Suining City.

Early morning.

After Lu Chen returned here from the Elemental Tower at high speed, he was relieved to see that his parents were safely home.

But his father seemed to be still worried about his comrades.

Even now, Lao Qi and the others are still being investigated and have not been released.

In fact, if Lu Chen went to Cheng Nan for help, there would be no problem.

But he had already helped a lot before, and it was still early morning. Lu Chen couldn't ask him to solve every small matter like this.

"Well, I'll find a way."

Lu Chen's response to his parents was that he would find a way.

But in fact, after calming his parents down, he went directly to the patrol bureau closest to the galaxy.

Since the advent of the alien world, all cities have only been recovered for a short time, and some places have not been recovered yet.

Therefore, public security issues are mainly solved by the patrol bureaus jointly organized by major guilds.

Although Suining City is slightly better, the official people of Sichuan Heavy Industry have taken on this responsibility.

But they are not���It takes everything into consideration.

For example, the Galaxy Guild's patrol bureau naturally has people from the Galaxy Guild responsible for various events in this area, so the current situation has occurred.

It was already past midnight when Lu Chen arrived.

But there are a lot more people here than expected.

There are at least 10 to 20 people gathered at the door.

Lu Chen took a quick look and found that some of them were probably the family members of the exploration team. They all looked listless.

The leader was his father's comrade-in-arms Qi Weiming. Lu Chen had also seen him and called him Uncle Qi.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen walked over and asked about the specific situation............

Qi Weiming was a little surprised by Lu Chen's arrival.

The matter of the"Boneyard" has been a hot topic these days, but he still doesn't quite believe that Lu Chen, who just graduated, is the legendary"mastermind behind the scenes."

But Qi Weiming really doesn't have any good solutions now.

When Lu Chen asked about the cause of the matter, he told him the truth.

Probably the matter was similar to what his father described, that is, they had a conflict when they went to ask for money, and in the end a female family member of the exploration team couldn't survive and died directly in the Xinghe base, which caused an investigation.

The current situation is not very good because of the fight at that time.

As a result, the three middle-aged men of the exploration team were the focus of the investigation, saying that it was their fight that caused the accidental injury.

"Next, Qi Weiming, right? Come in and ask about your situation."

While Lu Chen was communicating with Qi Weimin, a man in a jacket shouted impatiently in the inner room.

Qi Weimin spread his hands.

He had been questioned several times today, and the questions were repeated over and over again, and he was even hinted to perjure himself.

Lu Chen stopped him and followed Qi Weimin in.

With just a glance, Lu Chen saw the cup on his desk still had the logo of the Galaxy Guild.

"Who are you? I only called Qi Weimin, and you should wait outside if I didn't call you. Don't you know this little bit of etiquette?"

The man in the jacket had a ruffian tone, and seemed a little unhappy to see Lu Chen coming in.

His name was Sun Dong, and he was indeed a member of the Xinghe Guild. He was now temporarily helping out in the patrol bureau here.

He was originally very reluctant to work overtime tonight, but he didn't expect that the group of people outside would keep making trouble and refuse to leave.

"I’m Lu Chen."

Lu Chen said directly:"Has the result of this matter not come out yet?"

"Lu Chen?"

Hearing this name, Sun Dong was slightly stunned, and felt a little familiar.

But seeing how young Lu Chen was, he didn't think it was a big deal:

"How can it be that fast? We are investigating right now. You are a family member, right? Family members are waiting outside. Please go register first."

"Are you responsible for this matter? Or who is your superior?" Lu Chen continued to ask, not fluctuating because of Sun Dong's bad mood.

Sun Dong stood up at this time, frowning, he didn't expect this kid to be so ignorant of the rules.

He did not answer Lu Chen's plan, but planned to drive him away directly.

"......"Lu Chen was silent for a second. He had used Holy Light Perception before. Sun Dong was only level 37 or 38. He didn't know where he got the confidence to be so arrogant.

Sun Dong had already approached Lu Chen and was ready to chase him away. Lu Chen also raised his hand and directly fired a Holy Light spell.

The golden holy light directly pierced through Sun Dong's body. Sun Dong felt that his whole body was filled with a burning sensation, and then his consciousness instantly fell into a blank, and the whole person suddenly softened to the ground.

Lu Chen took a step forward and searched Sun Dong's body for the communicator.

These communicators were made after the mutation, and there were no passwords or unlocking, so Lu Chen saw many names of the Star Guild on the communication list. Qi

Weimin on the side was a little stunned and had not realized what had happened.

It was not until Lu Chen sat down at the table that he realized that Sun Dong, who was so arrogant just now, had no breath!

"you.....You killed him? ?"

Qi Weimin was speechless, he thought Lu Chen came to reason with him or something, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would start fighting after just two sentences!!

""Call everyone else here in." Lu Chen said politely.

At the same time, he was also dialing a message on Sun Dong's communicator.

A few minutes later, almost all the people in charge of the patrol bureau here came over, some of them were from the Xinghe Guild, and some were official members!

"It's okay, don't be so nervous, I won't run away."

Lu Chen said

"I'm just here to solve the problem. If you have any ideas, you can talk to me. If you don't have the authority, you can just send a message to your superiors."

"Especially the Xinghe Guild. The exploration team has 15 people in total. According to the contract, each person is paid 5,000 psychic coins. Eight people died, and there are two family members. The pension is calculated at 10 times, 500,000 psychic coins."

"From now on, no one is allowed to leave. Anyone who leaves will die."Lu Chen said lightly. His tone was very calm, but it made everyone gasp.

Even Qi Weimin and other victims' families were completely shocked by Lu Chen's actions. They did not expect that Lu Chen's so-called"solving the problem" would be this way!! The highest-ranking thief in this branch of the patrol bureau was a level 46 thief, who was also a member of the Galaxy Guild.

He looked at Lu Chen, who was so young, and wanted to say a few words, but for some reason, looking at Lu Chen's eyes, he felt an extreme pressure and didn't even dare to speak!!

The news of Lu Chen's arrival was quickly spread. It was already past midnight, and the people of the Galaxy Guild did not expect Lu Chen to take action at this time.

"Team Gu...What about us now?"

Someone has passed the news to Gu Neng. After all, Gu Neng was the one who was in charge of this exploration team in the beginning.

"Oh shit..."

Gu Neng was also a little panicked at this time. He originally thought it was just a matter of a few ordinary civilians, but he didn't expect that now there would be trouble again.

However, after hearing Lu Chen's name, Gu Neng quickly made a phone call:

"Brother Jili, Lu Chen has appeared at the branch on Tianshui Street."

Zhou Jili happened to be looking for Lu Chen these days.

Although Gu Neng knew that he must have failed in his duty in this incident, he could only let Zhou Jili take the blame first. If the two of them had another conflict, his problem in the middle might be ignored.

Not only Zhou Jili.

Chuannan Heavy Industry also received the news.

Although Sun Dong, who was killed by Lu Chen, was a member of the Xinghe Guild, the place where he was located was nominally under the jurisdiction of the Inspection Bureau.

A level 60 warrior from Chuanshu Heavy Industry had already led people to the scene to prevent the situation from escalating further.

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