"The boss's health is 80%....It's only five minutes"

"The total HP of the BOSS is around 1.5 million, but it seems to be able to recover HP, so remember to use the serious injury skill!"

"Pay attention to protection for every 10% of your health. It is possible that the BOSS has other new skills."

"Which group is that guy from? I feel like his damage output is really high, and a lot of the monsters' hatred is on him"......

The camp of the Galaxy Guild has entered a melee due to the arrival of the BOSS.

However, since the general commander of the several teams was not on the scene, the information was transmitted with a certain lag.

Originally, everyone's idea was to retreat first and wait for the main team to come out of the secret realm.

However, Lu Chen's spell still led some people to attack synchronously, and it took only about five minutes to knock down 20% of the health of this lord-level BOSS!

Although this BOSS seems to have some skills to quickly recover blood.

But seeing that the situation is stable, everyone gradually increased their output.

After all, there are damage statistics in the team panel.

If you can kill this BOSS, the more damage you cause, the more benefits you will get at that time!!

In front of the battlefield.

Peng Aofu, who became the main tank inexplicably, was also a little shocked.

He was not the main tank of this operation. He was an old man who retired from the main team to train newcomers.

He was originally forced to do it, ready to withstand the first wave of attacks and then evacuate quickly.

But I didn't expect that the group of people behind him would become more and more addicted to fighting.

"Which priest's Holy Light Shield is this? It's so powerful."

In fact, Peng Aof still had a lot of blood pressure when he first took on the monster.

But as the battle progressed, he found that he would be covered with a powerful Holy Light Shield effect every once in a while.

An ordinary Holy Light Shield can withstand about 2,000 points of damage, which is already very good.

But today, for some reason, he always felt that the effect of the Holy Light Shield on him was very outrageous. It resisted tens of thousands of damage points and it was not broken!

"Are you really going to continue fighting?..."

Peng Aofu himself was a little unsure.

More and more people followed Lu Chen to attack, and everyone was confused.

The Lord BOSS did have some new skills.

But Peng Aofu could clearly feel that there was a very powerful AOE effect among the attackers, and it was maintaining continuous output!

"Brother Peng? What do you mean? Retreat?"The deputy tank next to him asked Peng Aofu.

He also felt that he would have an additional Holy Light Shield effect from time to time.

His level and equipment would be a little lower, but as long as his health was a little dangerous, he would suddenly add a big milk! It can directly add a full 15,000 or 16,000 health!

His current total health limit is only more than 8,000 points, and one mouthful can actually help him fill it up directly!

""Hold it first, it's not easy to retreat now."

Peng Aofu felt that today's battle was a bit strange.

But now that everyone was attacking, it was not convenient to retreat.

Seeing that Peng Aofu had deployed a wider defense range, the others felt more at ease to attack.

Everyone attacked strangely as if there was no command.

Their eyes were fixed on the"strange mage" who was avoiding damage at the forefront.

As long as Lu Chen was fine, theoretically everyone else would be safe. If the BOSS really had any special skills, they would basically wait until Lu Chen retreated before evacuating.............

Time passed little by little, and Lu Chen still maintained a high frequency of output.

In the eyes of others, this kind of precise output was already amazing.

But in Lu Chen's view, this was just the basic skills of a magic god.

The only thing that was a bit uncomfortable was that Lu Chen did not have many high-level skills, but became some other priest-type skills. Otherwise, Lu Chen could do better.

"Has the stage changed again?"

Lu Chen found that the BOSS began to change.

After attacking to a certain extent, the snow on its body had melted a lot, and the BOSS began to move in a range, and the frequency of attacks increased a lot.

Although Lu Chen's reconnaissance skills could not detect the health bar of the BOSS due to the huge difference in levels, he still keenly sensed that his output had a certain effect. On the other side, the Galaxy team, which had data support, watched the health bar of the Lord BOSS drop to 60%!!

At this time, the monster's range damage skills suddenly increased.

It began to test the pressure of treatment and tanks.

Not only that, finally, After the monster's HP dropped below 50%, the pressure suddenly increased.

As the ground shook, the thick snow on the monster began to fall off.

A huge black mammoth appeared in front of everyone!

Although it was two-thirds smaller than the hill just now, the mammoth, which was thirty or forty meters tall, looked very scary, and even had a certain knockback effect.

The deputy tank was directly knocked away for a long distance, and a melee fighter who tried to attack was directly affected by the lord monster. The priest's HP was reduced to zero before he could add blood!

It was not until this time that everyone realized that this was really a lord-level BOSS, revealing its real fangs!!!



With the sudden increase of pressure, the group of melee fighters who came forward to attack retreated again.

The main tank Pengof felt a lot of pressure, but at this time the monster's attack frequency had exceeded his expectations, and the movement speed was also very terrifying, as if it had entered a violent state.

It can be said that he directly entered a very embarrassing situation. He couldn't even spare time to distance himself!

In addition to a certain attack on the tank, the mammoth now also releases a large number of snow thorns, which greatly reduces the output capacity of the rear.

Everyone's face began to look a little anxious. In the absence of the main output, it was still too difficult for them to deal with this BOSS!!!

"Avoid the output line and avoid the BOSS's rage period. Don't be greedy for output, the treatment can't keep up!"

"Maintain the main tank's health and wait for the opportunity later!"

"that...Which team is that boss from? Why doesn’t he quit?"

"He is still fighting? ?"

However, when most people were ready to retreat, Lu Chen still maintained his output. He even took the time to continue to shield and heal the main tank.

"His blood volume doesn't seem to have changed....His shield is so thick, is he really a mage? Why does it feel a little off?"

"No need to feel, there is definitely something wrong! I saw that he just took the time to put on a Holy Light Shield for himself!!"

" I just tried to cast a detection spell, and all I saw were question marks. He should have skills or equipment that can prevent detection, or he should have a rare profession!"

Someone has already noticed Lu Chen's abnormality, but Lu Chen is still attacking.

During the previous battle, many people gave him status buffs.

So his current ability to continue fighting is quite durable.

The difficulty that others feel is a sudden increase in pressure.

But Lu Chen doesn't feel much at this time.

"Low-level lord bosses are too easy..."

Yes, while Lu Chen was dealing damage, he did not feel how strong the BOSS was after it went berserk.

He even felt that it was a little simple.

The abyss monsters and even the void monsters he encountered in his previous life were all destructive.

He did not expect that the monsters in the abyss era were so simple. He only needed to withstand the damage.

Even if he increased the damage efficiency, it still could not change the fact that this BOSS was a standing damage!!

Lu Chen's original idea was to lure out this BOSS and then sneak in to rescue his father.

But now, if this BOSS is just a standing damage, then he can just stay with the main tank and kill the BOSS here!!

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