
Chapter 1320: Vision

"Shit, it's too dangerous."

Lin Fei wiped the cold sweat that had just emerged from his forehead, and was still a little afraid in his heart.

If at this time, accidentally triggered thunder robbery, it is really too wrong.

That’s right, it’s really thunder...

To practice together is to seize the essence of heaven and earth to condense oneself. This is originally going against the sky. Every time a spiritual practice point is reached, thunder and calamity occur, which is normal.

It is even more so from Jin Dan's breakthrough in Fa-phase.

Among the thunder just now, it was because of the breath in Lin Fei's body that temporarily touched the level of the Fa phase.

Of course, fortunately, it only touched the realm, if the thunderbolt condensed if nothing, plus Lin Fei was not really the true form after all.

Therefore, after Lin Fei first used the bone map to suppress the repair, the thunder disappeared...

It’s just that it’s dangerous enough...

If there is a thunder calamity at the legal level elsewhere, it must be that all warcraft sensed within a thousand miles are running away.

Only in this place, after the outbreak of the Thunder Tribulation, I am afraid that it will attract prying eyes of the emperor-level existence, or even be regarded as prey.

"Go and go, I always feel something is wrong now."

Lin Feigang took back the sword demon who was guarding outside, and the urging sound of the stone came from his ear.

When talking, the stone was already hidden in Lin Fei's arms, as if looking around, the confidence in the previous voice disappeared, and there was a sense of uneasiness.

"what happened?"

"I don't know what's going on..." Between the stone words, there was a little hesitation: "I always feel that something has changed in this place..."

"What changes?"

"do not know…"


"I really don't know, but there must have been a change, because neither the white tiger nor the Jiaolong rushed in. The two demon emperors have lived here for thousands of years, but this is limited to the existence under the guardian..."

"At the time, I thought that the two demon emperors were going to rush in. At that time, I was ready to give you another blow. Who knew that both demon emperors had left..."

"You said this is not right?"

"Then don't you say it early?" Lin Fei suddenly turned black, only feeling that things were getting more and more complicated. If he said it long ago, he could still be prepared.

It’s better now, I always feel like I’m in a pit.

"I didn't know that before..." the stone said: "But it's not a big deal, as long as you can reach the mountain, the problem is not serious."

"You mean that guardian?" Lin Fei looked up and looked at the giant mountain not far away.

Before this time, the stone had passed the science. The guardian was living on the top of the misty mountain. From his place, he could look down on the entire Ancestral Hall and close all the scenery to his eyes.

Sometimes I observe that there are junior monks who enter my mind, and they will move mountains and rivers with great magical powers, change mountains and make water, and set up special experiences for that younger generation. If they are satisfied, they will personally give the opportunity.

Conversely, if any foreign enemy enters, he can't escape his dharma eyes, and the first time he enters the Ancestral Hall, he will be photographed as scum.

"Yes..." the stone said: "There is the most important place in the entire Ancestral Demon Temple. In any case, there should be no problems there, otherwise it will affect the entire Ancestral Devil Palace. It must be safe at all times, The most important thing is...there is a chance between you and me..."


There is no need to urge it with stones. Lin Fei did not want to stay here for a long time. He simply cleaned up the cave, eliminated the traces left by himself, and restored it to a natural scene in which no one had been there. He was heading towards the mountain.

In such a perverted place, Lin Fei did not dare to show off the light, anyway, it was not far away, but he hurried away from the ground.

As a result, just after reaching the foot of the mountain, I suddenly heard a roar from the mountainside...

Hearing this moment, Lin Fei moved a little more carefully, looking for the sound, and only to reach the foot of the mountain, he found something.

"What's the situation?" Seeing the scene ahead, Lin Fei suddenly froze...

At the foot of the mountain about a hundred feet ahead, there seemed to be a war...

A large piece of blood stained the ground, and the rich **** smell was blown by the wind, making people breathless. The ground was almost covered with broken flesh. When stepped on, it seemed to step on a swamp of flesh...

And in the broken flesh and blood, some large corpses can be seen, barely able to recognize their race and appearance in their lifetime.

As a result, Lin Fei looked at it for a long time, but found that these monsters had strengths and weaknesses, but they were almost the realm of the demon king, and without exception, they seemed to have exhausted their lives, and the battle reached the end...

One of the lions with golden hair, even the body was gnawed into a rotten, the bones were bitten off several times, and the throat of the other monster was still bitten in the mouth, and there was no loose mouth...

And this situation is not just an example, at least a dozen demon kings are so dead.

It looks as if a big dogfight has occurred.

"This is the safe place you said?"

According to the stone, this guardian’s residence is the holy place of the entire Ancestral Demon Temple. Not to mention ordinary monsters, even the demon kings who are serious are afraid to come here.

Only those demon emperors can get on this mountain and be summoned by the guardian.

Even if the guardian's body had a problem long ago, there would be no monsters, daring to approach this mountain.

But now the situation is clearly not right.

This is about to be cooked into a pot of porridge, how can there be half the majesty of the Holy Land?

"No, no, how could this happen." At this time, the stone was also panicked. If it is a human, it should have been sweating long ago.

"If it were usual, there would never be any monsters daring to come, and today this is...wait." Stone suddenly thought of a possibility, a little suspicious: "The reason why the two demon emperors did not enter this place is related to the invasion of this monster by these monsters... "

"It has been an accident, can you still be reliable?" Lin Fei looked black.

"No, my one... I depend, and there are still alive, be careful!"

Halfway through the words, the stone screamed to remind Lin Fei.


There was a monster from above the mountainside, stepping on the feet of blood and bones.

The demon beast presents a kind of reddish gold, which looks very similar to a lion with golden hair on the ground, but the size of this head is larger than the circle.

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