
Chapter 1418: Hanhaijie

The appearance of mountains in the desert is a bit awkward to look at, and it certainly attracts attention.

But when Lin Fei looked at this big mountain, he didn't care about it, but he was a little surprised to find that this big mountain standing in the desert seems to have seen him...

It was still in the keel world...

At that time, he beheaded a demon emperor and found a part of the memory of Wang Lingguan.

According to that memory, this demon emperor was sent to the Dragon Bone Realm only after he was defeated by Wang Lingguan.

It was based on this piece of information that I decided to come here to find the trace of Wang Lingguan.

And this big mountain...

In the memory of the demon emperor, it seems to have appeared. It was near a similar mountain, and was thrown by the Wang Lingguan towards the Dragon Bone Realm...

It's just that because Lin Fei was too heavy at the beginning, the memory of the demon emperor seemed a little vague. Apart from that big mountain, there were no other features.

Is it really this big mountain?

Although Lin Fei is a little uncertain, but looking here, the more he looks, the more likely he is...

After all, compared with other barren places on this land, this desert has less spirits, but at least there is, among the places Lin Fei has walked, it is the most suitable place for monks to survive...

Lin Fei did not hesitate anymore, and walked directly towards the mountain.

As Lin Fei moved closer and closer, he discovered that the aura in this space was also unknowingly increasing gradually.

Although this change is extremely small, it is almost difficult to find, but Lin Fei, as a monk of Faxiang, can still distinguish it very accurately.

I don't know what the spirit of the mountain will look like, can it really support the monk's cultivation?

If you can, then the cultivation of Wang Lingguan and Manzhuer is at least one of the explanations...

With these speculations, Lin Fei is faster...

Then, after only half a day's driving, Lin Fei reached the foot of the mountain, and found out that the surrounding aura greatly increased.

There are already sporadic weeds around here, and even Lin Fei has discovered a small pit valley with little water in it...


Lin Fei stepped on the mountain road one step at a time, and then looked back, they all felt quite wonderful...

Compared with those places that I have traveled before, there are so many auras here, which are already close to the real world. In contrast, they are so different.

"Even there is an elixir?"

On this mountain road again, Lin Fei was a little amazed as he continued to walk for less than a dozen miles.

On both sides of this mountain road, there are a few small white flowers, gently swaying in the wind, exuding a light medicinal fragrance. Although the aura is not heavy, it is obviously among the elixir...

Along the way, Lin Fei met several times sporadically.

The types are different and not the same.

Speaking of which, there are no precious varieties, but in this place where the aura is lacking, it is already quite precious...

If nothing else, the spiritual power alone is more than twice as fast as self-cultivation.

In this way, Lin Fei walked forward for almost a dozen miles, and suddenly Lin Fei suddenly looked up...


Lin Fei looked back like this, and it happened to see a black flower growing under the shadow of a rock not far away.

This flower looks like it has been burnt once by fire, it is completely black, but it is quite vigorous, and the large black petals, from time to time, show a grudge of grudges, exuding The looming roar.

This sound came into his ears, and even Lin Fei was upset and agitated, born out of nowhere in his heart.

However, this only lasted for a moment. Soon, Lin Fei expelled this impatience, but when looking at the black flower, I didn’t know what to say...

Xuanyin ghost flower!

According to legend, this kind of ghost flower will be born in a place with strong yin and ghosts raging.

This kind of ghost flower naturally condenses the extremely pure Xuanyin Qi. Whether it is used for alchemy or practicing the Dao Dao practice, it is very effective. Generally speaking, once this Xuanyin ghost flower appears in the world, few people will go Use it by yourself, but release the news to attract Guidao Gaoren to exchange for a very high price...

The problem is that there are neither ghosts nor mysterious air in this place.

This is the best Xuanyin ghost flower in the outside world, how can it appear here?


If the appearance of the ordinary elixir in the front is barely acceptable, then after discovering the Xuanyin ghost flower, Lin Fei couldn't figure it out completely.

What a miraculous place this is, even these elixir can be conceived?

If this is a Jedi, what is the so-called blessed land outside the world?

While thinking about these in my heart, Lin Fei's movements are not slow, and he just started to dig...

Lin Fei knew that when the Xuanyin Ghost Flower was growing, it was not allowed to touch the five elements, otherwise it would fall, so Lin Fei directly took out a jade shovel, gently from the root of the Xuanyin Ghost Flower The shovel, along with the soil and flowers, was shoveled down.

Then, put it in a jade box...

However, before waiting for Lin Fei to take a good look at his labor achievements, he heard footsteps and suddenly came over...

Followed, I saw a big-faced big man, strode over, he looked at the jade box in Lin Fei's hand, and his eyes suddenly lighted up: "Huh? Your Excellency is a bit born, is it because you just came here New Tongdao?"

"Huh?" Lin Fei heard, but just looked at him.

Lin Fei suddenly found that this casually appeared big man, with a strong and long breath, was actually a monk of the Fa...

When I saw Lin Fei didn’t speak, Dahan’s face was full of Qiu bear, but the smile was stronger, and he looked familiar: “Oh, it looks like it’s a new fellow, you are from that world Which martial art? By the way, my name is Feng Hai, but it is a monk from the Fenghai Island of Hanhai Realm."

"Hanhai Realm?"

Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved, and he had heard of this world.

Among the worlds of the heavens and the seas, Hanhai Realm is a big realm in terms of scale, but in that world, 80% of the area is occupied by endless seawater, and there are only small islands of different sizes scattered around. In the sea.

Although there is very little land, the various resources for spiritual practice in this sea are more abundant. It is said that the string of fifty banned Zhenhai spirit beads in Jianzong is an old man who has lived for nearly ten thousand years from the realm of the sea. Remove the mussel...

And such treasures, in the boundless ocean of the Hanhai Realm, do not know how many exist.

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