secretary Gu can rest assured about this." Li Xing said with a smile.

The two talked about irrelevant topics for a while. In the end, Gu Changuang couldn't help but shift to the final topic.

"Shao Li, let's not talk secretly. What happened this time?" Gu Changuang said seriously.

"Secretary Gu, in fact, you can come here and leave with Secretary Li. Actually, this is all normal. It is also a normal way. Everyone has their own way. The key is to choose the right way. Although. .. Gu Changuang is destined to be unable to play a big role in Jicheng. But the development of Jicheng will definitely develop rapidly under the attention of Secretary Gu. This, I can guarantee! So, in fact, everyone can be safe and sound. It's the best thing. There is really no need to have any conflicts and misunderstandings. Secretary Gu and I can actually get along well." Li Xing first said it seriously, letting Gu Changuang keep on going. nod.

To make it clear, this is a transaction that is good for both parties. As for Li Xing and Gu Changuang, there really isn't any big contradiction. The desirability of rejoicing couldn’t be better.

However, listening to Li Xing say this, Gu Changuang knew that there was definitely something to be said. . . So, listen very carefully.

"But..." Li Xing began to turn.

"I don't know what misunderstanding I have actually had with your son. The first time was on the highway, and the situation must have been well understood by Secretary Gu. The second time was in Jicheng. Secretary Gu was present in person, so I won't talk about the situation. I asked myself, these two times, I did not have any fault, right? Originally, my misunderstanding with your son would not affect the relationship between me and Secretary Gu. However, this time, I should ask Gu carefully. Secretary, does your noble son's attitude represent your attitude?" Li Xing stared at Gu Changuang and said seriously.

Gu Changuang was surprised. . .

"I don't know what the child did?" Gu Changuang also became serious.

Gu Xiaoxing is now lying on the door listening to the conversation in the living room. The heartbeat is getting worse. . .

Li Xing simply said the matter again. . .

"My son's approach really disappointed me. Calculate me, calculate my woman, what is this? And, how many potential enemies did I find for me? I believe that Secretary Gu will not fail to understand those young masters behind the party The energy represented. If the people behind them are desperate to care about me. What will my fate look like? And those people in the economy, even if my current company is very popular. But if they unite in Together... It's not impossible to break me. So, what kind of dangers will I be exposed to? These... make me unable to bear. And the noble son is asking me for trouble again and again. It makes me unbearable! So, I want to ask Secretary Gu, what is your attitude!" Li Xing said sharply, with a serious face.

Gu Changuang continued to analyze while listening. In my heart, he scolded Gu Xiaoxing for a dog-blood sprayer! I didn't expect that Gu Xiaoxing would still try to provoke Li Xing! Looking at Li Xing's current posture, if you don't give him an explanation, it will basically be a complete tear!

Gu Changuang understands this. If he really tears his face, then the time for him to leave Jicheng will begin to count down!

However, although he understands this, does Gu Changuang really choose to do this? If Gu Xiaoxing couldn't help himself when he needed help most. . . Is that still a father? If you can't protect your son, even if he climbs higher, what's the use?

———————— Four thousand words update in the second chapter, still the same sentence, for this month’s three hundred and ten thousand updates, everyone can rest assured! I beg you for flowers, friends who don’t have flowers drop a recommendation ticket, thank you!

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