"B-level equipment is hard to come by at this stage, so you can keep it for now, but other C-level equipment and materials are not very meaningful to me, so you can try to decompose them into Holy Light Points."

"My main task now is to stack up my magic power. Besides that, I need to pay attention to some special skills and skills and equipment that reduce cooldown."

After defeating the BOSS, Lu Chen sneaked out of the battle area and walked deeper into the valley.

According to his father's route map, if he hadn't been in danger yet, he should be at the end of the valley.

While walking, Lu Chen was also thinking about his subsequent upgrade route.

What he lacked now was not experience points, but some materials and equipment that could be converted into holy light points.

Because he had a passive skill that could increase the holy light effect by 1000%, as long as it could be converted into a holy light skill, it would be a tenfold improvement for Lu Chen.

However, because the equipment and materials in the bone burial ground were too low-level, the number of holy light points decomposed was very small, so Lu Chen remained short of holy light points for a long time.

The props that he got in the bone burial ground that could summon undead skeletons required 200 holy light points to convert, and it had not been completed until now. Now the things that this BOSS exploded could be said to have solved the urgent problem.......

【Ding, you performed Holy Light decomposition on the material Ice Shard (C) and obtained 57 Holy Light points.】

【Ding, you performed Holy Light decomposition on the material Eternal Snow (D) and obtained 25 Holy Light points.】.....

【Ding, you have performed Holy Light Decomposition on the Obsidian Sword (C) and obtained 124 Holy Light Points.】

【Ding, you performed Holy Light Decomposition on the Ice Element Fragment*12 (E) you obtained, and gained 48 Holy Light Points.】.....

After determining the priority of decomposition, Lu Chen directly decomposed the materials and equipment below level B.

Since these equipment were all level 40 and of high quality, Lu Chen's Holy Light Points soared to over 800 after this wave of decomposition!

The higher the level and quality of the item, the stronger the Holy Light Points decomposed.

The decomposition efficiency of equipment is higher than that of materials.

One of the level 41 C-level obsidian swords directly allowed Lu Chen to decompose it into 124 Holy Light Points, which can be said to be quite good.

"More than 800...Why not upgrade it to 1000 and try it out!"

These things are much more than what Lu Chen expected to decompose.

Lu Chen thought about it and decomposed two of the less important B-level materials.

【Ding, you have performed Holy Light Decomposition on the Snow Maiden's Frozen Bow (B) and gained 287 Holy Light Points.】

【Ding, you have decomposed the equipment Heart of the Snow Mountain King (B) with Holy Light, and obtained 252 Holy Light Points. The

Holy Light Points obtained from decomposing B-level equipment and props have doubled again, directly bringing Lu Chen's Holy Light Points to 1400+.

Because the current level of the Heart of Holy Light is still lv1, it also needs to rely on Holy Light Points to upgrade. Since the Holy Light Points obtained this time far exceed expectations, it means that Lu Chen can use the things on his body to upgrade the Heart of Holy Light!

The Heart of Holy Light is the source of most of Lu Chen's current strength, so no matter from what angle you think about it, it is definitely better to upgrade these things first.......

【Ding, you used 1000 Holy Light Points to upgrade your Heart of Holy Light.】

【Your Heart of Light has been upgraded to level 2. Your strength +100, agility +100, endurance +100, intelligence +100, spirit +100】

【Your Heart of Light has gained some new attributes】......

After using Holy Light Points to upgrade the Holy Light Heart, Lu Chen instantly felt a noticeable warmth in his body.

He had not rested for a whole day since the burial ground, and now he was a little tired after the high-intensity battle in the snowy mountains. However, after this warmth, Lu Chen was surprised to find that his fatigue was swept away.

"All attributes +100, pretty good."

Looking at the data on the panel, Lu Chen's face lit up. Although as his level increases, the number of attributes will increase, but 100 points of all attributes are still very useful for a level 20 priest.

His main attributes before were intelligence and mental attributes, and endurance and other attributes were a bit low, resulting in no mistakes when facing the BOSS.

But now, among the 100 points of all attributes, the endurance attribute has increased by 100, which is equivalent to Lu Chen's additional 1,000 health limit, which still gives him a lot of fault tolerance.

Not only that, when he looked at the Heart of Holy Light again, the display above also had more changes........

【Heart of Holy Light Lv2 (0/10000)】

【Special Effect 1: Each time you cast a spell, your spell power will be permanently increased by 1 point】

【Special Effect 2: Your Holy Light spell gains a 1000% bonus】

【Special Effect 3: All your Holy Light spells can affect the enemy】

【Special Effect 4: The casting time and cooldown time of the Holy Light spells you cast are reduced by 50%】............

The increase in all attributes made Lu Chen quite satisfied with the cost of 1,000 Holy Light Points.

However, when he saw the new entry of the Heart of Holy Light, Lu Chen couldn't help but take a breath.

"How many?"


Although Lu Chen knew that every item of the Heart of Holy Light was quite abnormal, this 50% cooldown reduction still scared him.

In the skill column of the professional, there are some instant skills, some reading skills, and some cooldown skills.

Instant skills are similar to Holy Fire. As long as you have mana, you can release it directly. The common cooldown time of all skills is about 1 second.

Reading skills are similar to Holy Light. As long as you have mana, you can release it, but it takes 2 seconds to read.

Cooldown skills are equivalent to the acceleration skills that Lu Chen obtained before. They can be used once every minute and last for 20 seconds.

Now, according to the fourth special effect, the reading time and cooldown time of Holy Light spells are reduced by 50%, which means that Lu Chen only needs 1 second to read each subsequent Holy Light, and the 5-second Holy Light Flame Burst can be released in 2.

5 seconds.

For acceleration skills, once a minute can be used once every half a minute, and the duration is 20 seconds.

If some other cooldown effects are superimposed in the future, it directly means that Lu Chen can always maintain the bonus of movement speed!!

Lu Chen understood too well the help that cooldown reduction brought to magic professions.

In his previous life, even if he was a god of magic, this entry could only stack up to 60% cooldown reduction at most.

But now, he, a level 20 priest, already has a passive 50% cooldown reduction. Doesn't it mean that after his equipment and other status are improved, he can easily stack the cooldown reduction to the full value?

According to legend, the full cooldown reduction is 80%, and some professions can last for a period of time in some states.

But with this terrifying passive, Lu Chen feels that he may be able to achieve this state permanently when he is level 40 or 50.

At that time, a holy light fire burst will occur in less than one second, which is simply a mobile stationary turret.

Coupled with the unlimited spell strength stacking, when encountering this kind of lord boss again, Lu Chen feels that he is afraid that he can resolve the battle in a few minutes!!............

Lu Chen was studying his skills and talents.

As the BOSS fell to the ground, Lu Shunfu and his group, who were trapped in the back mountain, finally dared to stick their heads out to observe the situation.

There were only eight people left in the exploration team. After activating the BOSS at the Galaxy Camp, they consciously hid and did not participate in the battle.

But I thought it would take a long time to clear the land of this BOSS, but I didn't expect it to be solved in just one hour.

"It seems that the Galaxy Guild is still very efficient. They actually attacked the BOSS so early. This time they killed the BOSS very efficiently. Maybe they can give us a lot of rewards!"The current captain is Lu Shunfu's comrade-in-arms Lao Qi. He originally thought that he might not be able to pass this level this time, but he didn't expect that the progress of the Galaxy Guild was much smoother than he thought.

"But a few brothers still died."

Although Lu Shunfu was somewhat lucky to have survived, he still felt a little bad when he thought of the people who died in the team.

After all, if they had listened to their son today, maybe they wouldn't have come here. 5,000 psychic coins may seem a lot, but it's definitely not worth it to buy the life of a level 30 explorer.

"You must be prepared to enter this kind of world. Don't be too sad. Your son has just become a professional. You can use this money to help him upgrade his equipment."Old Qi patted Lu Shunfu on the shoulder. He thought it was good to be able to survive.

As long as the pension can be paid in place and the money can be given to the families of these sacrificed teammates, it can be considered that their wishes have been fulfilled.

"It seems someone is coming."The others in the team saw a figure appearing in the snow ahead and cheered, thinking it was someone from the Xinghe Guild coming to rescue them.

Lao Qi and Lu Shunfu also looked in the direction of their gaze.

However, looking at the figure approaching them, Lu Shunfu always had a very familiar feeling.

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