
Chapter 1364: escape

It's just that this chance of escape also needs a certain amount of time in front of the demon emperor...

"Three Breaths..."

Lin Fei's forehead was oozing with sweat beads, but at this time it was too late to ignore them, but just looking at the other end of the space channel, and seeing the dragon bone boundary, it had become more and more clear.

As long as three breaths, you can cross this space channel and reach the keel world...

How to say this is the place where the old dragon conquers, even this demon emperor, he dare not dare to follow the space channel and hunt down the past...

But now, the fleeting three breaths seem so long...

Behind Lin Fei, a cloud was overwhelming, and the sound of thunder continued.

The demon emperor seemed to know Lin Fei's plan as well. After the violent roar came through the space channel, it all seemed a little distorted.

However, through a layer of space channels, the demon emperor was unable to exert his full strength. At this time, it was just that pair of claws. In this space channel, turning the river and turning the sea...

For a moment, this space channel seemed to be an earthquake, a tremendous scene, a space storm continued to flow in, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

Lin Fei just madly urged the celestial tactics of the heavens and heavens, transforming his free array and the dharma world, to the extreme, while resisting the invasion of the giant claw, and heading towards the end of the space channel.

Twisted scenes are constantly flying fast from the front of the eyes, and a ray of space storms continues to hit with the giant claws. Under this siege, Lin Fei is insisting on getting more and more difficult...

This wave of crazy bombardment is like a gigantic wave in the sea, which constantly beats Lin Fei on this boat. Lin Fei feels that he seems to be beaten into pieces in this giant wave at any time...

"Oh shit…"

Lin Fei gritted his teeth tightly, his mouth was full of **** smell, and his body was painful, and there was a burst of sweetness in his throat. I am afraid there was already a dark wound.

However, Lin Fei did not care about these, just went towards the end...

at last…

The view in front is getting clearer...

At this time, Lin Fei can even clearly see that in the dragon-bone world that is like a dragon entrenched, there are many areas that he has traveled, and some of them even have a memory of the battlefield...

It seems to be within reach, as long as one step is taken, you can get out of the channel and fall into the keel world...

However, the more this time, Lin Fei was more afraid to carelessly.

Because Lin Fei knows, at this time, I am afraid that the demon emperor is also well aware of this information...


Almost as soon as Lin Fei saw the details of the Dragon Bone Realm, the roar of the demon emperor suddenly raised a grade again. With this earth-shattering roar falling, the claw that was trapped by the Faxiang world, Suddenly, it fought for the bondage...

This claw seems to have walked through the ten thousand sword bushes. The fine scales on the surface were scraped, revealing the messy flesh below.

However, this was the claw that was hit hard. At this time, countless blood drops were splattered, and with the monstrous fierceness, I grabbed Lin Fei to cover the sky...

"I depend!"

Lin Fei suddenly felt a kind of coercion like a mountain, and pressed down toward himself.

For a moment, Lin Fei was almost alive with a will to survive, and he was living with the oncoming terror and coercion to urge the swords of the heavens to the extreme. The true element is like a river in the meridian Pentium, protect your inner guts.

You know, this is a real blow at the real body level, any form of law is difficult to resist...

Today, Lin Fei has no choice but to hope that he will be able to escape from this space channel before this blow is completely dropped...


An earth-shattering force hit like a tide, and the power carried on this giant claw was so powerful that it fell towards Lin Fei.

In an instant, the giant claw just hit Lin Fei's body protector Zhenyuan, a powerful force that burst into burst...

Even if he had protected himself by many means, Lin Fei seemed to feel that he was hit head-on by an ancient beast, stepped on his feet, and trampled back and forth a dozen times.

The thick Zhenyuan was directly crushed into powder, Lin Fei's eyes were black, a swell of sweetness came from his throat, and a mouthful of blood was sprayed directly...

There was a sharp pain in the chest, as if the bones had broken and inserted into the muscles, even the breath could not directly breathe. Under this blow, the whole person almost collapsed.

Lin Fei bite the tip of his tongue, a sudden pain rushed up, relying on this pain, keeping his conscious mind, a pair of eyes, looked at the front of the keel realm that was close at hand...

The scenery of the Dragon Bone Realm has become extremely clear, and even Lin Fei has felt that as long as he takes another step, he can fall into it...

Only now, this step is so out of reach...

This giant claw couldn't make a hit, but it was smashed down again. This blow directly made Lin Fei's body turbulent, and the blood was blurred in front of his eyes, and the blood spitting out of the big mouth was spilled into this space channel...

"Human, the emperor said, you can't run!"

Through the isolation of the space channel, a horrible and magnificent figure appeared faintly. The sound of roaring thunder came from outside the space channel. The red golden light in the eyes of a pair of eyes rose, piercing the void, and locking it through the space channel. After Lin Fei, he exuded a sense of ruthless viciousness, as if it were an ancient beast walking in the void.

"Relax, you can't die, the emperor wants to nail you on the holy mountain, bleed for thousands of years, and torture forever!"

The voice was perpetually fierce, and as the voice fell, the demon emperor was already again, extending the claw over...

"Damn..." Lin Fei's face became quite ugly as the giant claw came again.

If he really bears this blow, he is afraid to pay the price of his life.

Lin Fei knew that in the face of this overwhelming power, he had no reason to be spared, and immediately took out the Soul Soul Pearl...

"Keep the Yuanling, the body will explode to buy me time, and I will rebuild your body after I go out." Before the Wanhunzhu reacted, Lin Fei said quickly and quickly.

"Self, explode?! You, what are you talking about, are you crazy?!" That Wanhunzhu was still in deep cultivation, not listening to the outside world.

Suddenly he was pulled out, and before he could figure out the situation, he heard that he wanted to explode himself.

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