
Chapter 1321: Mad Monster

And between the dancing of the red golden hair, there was actually a red flame rubbing, and the body was still stained with blood stains, revealing the sharp teeth of Bai Shengsheng, and a few bloodstains on it...

Its eyes are blood red, revealing the infinite viciousness, stepping on the corpse, just like a beast coming from hell...

"So strong..."

Lin Fei looked a little dignified...

This monster is said to be a demon king, but it exudes a stronger atmosphere than the demon king. It seems to be a sign of becoming a demon emperor.

And looking at this picture, these corpses under the ground should have died in its hands...

If you give it enough time, I am afraid that you can really become a demon emperor...

When Lin Fei had just seen the demon king, if the blood lion seemed to be aware of it, he suddenly turned his eyes and looked at Lin Fei's hiding place.

Following the blood in that pair of eyes suddenly violently, with a deafening roar, the demon king set off a gust of wind and flew towards Lin Fei...

"So sharp?"

Lin Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the demon king could react so quickly even if he deliberately condensed his breath.

Before waiting for Lin Fei to get up, he only listened to a roar of roar. The demon king had set off his blood, like a reddish gold whirlwind, rushing towards Lin Fei.

That paw was photographed, and a terrible tearing sound was made in the air, and the sharp screaming wind was oncoming. In the "booming" sound, the big stone in front of Lin Fei was smashed into pieces.

Under this blow, the stone directly turned into powder and spattered in the air, but the demon king still didn't have any meaning to stop. He didn't stop at all, and torn Lin Fei with one blow.

However, Lin Fei is not waiting for it, but a dazzling golden light...

Taiyi Jianqi was excited in a flash, turned into a golden dragon, and the moment it appeared, it was pulling teeth and claws towards the demon king.

"Huh? This is..."

To be honest, although the demon king is powerful and may even be promoted to the level of demon emperor, it is not enough to make Lin Fei embarrassed, so from the beginning to the present, Lin Fei feels much embarrassed.

But now, Lin Fei is surprised for the first time.

You know, Taiyi sword is extremely sharp. For the demon emperor, it is almost like chopping melons and vegetables. Out of the instinct of life, this demon king should avoid this blow first.

Of course, that doesn't mean that the demon king can escape a death, but can live a little longer.


To Lin Fei's surprise,

This demon king looked like a lifeless man, with no meaning of avoidance. He just fell against Tai Yi's sword and rushed towards Lin Fei...

"what's the situation…"

Lin Fei is a bit inexplicable, everyone does not know, as for such a deep hatred?

In order to give yourself a claw, don't even want to die

However, this demon king seems to be right, and it is the same as Lin Fei...


In a tearing sound, Tai Yi's sword spirit was golden and glorious, with a sharp edge, and he fell towards the demon king, just like cutting tofu, and directly caused a terrible wound to the demon king's chest and abdomen.

Sensitive bones sticking to flesh and blood, the internal organs are exposed to the air, and the blood is scattered to the ground.


Although the demon king made a terrible roar, his figure was not paused at all, and even his speed did not decrease much, as if it was not the one who was traumatized.

The claw was so sharp that it cut through the air and fell towards Lin Fei without any deviation.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?"

This attack was so vigorous that Lin Fei did not need to force it to resist. He simply took a step back and pulled back...

But this distance is close, when looking at the demon king, but found anomalies.

Generally speaking, monsters and beasts are fierce in nature, resulting in fierce and **** fighting styles, which cannot be changed.

However, fierceness does not mean death, even than the cunning and contingency in battle, the monster may be even better.

However, among the eyes of the demon king, there was blood and madness. In addition, there was nothing else, and even with such a serious injury, even a trace of pain and hesitation did not manifest.

The most important thing is that by this time, this demon king actually still fights with his flesh only.

You should know that when you reach the level of the demon king, they all have their own natal magic powers, and the monsters in this ancestral demon palace are all cherished. They have more or less ancient fierce beast blood lines, and their magic powers should be more powerful.

But this demon king, not to mention supernatural powers, is fighting hard by his own physical body.

"what's going on?"

Lin Fei was not in a hurry to kill it now, but he was coping with it while observing it, and at the same time he didn't forget to ask the stone. This strange situation.

"This is the leader of the red-eyed golden lion family, who usually lives nearby. It is one of the most promising monsters in this place in the next millennium. It is strange...it is not like this."

But I didn't expect that at this time, the stone was observed there for a while, and it was also a puzzled look.

"Could it be that you're in danger?" Stone thought for a long time, wondering there.

"Ignore the fire?" Lin Fei sneered and pointed to the flesh and blood corpses on the ground: "The monsters and monsters that are on fire can also be slaughtered from here? What can be so powerful?"

"This one…"

Stone suddenly had nothing to say, after all, Lin Fei was right.

Today, although the demon king is violent and violent, he has lost his wisdom and has to lose at least 30% of his combat power.

The corpses on the ground were all in the realm of demon kings during their lifetime, and with so many people gathered together, how could they be killed by a demon king who got caught in the fire?

"Forget it, just look at it and see."

At this time, Lin Fei was no longer entangled, and took out the demon beast of the demon beast, and knew at a glance.

Until now, Lin Fei has only dodged a few times, even a trace of blood on his body has not been contaminated, and the demon king has reached the end of the crossbow.

It's no wonder that the demon king was seriously injured from the beginning, and he has been unaware of the constant impact of life and death. He can persist until now, but it is a small miracle.

However, no miracle is of any use. Lin Fei simply gave him a sideways look, and the demon king fell to the ground...

The blazing red blood flowed out of the grim wound from its chest and abdomen and soaked a large area of ​​the ground.

Together with the breath from the mouth and nose, they are getting weaker and weaker, and I can’t live anymore...

Lin Fei didn't hesitate too, Tai Yi's sword qi swept at random, directly tearing open a big mouth in its red gold fur soaked in blood, and the internal organs immediately flowed out.

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