
Chapter 1329: Human head

A small black sun hangs in the sky, and the endless light shines on all sides, almost making people dare not look straight. Huo Fengzi covers his eyes with real elements, and he can still see that in that small sun, he is a vague head.

But at this time, the infinite sword energy around the man's head was shrouded, the black light was cut into pieces by the sword energy, and forced back by inch...

Looking at this scene, Huo Fengzi confirmed the previous speculation, and was determined.

The experience of Heishantou was indeed correct. Once Lin Fei showed his power, it was almost unreasonable. Even if the little devil had already exerted such abnormal combat power, he still had to be suppressed by Lin Fei...

Should this battle end soon?

Thinking of these, the Huofengzi became more attentive and looked towards the thinner and thinner mist.

Under the siege of Qi Daoqi, the black light was getting weaker and weaker. The head that had hit Qi Dao Qi a hundred times hardly seemed to have reached its limit, and it began to languish for the first time.

Among the seven bombings I don't know how many times, I was hit by hundreds of feet.

The black light began to dim and you could vaguely see the figure of the little devil.

At first glance, it seems that the little devil has become weak, and his figure is a little shaky.

Lin Fei was not in a hurry, just constantly urging the seven sword qi, encircling and suppressing that person's head, and wasting its power little by little.

All of a sudden, the fierce battle between the seven sword qi and the head of the person formed a strange balance...

"I'm afraid it's too late..."

Lin Fei constantly urged the celestial swords of the heavens, looking at the round little black sun, but his face was still a little dignified, not relaxed.

From Lin Fei's perspective, you can see that the eyes of the man's head are half-opened and half-closed, and the eyes are completely a blazing black, as if there is endless magma flowing in it...

It seems that one's own quick and quick decision is impossible.

The last few gold threads on the eyelids were also slowly being freed. At this speed, the eyes sewn to death by the gold threads should be completely opened soon.

However, after all, the seven sword qi have their own origins and are innately extraordinary.

Stimulated by the Ten Thousand Swords of the Heavens, these seven swords are incomparable, and it can be said to have broken everything in the world. Although this head is powerful, it is also difficult to resist.

A little time passed...

This round of little black sun is getting dimmer...

The Fire Phoenix outside didn't know that Lin Fei thought so much. Seeing this scene, it was just that the winning ticket was in hand, and I felt that the battle was almost over.

However, at this time Lin Fei did not seem to feel this way.

He just looked at the little devil's head, frowning, and the dignity on his face increased a little...

At this time, the figure of the little demon had been fully revealed from the black light, and his face was pale, but still expressionless and cold eyes.

In the face of the infinite sword whizzing around me, it seemed as if I could not feel it, but I just stood there immobilely, agitated a wave of real elements, and constantly urged the head.

"Hurry to solve the battle, what are you waiting for..."

At this time, Huo Fengzi waited for a while and found that the battle was not over yet.

Although it is not very real, it can be felt. Although the momentum of the little devil is strong, it is surrounded by infinite sword energy, and it is difficult to leave.

As long as Lin Fei is in a hurry and takes the little devil straight, won't he win...

What do you want to do?

But soon, Huo Fengzi was too late to think about it.

Because as the mist became thinner and thinner, the situation in the mist was already clearly shown.

In this violent and fierce confrontation, the little devil is still expressionless, just pinching the weird seal...

The vague mantra was spit out in the mouth, so low that it was difficult to hear, but somehow, hearing the mantra made people feel a kind of mood swing.

Moreover, a drop of blood rose from his fingertips. This drop of blood was extremely red, but it was shiny and translucent, as if it were a super ruby.

As soon as this drop of blood appeared, a burst of vitality erupted, as if it were not blood, but some kind of superb elixir.

"Damn it, blood in your heart, do you want to fight like this?"

Suddenly, Huo Fengzi next to him could not help screaming, almost stunned...

For Jindan decoration, this is also a very precious existence. For every drop of heart and blood consumed, at least 30 or 40 years of Shouyuan must be lost. The most important thing is that this thing consumes a few drops, even Will affect your foundation of monasticism.

Unless it's the point of life and death, how could there be such a waste of monks?

Does the little devil want to win this way? Actually hesitate to use this kind of thing?

Almost at the same time that the Huofengzi exclaimed, the little devil was already awe-inspiring, and the drop of crystal clear blood came out of his way towards the head surrounded by sword gas.

When this drop of essence blood passed through the countless sword qi, it was as if it were unreal, and it directly passed through the heavy net and fell into the heart of the man's forehead.

Then, on the man's head and eyelids, the last half-engaged gold thread completely broke free...

A powerful and terrifying will suddenly came...

That layer of mist was instantly penetrated by this unmatched will, and the distance of the fire phoenix was still 100 feet away, all of which felt this will and instantly conveyed to my heart...

"This, this, wrong!"

This layer of fog is forbidden and cannot block the vast power of this person's head. The Fire Phoenix looks at this sudden will that comes suddenly, the whole person is shocked to be speechless...

Because, at this time, those half-open and half-closed eyes were completely opened, and the white eyes were completely condensed with black light, but at the position of the pupil, it was a strange symbol, slowly turning!

The rune reveals a mysterious dignity, as if taking a look, it makes people involuntarily lower their heads to worship this phantom...

"Demon, demon emperor? This, this, why?"

Huo Fengzi opened his mouth slightly, looking at the symbols in his eyes, and his mood could only be described by turning the river over and over...

There is nothing wrong with the demon emperor!

As the longest enemies of Fo Lijie for a long time, the only supreme in the demon world for tens of thousands of years, the study of the demon emperor being overturned by the Seven Gates, Xuan Yaozong's research is also detailed.

As the first true biography of Xuan Yao Sect, Huo Fengzi knows a lot about it, and even once saw a picture of a demon emperor in the record.

It is said that it was one of the few times that the demon emperor appeared in tens of thousands of years.

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