
Chapter 1419: Feng Hai

The monks also formed forces one after another based on where the islands are.

Relying on the endless waters unique to Hanhai Realm, the monks have obtained a lot of spiritual resources from them. The strength of each island is not to be underestimated. This is one of Fengyu Island.

In the vast sea world, the wind and rain islands are considered to be the leading force, and there are endless powerhouses in the gates. It is said that the wind and rain island owner, thousands of years ago, had shocked the real body.

At that time, monks from all walks of life went to the onlookers to ask Jianzong's real person of Qianyuan, but they also received an invitation and went to take a trip. At that time, there was a stir.

It's just a pity that the border crossing failed...

No matter what happened later, there was no news...

But regardless of success or not, after that rush, the status of Fengyu Island in Hanhai Realm is very important.

Lin Fei did not expect that he was actually here, and he would meet a monk in the Han Dynasty...

And this one...

Only the cultivation of this Fa-level is placed in Fengyu Island. At least one true disciple is born and cannot run...


This true story has nothing to do, it seems that it is not very sensible...

Everyone is a monk, and some taboos needless to know that people picking elixir here, you just come over and talk, how do you think it is a bit inappropriate?

This is Lin Fei. At this time, I just came to some unknown situation, but I can still remain calm...

If a demon monk is here, whatever your identity is, if you take a step closer, others will already be able to do it.

However, Lin Fei's concession fell into the other party's eyes, but his smile was more exaggerated.

"Oh, since it's just here, I think you must have a lot of doubts..." The big man named Feng Hai didn't seem to realize that he was doing something inappropriate. On the contrary, in the speech, he was still invisible. Taking a step forward, the big hands like Pu Fan are more familiar with Lin Fei's shoulders: "But don't worry, since everyone is in this Jedi, it is appropriate to watch and help each other. By the way, which martial art are you? ?"

"Fu Lijie, Xuan Yao Zong, Huo Feng Zi."

Lin Fei took a step back and avoided the big hand that was about to be patted on the shoulder of the other party, and directly moved Huo Fengzi out.

"Oh, it turned out to be Xuan Yaozong... I heard and heard that you Xuan Yaozong used to come to our Hanhai Realm and hunted some rare monsters..." Feng Hai didn't care, he took his hand back with a smile. Then he smiled and said: "At that time, I still met for your suzerain many times, but I haven't seen it for many years, but I thought that there were such excellent disciples in the Xuan Yao Sect. According to my seniority, I can call you A teacher nephew..."

"..." Lin Fei glanced at the other person silently, and met his nephew as soon as they met. Are you familiar?

But the nephew is the nephew, anyway, it's not myself.

At this time, Feng Hai looked at the blood stains that Lin Fei hadn't taken care of before, and smiled and said: "Sister nephew, I think you seem to have been injured a little bit? Well, later you will go up the mountain with me Take you to a place to help you get a Xuanyuan Pill, or to help you heal..."

"Xuan Yuan Dan?"

"Master nephew heard?"

"Ha ha…"

Lin Fei has not only heard about Xuan Yuan Dan, but has also eaten...

Xuan Yuan Dan's own effect is extremely simple and extremely precious, that is, it contains a lot of pure essence, the key is that this essence is also extremely gentle.

Whether it is used as a healing remedy, or as a combination of other elixirs, it is very effective.

Especially during the Heaven Tribulation, the True Yuan is exhausted, the body is bruised, and the limit is reached. At this time, a Xuan Yuan Pill is coming. It is simply dead wood and spring.

When he was in the world of Fu Li, all kinds of spiritual resources were almost unlimited supply, but in the end, the ancestor of Fu Lijie only gave a Xuan Yuan Dan.

This ancestor mastered the resources of the entire Pholias, but he was by no means a stingy person, but he only gave one. From this, we can see that this Xuan Yuan Dan is precious and rare.

At the state of law, a little improvement in strength is ten times harder than before.

The value of Xuan Yuan Dan can be imagined.

In this Jedi with scarce resources, there are people who give away such treasures in vain?

No matter what purpose you are behind, is it too exaggerated to use this Xuanyuan Dan as an excuse?

"Oh, it's normal that you don't believe it, Master and Nephew." Who knows, Feng Hai saw Lin Fei's expression, but he was not surprised, just smiled and said: "But it doesn't matter, the reason can be understood by you."

"You said…"

"Actually, you should be able to guess one or two. It is not just you and me in this space. In fact, there are more monks. They are forced to live here for various reasons..."

"Well." Lin Fei nodded. There was speculation for a little bit. If nothing else, Wang Lingguan and others are very likely to be in this place.

It seems there are many other monks besides Wang Lingguan and others...

"But you should not know that some monks have formed an organization in this place. They don't know where they came from, and they have obtained a lot of spiritual resources. As long as a newcomer arrives, the organization will take the initiative to give a helping hand to the newcomer. A treasure, to help newcomers through the initial difficulties, but this opportunity is only once, to get their help again, only in the future, to help complete some of the tasks they delivered."

"Is this still the case?" Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised, sincerely unexpected.

"Oh, this big mountain is where the organization is." Feng Hai pointed to the top of the mountain and said: "There is a garrison there, he will give you treasures, but there is something I want..."

"I want to ask something about..." Lin Fei interrupted directly and asked directly: "Is there anyone here who was thrown here?"

"Throwed in?" Feng Haiwen said, suddenly stunned: "Do you mean that you are being pursued by the enemy or..."

"No, that's the kind, a space channel was specifically opened by someone, and it was sent to the neighborhood from the other side of the land..."

"Impossible!" Feng Haid suddenly heard his head straight: "For no reason, who would be so busy?"

"For example...a French tall man?"

"Dharma body? Master nephew, I don't know what to say inappropriately..." Feng Hai heard this, but looked at Lin Fei strangely: "Did you hit your head when you fell into a space crack?" It’s normal to see hallucinations when crossing a crack in space..."


Lin Fei frowned, so to speak, is he really the only one thrown over by that Fashen?

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