
"Wasn't there a person just now? How come he suddenly disappeared?"

"Yeah, I think I saw a figure....."

After the BOSS reached the bottom, several members of the exploration team were already waiting for rescue.

Lao Qi had planned to go up to greet him, but the figure suddenly disappeared into the crowd.

Lu Shunfu was also very surprised and rubbed his eyes.

He felt that the figure just now was very similar to his son, but he also felt that it was a little unlikely.

This place is a level 30 world, and Lu Chen was only level 7 yesterday, so he should not be able to come here.

Lao Qi led his men towards the direction of the BOSS. Since someone was coming, the route must be safe.

But until they saw the body of the BOSS and joined the main force, they had not seen the vague shadow again. They could only think that they might have seen it wrong for some reason........

On the hillside in the distance.

Lu Chen, who was in stealth mode, watched his father return to the camp, and he was relieved.

At the beginning, he did plan to pick his father up directly.

But then he thought that he had just killed the BOSS, and someone in the Galaxy Guild might be dissatisfied because of this. Now that he has confirmed that his father is safe, Lu Chen gave up the idea of showing up.

He is no longer the God of Law in his previous life, and he does not have the support of so many connections.

He is not afraid of a guild like the Galaxy, but he is worried that someone will make a fuss about his father.

Now while the people in the Galaxy Guild don’t know about the relationship between him and his father, it is better to avoid this obvious conflict. It will not be too late to talk to the Galaxy Guild about this matter when he returns to the Blue Star World.............

Things turned out pretty much as Lu Chen had expected.

Ten minutes after the BOSS fell, when everyone realized that the magic god with the strongest output might not be a member of the Galaxy Guild, almost every member of the team went wild!!

"What the hell? No way? ? There are so many of us, and they snatched our BOSS right under our noses? ?"

".....Didn't you say he was from the same group? I even gave him several buffs."

"Alas, this monster was launched in a very strange way. The main players in the guild were not here when it was launched, and the leader has not come out yet."

"Ji, I'm afraid something big is going to happen this time. Where is that wizard from and why did he suddenly disappear?"

There were two kinds of atmospheres in the entire Xinghe camp at this time. One kind of people thought it was a pity that the monster was robbed like this, and they thought Lu Chen was really brave, daring to rob the monster under the nose of the Xinghe Guild.

The second kind of people thought that something big would happen. After all, according to the time calculation, the leader should be coming out of the secret realm soon. It was expected that they would clear the secret realm within an hour and get the first kill and then come out to kill the BOSS, but they didn't expect the time to be staggered. In less than an hour, the Lord BOSS was taken down.

In this case, no one cared about the surviving exploration teams like Lu Shunfu.

After all, this kind of exploration team is not a formal team, but can only be regarded as mercenaries.

Even because the leader of the Xinghe team was not there, no one asked them if they saw any suspicious people. Instead, because Lao Qi and the others wanted to ask for compensation, they urged them to find logistics.

Lu Chen directly sneaked to escort his father out of the snow mountain.

When the Zhou brothers got the first kill from the secret realm, they were also a little confused when they saw the fallen BOSS.

"What do you mean? As soon as we entered the secret realm, someone opened a BOSS, and you people outside helped others beat the BOSS?"Zhou Chunqiu frowned. He had thought of countless possibilities and countless ways to face the BOSS in the secret realm. There were even monsters and skills related to this BOSS in the secret realm.

But he never thought that after he came out, the monster would have been taken away by others.

"Where is the deputy leader? Didn't they arrange someone to watch outside? What does that mean? ? F*ck." Zhou Jili obviously didn't have as good self-control as Zhou Chunqiu, and he started to curse.

Although they entered the secret realm, they still had arrangements for the outside world. It was really a bit outrageous for such a thing to happen.

"My problem was that the BOSS came too fast, so I could only go to take on the monster, and I didn't think there would be a fight."

Peng Aofu had roughly figured out the situation at this time, and took the initiative to step forward and take responsibility. After all, he was the one who contributed the most to this BOSS. If he hadn't been the main tank in front, the strange mage would not have been able to take down this monster.

"But that person is really strong. His spell strength is at least tens of thousands, and he is a special profession. Not only does he have high output, but he can also release Holy Light Shield."Peng Aof said, speaking for the deputy leader outside to show mercy.

After all, the situation was too chaotic at the time, and many people didn't know how to fight randomly.


Zhou Chunqiu was fascinated. He glanced at the people outside and asked a soul-searching question:

"So, even if so many teams of you attack together, your output is still not as high as that of one person?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the teams outside immediately fell silent and dared not speak.

Although it was a bit infuriating to say that the monster was robbed, the core reason was that the output was not as good as others, so the spoils belonged to others.

No one expected this result.

"The main output is not...."

Someone complained.

The main output of several teams went to the secret realm to get the first kill. Who would have thought that such a person would appear?

And when everyone was dodging skills, Lu Chen was the only one dealing damage to the boss. His output would definitely be much higher.

"What are the casualties?" Zhou Chunqiu sighed and asked.

Although he also felt that it was a bit outrageous, as the head of the group, he still remained calm.

"The casualties were not too bad, only two unlucky level 32 guys were killed by the BOSS, the rest of the time the main force was at the back, no one thought there was going to be a real fight, so...Low damage"

"group...Idiot." Zhou Jili snorted coldly. He didn't have such a good temper as his brother.

In the past six months, they hadn't achieved any results in the Snow Mountain, but there were a lot of good news from the Abyss. The two brothers of the Zhou family had planned to take this opportunity to make a name for themselves, and even sent someone to build momentum. Unexpectedly, they were robbed by others at this time.

Moreover, it seemed that their previous record in the burial ground had also been broken by others.

These two things combined together, I'm afraid some friends would laugh at them privately.

"We must conduct a thorough investigation! I want to see who is so bold as to steal my Xinghe's things."

Zhou Jili glanced at these useless captains and was really angry.

The Zhou brothers have been the focus of attention since they graduated from school. This is the first time that someone dared to target them!

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