After the boss went berserk with less than 50% HP, many professionals felt the pressure increased and temporarily slowed down their output. Some even prepared to evacuate because the main team was not there.

But unexpectedly, the main tank managed to hold on, and his HP was still very stable.

In addition to some area damage that would test the group's healing capacity, everyone also found that this boss was not as difficult as imagined.

"Nearly 20,000 per shield, isn't that stable?"

Peng Aof, the main tank, finally realized at this time that the reason why they could fight so smoothly until now was that the most critical point was the huge shield and healing that appeared from time to time on his body.

It can be said that with the existence of this thing, he can take the initiative to face most of the damage. Even in formal team battles, he has never fought such a rich battle!

At this time, more than 20 minutes had passed since Lu Chen started the monster.

The health of the BOSS has been reduced to about 30%.

Although most of the main forces of the Xinghe team have entered the secret realm, it does not mean that those who remain outside have no combat effectiveness. After all, the number of people and levels are here, even if the basic damage value is piled up, it is still a considerable amount.

After 30%, the BOSS has some more blood recovery skills, and some more skills to summon monsters.

But it was soon suppressed by everyone.


20% After the HP dropped by

15% , the BOSS finally entered a weak period and began to be disabled and killed.

With the last fire explosion, after a crisp sound, the lord-level BOSS finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

When it fell to the ground, the people of the Galaxy Guild were still a little stunned.

They didn't expect that the BOSS could be killed in such a chaotic situation.

However, after the BOSS fell to the ground, the remaining people of each team began to compile the battle report and asked what was exploded.

The leaders of each team were a little silent.

"What's going on? Didn't the Lord Boss drop any loot?"

"Which team got the first kill? I dealt over 50,000 damage this time!"

"Which team is that big guy from? I think he must be the MVP."

The teams had different opinions. After several minutes, everyone finally realized that something was wrong.

"that....The big guy seems to be gone. He disappeared right where he was."

"What do you mean? Isn't the boss in your group?"

"No, I thought it was someone from your second group."

"???What's the meaning"

"I saw him standing with you guys, wouldn't you say this boss isn't from our team? Then why are we fighting together?"

The whole team was a little confused.

Even the main tank Peng Aof who had retired was stunned.

He said he came down specifically to thank Lu Chen and meet this boss with a special shield, but he didn't expect to find Lu Chen's shadow!!

The whole team was in a turmoil, because everyone could guess that Lu Chen's output was probably the strongest among all the teams, because he was the only one who was doing output when everyone was dodging.

In other words, it was very likely that Lu Chen's team took away the ownership of the spoils of the final BOSS.

If this boss was not from the Galaxy Guild, it meant that not only did they come here for nothing today, but they also made wedding clothes for others!!............

【Ding, you killed the world lord BOSS Snow Mountain King and gained 4928 experience points.

When Lu Chen saw the information displayed on the data panel, he immediately chose Holy Light Stealth. He actually didn't think of getting the first kill at the beginning, but he didn't expect that after the comprehensive evaluation, the data panel still counted the kill as his.

"How rubbish are these teams?...."

Lu Chen was speechless.

Throughout the Abyss Era, including the future Deep Space Era, the ownership of monster loot is a relatively complicated method.

If there is only one team, it will naturally be chosen according to the team's settings.

But if different teams kill the BOSS together, the data panel will be counted based on multiple behaviors such as"killing monsters, output, and killing", and each achievement will add some hidden points.

Generally speaking, the hidden points occupied by killing monsters and killing are not many, and the key is still the value of damage.

Now that the ownership of the BOSS has fallen to Lu Chen, it means that Lu Chen's"team output" is the highest among other teams, so the BOSS will belong to him as a loot!

The data panel can be formed into a 5-person team, a 10-person team, and a 40-person team.

In other words, Lu Chen's output on this BOSS is actually more than that of the other 40-person team combined. Even if the main output of this group of people is not there, Lu Chen still thinks it is an outrageous thing.

However, after feeling the two purple loot light balls dropped by the Snow Mountain King in front, Lu Chen also decisively chose to sneak away.

The Galaxy Guild was at fault in this matter.

Lu Chen didn't really think he stole the monster.

His father risked his life to find this BOSS. This was his first attack on the BOSS, and he also dealt the most damage.

So far, the Galaxy Guild hasn't paid a penny. They even wanted to blackmail the pension when I came in. Lu Chen didn't feel any psychological pressure to take away the spoils of this BOSS!

At most, he would give some things to the two tanks in the front row who worked hard. As for the entire Galaxy Guild, Lu Chen didn't have a good impression at all!

【Ding, you have obtained the Snow Mountain Crown (B)】

【Ding, you got the Snow Mountain Barrier (B)】

【Ding, you got the Snow Girl's Frozen Bow (B)】

【Ding, you have obtained the heart of the Snow Mountain King (B)】......

【Ding, you got the ice fragment (C)】

【Ding, you got the Eternal Snow (D)】

【Ding, you got the Worldly Dust (D)】......

【Ding, you got the Ice Elemental Fragment (E)】

【Ding, you got 2387 Psychic Coins】......

With the pickup of two purple loot light balls, Lu Chen directly obtained seven or eight pieces of equipment and a dozen materials. Lu Chen still had to decompose some low-level items before he could barely pick up all the things.

Among them, 3 pieces of level 40 B-level equipment were exploded, and the other equipment were also level 40 C-level and D-level props. The quality of the materials exploded was not bad.

Although Lu Chen had forgotten what the explosion rate of a normal level 40 lord-level BOSS should be.

But it is obvious that the things he has got now can definitely make Lu Chen a fortune!

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