
Chapter 1330: Demon King

At that time, the Seven Gates School had taken root in the Fuli, and developed for thousands of years. The old generation of strong people are like the sky and the new geniuses are also emerging in an endless stream. The whole Fuli is in the middle of the day.

At this time, the Demon Realm and the Fo Lili touched for the first time, and the Demon Emperor forcibly broke through the separation of the two realms and came over in the form of an incarnation.

Even though it was just an incarnation, it also possessed infinite power. Only one day and one night, all the creatures in the 100,000 miles near the land came to be slaughtered...

The seven gates joined forces, and the twelve law phases were sent to the nest, paying a heavy price to destroy the incarnation of the demon emperor.

Despite the high price, Fo Li also got a lot of information about the demon emperor...

One of them is the mysterious symbol flashed in the pupils of the demon emperor during the fierce battle!

According to later research, this is because the origin of the demon emperor is quite strange, and its blood traces back to the roots, it should be the blood of a certain top congenital race of the owner.

That symbol is a manifestation of blood power.

In the subsequent ten thousand years, in the confrontation with the demon world, it is not that no other demon royalty has been on the battlefield, but none of them can manifest this mysterious symbol.

All of these are all explanations. In the whole demon world, only the demon emperor has a blood line of extremely richness, and almost returns to the ancestor, so that such symbols can be manifested.

But what is going on now?

How can the iconic symbol hailed as the demon emperor appear in the eyes of a person, and it will actually be held by the little devil...


Lin Fei was too late to understand these...

At the moment when the head was completely opened, the head suddenly opened its mouth, as if a huge roar.


As if an invisible ripple was rippling, the countless sword qi that originally surrounded the head suddenly burst into a mouth...

The black light that was originally suppressed suddenly exploded, and the confrontation with it became more intense...

Before Lin Fei fought back, a horror power that surpassed Jin Dan, and was still rising, suddenly went to Lin Fei, and filled out the whole space...

The strange symbol in the man's head was completely blazing...

Even the Huofengzi, who is separated by hundreds of feet, can clearly feel the horror and majesty that came out of that person's head at this time.

This human head fell like a black sun, broke through countless sword qi, and fell towards Lin Fei!


It was a "boom"...

This light collided heavily with Lin Fei's bodyguard sword...

For a moment, it was like a meteorite, smashing into the sea.

A huge force erupted at this moment, and the huge force broke through the mist and swept the Quartet...

Under this huge wave, the phoenix was all flew out by this strong wave, and his clothes were torn into pieces...

Fortunately, at this time, Huo Fengzi suddenly grasped the waist jade amulet, and a powerful force emerged from the jade rune. A light mask appeared around Huo Fengzi, which resisted that power. Outside the reticle.

But immediately, Huo Fengzi saw that the head exploded, and infinite light emerged from the head.

Overwhelming, endless...

The most important thing is that in the black light, there is a large and fuzzy figure...

With a height of a thousand feet, a pair of long corners on the head, rising up into the sky, the looming wings behind spread out, occupying the top of the mountain, seeming to cover the sky...

With the appearance of the thousand-height figure, a thousand-footed, powerful momentum rushed out, the surrounding trees, stones, and even the corpses of the monsters and beasts on the roadside were all destroyed by this destructive and destructive, the rock was just broken, it was transformed For flying ash, floating in the air...

Huo Fengzi is in protection, but ignores it safely, but at this time, he is too late to rejoice, but the burly figure staring at the sky with horror, under the overwhelming momentum, is simply sluggish.


At this time, Lin Fei almost stood up with cold hair, and clearly felt that an unprecedented sense of crisis enveloped his heart...

Even when he was chased and killed by two demon emperors before, Lin Fei felt that the crisis of this moment was not terrible...

In the moment when this huge light and shadow appeared, Lin Fei did not hesitate at all, and a bright white light spot appeared directly in his hand, followed by a crumbling...


After the light spot was crushed, it was in Lin Fei's hands, spreading out into countless light spots, which seemed to be a rain of light, covering Lin Fei.


There's no after that…

The light rain fell, and then slowly spread out, dissipated in the air, and there was no follow-up.

"Oh shit!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei could not believe that the light spot dissipated, and immediately, his face was very ugly...

This light spot was left by Zhao Minghai. He once promised that as long as Lin Fei crushed this light spot, Zhao Minghai could come and help Lin Fei to make one shot.

A promise from a real monk, but it’s more than the value that can be described, the use is good, and the value is immeasurable, so Lin Fei’s situation is dangerous, and has not been used.

But now, Lin Fei can't care so much.

Who knows to crush this light spot, not to mention Zhao Minghai, there is no wave at all...

As for why Zhao Minghai could not come, Lin Fei had no time to study? Because the current situation is bad enough...


At this time, Lin Fei had not yet waited for the reaction, but felt a force and rushed.

At that moment, Lin Fei only heard the sound of bones breaking in his body. Under this tremendous force, Lin Fei could not resist it for a moment, but was knocked out of the air...


Lin Fei did not wait for the landing, a large mouthful of blood spewed out uncontrollably.

The power of this black light and shadow can no longer be described in words. Lin Fei just felt that even if he tried everything he could, he could not compete with this force!

This blow alone has beaten the level of Fa...

"Father King, it's the Father King who came to rescue me, human beings, if you let me go quickly, you can still drop a whole body!"

This force is immense and unparalleled, penetrating Lin Fei, irresistibly swaying into the underworld, and instantly spread throughout the entire underworld.

The demon prince, struggling in the eighteenth hell, suddenly exclaimed with excitement, as if saved...

"Actually the demon emperor?"

At this time, Lin Fei also heard the cry of the demon prince, and he was shocked, but he had no time to ignore it...

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