From Lu Shunfu's perspective, what he experienced these days can be said to be quite fantastic.

His son, who failed the martial arts school, first said that he had found a good team.

Then there was a rumor that he had rescued himself from the snowy mountains.

Then he was taken to the family area of Shengyue Guild.

Although he was once a member of the pioneer team, he had almost no chance to contact top explorers like Cheng Nan. Unexpectedly, because of his son, a vice president of Shengyue who was over level 60 took them to settle the room!

So Lu Shunfu subconsciously thought that the current situation might be that his son really got the recognition of a team in Cheng Nan's guild.

After Lao Qi invited him to go to Xinghe Guild to discuss an explanation, Lu Shunfu considered it again and again, and finally declined politely.

If it was just him, it would definitely not matter, and he would definitely go with his comrades to support the scene.

But he was mainly worried that something would happen on his side to cause trouble for his son, and finally just answered Lao Qi to wait a few days to see the situation on Xinghe before talking about it.

But what Lu Shunfu didn't expect was that Lao Qi really had an accident.

In the morning, the members of the exploration team who returned went to Xinghe to ask for the agreed compensation. As a result, the people there said that the team responsible for the snow mountain exploration had been disbanded, and even Gu Neng, who they had contacted before, had been transferred to other places.

Their pensions had been reported according to the procedures, and Xinghe could only take out so much money now.

The transfer of the entire guild to the Snow Mountain BOSS had already cost a lot of materials, and the Xinghe Guild also lost a lot of money.

If Lao Qi and his team really wanted the pension, they had to report it again and wait for approval from above.

In the end, the family of one of the sacrificed explorers could not accept this result and directly made a fuss in the branch of the Xinghe Guild.

In the end, there was a small conflict between the two sides, and an older woman died directly in the Xinghe Guild’s residence, which attracted the current patrol bureau of Suining City.

Lao Qi and his group of explorers and the people of Xinghe were temporarily taken away for investigation, but the matter was suppressed.

Fortunately, Lu Shunfu felt something was wrong in the afternoon and asked again, otherwise he would not even know that Lao Qi and his team had been taken away now!!

Later, Lu Shunfu even asked other friends that the person from the Xinghe Guild who had committed the crime had been released, and only Lao Qi and his friends were still cooperating with the investigation.

"Damn, what a world!"

After learning the general situation, even though Lu Shunfu didn't want to cause trouble, he got angry.

He knew that the Xinghe Guild had a bad reputation, but he didn't expect that this group of people would rather"smooth out relationships" than give out the pension.

He even began to feel a little scared.

The influence of such a big guild is really terrifying.

In the past few years, there were still many explorers from Sichuan Heavy Industry who cooperated to rectify the atmosphere in the city, but in the past two days, the big guilds have become more and more lawless, and their network of relationships is everywhere. In just a few hours, Lao Qi and his group were wiped out. They were detained for investigation. They have no bottom line or rules in private, or maybe the rules of explorers do not include ordinary people at all!!

Lu Shunfu also tried to post two posts in the intercity forum, but basically as soon as they were posted, they showed that they did not comply with the rules, which made Lu Shunfu really speechless.

After thinking about it, Lu Shunfu sent a message to Lu Chen.

He wanted to ask his son if he could help to ease the situation.

At least release the person first.

We can't keep asking Lao Qi to cooperate with the investigation.

They are obviously the victims, but the Galaxy Guild is fine, but they are the ones who are restricted in their freedom.............

Lu Chen received the message from his father at about 10 o'clock in the evening when he came out of the Elemental Tower to resupply Blue Star.

Because of the terrifying spell power output and some information he got from Li Cangyun and others, Lu Chen's level was raised more smoothly than he expected. In just one day, he had reached level 30 and was stuck at the level breakthrough limit.

The experience required for Lu Chen, who was level 30, to level up has now reached 5,000. The level increase has become much slower. Even if he is playing alone, he has to kill two or three hundred monsters to level up.

Originally, according to his idea, he planned to directly upgrade to level 35 and then return to Suining to enter the secret realm of the snow mountain.

But after receiving the message from his father, he didn't expect Xinghe to be so impatient that he actually made a small move after just one day.


Lu Chen didn't think that the problem with his father's friend was an accident

, but thought that there was a high probability that someone was looking for trouble!

Because after Cheng Nan communicated with the senior management of Xinghe, they should actually know that the reason why Lu Chen took action against the BOSS was because Lu Chen's father was in this team.

Generally speaking, if Xinghe was sincere, he would have seriously prepared for the"challenge" in the next few days, and would not have done such a petty thing now.

But now his father told Lu Chen these things.

Lu Chen's first instinct was that someone was making trouble to force him to show up!!

Now the communication with Xinghe was all through Chengnan and his father was transferred to a safe place, and he himself did not communicate directly with the other party.

If Lu Chen guessed correctly, he was afraid that his original home and mother's workplace had also been figured out by the other party, just to find out his bottom before the so-called challenge.

Lu Chen hated his plan being interrupted.

Xinghe teased him again and again, and he was indeed irritated.

Lu Chen, who was level 30, already had a certain confidence. His current spell strength had been stacked to more than 3,700, and a healing spell could deal a full 37,000 damage!

Unless the opposite professional above level 60 launched a surprise attack on him, Lu Chen had a certain ability to protect himself, and this ability was still increasing rapidly.

"Return to Suining." Lu Chen finally made this decision.

���The people of the Abyss wanted to use the exploration team's affairs to force me to show up.

So I might as well use the exploration team's affairs to see what kind of termites there are in the Galaxy Guild.

As a former member of the expedition team, Lu Chen really hates people who do things behind the scenes.

Now is only the early stage of the abyss.

The entire earth civilization is still preparing to resist the abyss.

The safety of the city is not empty talk, but it is defended by the pioneers and pioneers on the front line with their lives!

Even now, the explorers who are now on the front line still need to fight for their lives to protect their current homeland.

I didn't expect that this group of people have begun to do whatever they want in the city that they have finally recovered for their own interests.

In the previous life, the Galaxy seemed to have offended the public and was finally banned.

In this life, since they have provoked me, Lu Chen doesn't mind making this day come earlier!

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