When they returned to Blue Star from the snowy mountain world, the sky had already darkened.

Lu Shunfu immediately sent a message to Lu Chen to report that he was safe, and he felt a little guilty. After all, his son had repeatedly told him not to go into the snowy mountains again, but he still didn't listen to him in the end.

He was really lucky that the rocks around him didn't loosen when the avalanche happened.

Otherwise, he and several other team members would be buried in the deep snow, and he would definitely not be able to come back to send this message.

"Today I went into the snowy mountains with my comrades. It wasn't a big deal. We probably won't have to go there again in the future."

Lu Shunfu reported to Lu Chen and his wife that he was safe.

Although the final result today was bizarre, it was still smooth.

So he did not mention that he was in danger.

One reason was that he did not want to worry his son and wife, and the other was that as a father, he still had to have some face.

As for the figure that he had seen before and was very similar to Lu Chen, Lu Shunfu thought he had seen it wrong. After all, it was impossible for his son to reach level 30 in one day. Maybe he was just too anxious at the time and suddenly had a phantom or something.

Walking out of the snow mountain.

The mission of the exploration team has basically been completed.

Lu Shunfu followed Lao Qi and the others to get the final reward, and he also had to report the casualties to other brothers to get pensions.

The word pension made Lu Shunfu sigh a little. He could never see the brothers who had been drinking together the day before.

Although professionals have high returns, they are also accompanied by high risks. If he can retreat this time, he will also tell his son to be careful in the future.

But what he didn't expect was that when Lu Shunfu and the others found Gu Neng here.

Xinghe told them that they might not get their rewards for the time being!.......

"You see, I have no choice. The advance payment given by the higher-ups this time is the cost after defeating the BOSS."

"I know you have worked hard these days, but there seems to be a problem with the BOSS, so I definitely can't send you 5,000 each."

"But I will definitely respond to your specific situation, especially those brothers who sacrificed their lives. We in Xinghe will definitely not treat them unfairly."

"You go back and wait for notification. I will contact Captain Gu and notify you as soon as there is a result."

When they arrived at the headquarters of the Galaxy Guild near the snow mountain, they were received by another management member of the Galaxy Guild instead of Gu Neng. Some family members of the exploration team had gathered here.

Some of them were relieved to see their relatives coming back.

Some old and weak people who received the bad news fell into grief.

But according to this management member, he actually said that no matter whether it was the exploration expenses or the subsidies for the victims, they would have to wait until the final results came out before they could be distributed.

This made Lao Qi and the others unhappy.

"What do you mean? Our mission is just to find the boss. We risked our lives to come out here. You can't just say you won't pay us, right? ?"

"Lao Qi, you are the captain, you have to speak up. We came here for your sake. Lao Xiu is dead, what will happen to his wife and son? They are counting on this money!"

""Fuck, you guys in the Galaxy Guild can't do this. You promised us 5,000, but now you want to default on your debt?"

Several people narrowly escaped from the snowy mountains. Although they were rescued by the Galaxy Guild, this was what they should have done.

A big guild wouldn't cheat them of this little money, right?

"It's not that I'm refusing to pay, I just need to wait for the process!"

The receptionist soothed:

"You are not the only ones who are anxious. I am anxious too. I need to contact Captain Gu first."

"Didn't you guys come out of the Snow Mountain? Did you know that the Snow Mountain boss was taken away by another guild? Who knows if one of you leaked the route?...."

"Anyway, you guys definitely don’t have any money if you come to me now. Wait until Captain

Gu comes back. He has been called back to the headquarters for a meeting."The two sides argued for a long time, and finally it was Lao Qi who calmed everyone down and said that he would definitely give everyone an explanation.

Lu Chen watched from a distance, his eyes narrowed.

He himself didn't care much about his father's revenge.

But if the Galaxy Guild didn't even pay the pensions for those who died, it would be too much.

Because they couldn't get paid for the time being, the people in the team could only go home for the time being.

Lu Chen arrived home before his father, but he was already thinking about how to explain to his father what had happened in the past few days and the subsequent arrangements for his parents.

This Galaxy Guild was obviously a little bit wrong.

It already had the shadow of those companies that took advantage of people's lives in later generations.

He robbed their B OSS, I'm afraid that the Galaxy Guild will still cause trouble for me.

Lu Chen is definitely not afraid of being alone, but he has to pay attention to the safety of his parents.

Regarding the affairs of the Galaxy Guild, although Lu Chen has no idea of doing justice, if they come to cause trouble for him, Lu Chen feels that there is no need for such a small guild to exist.

Lu Chen's identity as a god of law in his previous life was not only obtained by killing monsters, but also by surviving through mountains of swords and seas of blood.

Especially in the deep space era of the future, monsters have never been the scariest things.

The scariest thing is always the human heart.

What he needs now is to improve his strength to deal with the threats that the entire human civilization may encounter in the future.

If anyone dares to stop him, Lu Chen will never show mercy.............

Suining City, Shengyue Group.

Although the matter of Xueshan has not been fully spread, because Cheng Nan asked Lu Chen about Xueshan in the morning, the news of Xinghe BOSS being robbed reached him first.

"Huh? Are you kidding me?"

"The Lord BOSS of the Galaxy Guild was snatched away by a single mage, or was it snatched away from a team of hundreds of people?"

When Cheng Nan heard the news, he was a little bit unbelievable.

Because this matter sounded too fantastic.

Even in the abyss, I have never heard of anyone whose output can be higher than that of a team.

"It can basically be confirmed that it is true, but the Xinghe Guild has temporarily suppressed the news, perhaps because they feel that it would not sound good if it were made public."Cheng Nan's men answered and confirmed the authenticity of the news.

"Did you find out who did it?"

"No, I just know that it seems to be a special profession, with special fire explosion skills, holy light shield and so on, and the magic power is very high"

"Very strong....Holy Light Shield?"

Hearing this news, Cheng Nan was stunned.

The first thing that came to his mind was the shadow of a boy.

"No way?" Cheng Nan pursed his lips.

At his level, the reason why he cared about the low-level Void Gate of Snow Mountain today was because Lu Chen came to him to take away the level limiter.

He knew from Vera's description that Lu Chen had used some method to make his magic power very high.

But if a priest of only level ten entered the high-level world with the help of the level limiter, and then robbed the spoils of others in a team of hundreds of people, it would be a bit unbelievable no matter from which angle you look at it, okay?

"Um....See where Vera is. If she hasn't gone to the Forest of Truth, ask her to come over."

Cheng Nan pondered for a while, but still felt something was wrong.

If it was true as his subordinates said, and something like this happened in the Galaxy Guild, Cheng Nan felt that he still needed to find Lu Chen to confirm it first.

Whether it was Lu Chen who did it himself or there was someone behind Lu Chen, Cheng Nan had a hunch that Lu Chen might have something to do with his daughter in the future.

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