
Chapter 1365: Persuade you to explode

However, they all waited for much excuse, but they felt the infinite power of the demon emperor. When they looked at it, the sound of the soul beads suddenly became higher, shaking with horror: "What is this? You, what have you done?"

Before the sound fell, the powerful coercion when the giant claw fell made Lin Fei spit out another blood.

Lin Fei did not care about these injuries, and wiped away the blood: "Less nonsense, let me explode! Leaving Yuan Ling, I can save you from rebirth and fall into the hands of the demon emperor, you will never turn over."

"Yes, but it explodes..."

"Shit, it's too late."

Seeing this Ten Thousand Soul Beads was still hesitant, but Lin Fei couldn't wait. At that time, it was running Zhenyuan and was going to throw the Thousand Soul Beads out.


This time, I haven't waited for the hands, but in the void, there is another giant hand, suddenly came over...

The palm of this giant hand has a clear palm pattern, the surface is as clean as jade, and the tears are torn through the space. When it comes, it releases a wave of space storm again, carrying an unmatched coercion, it is toward the giant claw, fierce Photographed.


The giant hand collided with the giant claw, a terrifying force suddenly burst out, and the powerful shock wave directly wiped out the surrounding space storm...

These space channels are all trembling, and a series of fine cracks began to appear on the surface, spreading rapidly towards the distance, and countless fuzhuan flying wildly, trying to make up for those cracks...

After this blow, the giant hand retreated with the giant claw, followed by, but there was a furious roar from...

"Old things, you are all weak like this ghost, and have the strength to show others!?"

"No matter how weak, it's nothing to deal with you in the range of my Ephesus." The old voice of the old man from Ephesus came out, and the voice was calm and calm, as if there was still infinite combat power.

"I see how long you can support!"

As the roar fell, the demon emperor outside the space channel apparently shot with all his strength and launched a duel with the ancestor of Navor from the world.

In an instant, endless fluctuations came out, just in the blink of an eye, this spatial channel has experienced several collapses. This spatial channel has experienced a battle in the battle between these two real bodies. Big destruction.

But at this time, Lin Fei was finally separated from the demon emperor's coercion.

"Here, I don't need to explode myself, can you let me go first..." Lin Fei's Wanhunzhu, but his voice was shaking...

Although it is a magic weapon of the Heaven Order, it has suffered too much trauma, has been creating split spirits, and has not been able to improve itself. At this time, it can not exert much combat power. In this scene, it seems extremely powerless.

"To shut up!"

At this time, Lin Fei had ignored the Soul of Souls, and at this time suddenly escaped from the coercion of the Demon Emperor, but he seemed to have pulled out a knife from his body, and suddenly spit out a bit of blood, and suffered a severe damage to his body. Almost to be on the verge of collapse...

However, Lin Fei knew that the ancestor of Fo Lijie was not optimistic. At this time, I was afraid that he was trying to block the demon emperor for himself...

As the demon emperor said, these ancestors paid such a price, and they don't know how long they can support it.

I must seize this opportunity and get out of this battlefield...

One step, two steps...

The space channel is the place that connects the two realms, and the distance is thousands of miles away. Lin Fei is too late to feel these. After struggling to take a step, the pain makes the consciousness more blurred, but it can still be seen. The scenery of the keel boundary in the distance is more solid...

However, before I could see it completely, I was staggering in the footsteps, towards the front, the whole person fell out...

The roaring sounds, bombardment sounds, and the rapid backwards away. The surrounding scenery is also moving away quickly. The scenery in front of me is approaching quickly, but the eyes may be the cause of blood oozing. clear…


Dragon bone world, a plain.

This used to be not a plain, but the place where the Tomb of the Blue Dragon King was located.

However, a few years ago, there was a battle that affected the entire keel world. The powerful aftermath raged, and the whole area was almost razed to the ground.

The original mountains or valleys disappeared and turned into a barren plain. The plains had no grass, the power of space raged, and even space cracks appeared occasionally, swallowing nearby creatures directly, making them lost in the endless void. Among.

All this makes the original creatures on the plains completely destroyed.

As many surviving monks fled from here, this place became unavoidable, almost becoming a Jedi of the Dragon Bone World.

But as the Qinglong King went away, the space cracks here were gradually closing, and finally this plain was left.

At the beginning, it was still a Jedi, but later, some people found some magic and relics of the dead monk in this plain.

The monks who were able to come here were not only the best in the keel world, and their relics can be imagined for the value of ordinary monks.

At the beginning, it was still a Jedi, but later, some people found some magic and relics of the dead monk in this plain.

The monks who were able to come here were not only the best in the keel world, and their relics can be imagined for the value of ordinary monks.

Later, some lucky people harvested some remnants of the arrangement of the Blue Dragon King, and those things, even making Jin Dan monk, were all moved.

All of a sudden, this plain turned from the desolate Jedi into a land of opportunity for the Dragon Bone Realm. Because of these factors, in the years after the end of the war, there were many scattered repairs here, as well as the major forces of the keel...

They have gone through a series of open battles, divided the spheres of influence here, and dispatched personnel to search for the legacy of the Blue Dragon King...

Among them, naturally, it also includes the seven kingdoms of the Dragon Bone Realm, and these seven nations occupy a rich area here.

It is worth mentioning that, in that time and again, the queen of Qinglong Kingdom, who is a rising star, showed a strong mismatch with gender and appearance.

Faced with the challenger, the queen did not hesitate, but directly slaughtered the other party. One did not stay, and the means were fierce and creepy.

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