
Chapter 1421: status quo

At this point, everything Feng Hai said is still true and credible. Even if the newcomers are prepared, they will also be somewhat grateful and trust...

This is also the time for Feng Hai to harvest...

The technique is also very simple. It is nothing more than using that trust to guide the newcomer to make some mistakes, and use it as a threat to seize most of the treasures that the people on the mountain send to the newcomers.

At this step, all the newcomers will follow, without exception.

Even Feng Hai found that as long as he and Yan Yue looked a little bit, even without tearing their face, they could get what they wanted from these newcomers.

After all, what everyone is doing here is nothing more than survival. Most people silently accept the loss. These treasures are also worthless. There is really no need to expand the loss...

Some of the weaker monks even offered all the treasures and were willing to drive...

After so many operations, Feng Hai has gained a lot from these newcomers.

Even thanks to these treasures, Feng Hai's cultivation in this Jedi is one step further...

Originally, this time, Feng Hai turned around and found no newcomers, so he had to come back to hand over the task...

Who knows, it just happened to run into an ignorant newcomer, and even more gratifying is that this newcomer made a big mistake on his own initiative without even having to guide himself.

It's just that the meat jumped into the pot and cooked it to himself.

Feng Hai felt that he wouldn't eat it.

Only this time, it seems really unreasonable...

It's just that Tianli is having trouble with himself...

This guy from Huo Fengzi called Huo Fengzi, why did he become Lin Fei again?

Moreover, how can this Lin Fei look familiar with the caretaker here...

No, it's not just getting acquainted.

The guardian's excitement just now met his loved ones...

Feng Hai felt that his calf was a little soft when he thought of the guardian who was always high above him, who was excited to come down to meet him in person.

Even the caretaker here, who has to come down and greet him in person, regards himself as a fat sheep?

Isn’t this death?

This is not the worst.

If the other party threatened him, stabbed him out, and then traced it out, those things he had done before would also be exposed.

Everything will be finished by then...

Even the other party does not need to make any special revenge, as long as he is blacklisted, and he is forbidden to take over tasks here, then in this place where the aura is lacking and dangerous, he is cut off all supplies...

Not to mention that you are just getting into the Fa phase, even those long-established Fa Fa phases, after losing supplies, will not take long before they will fall to a tragic and unimaginable point...

Thinking of his future, Feng Hai's face has become completely white...

However, Feng Hai was able to survive in this place for so long, and was able to hold so many newcomers in applause. The share of face and heart was not an idle life.

Thinking about it, Feng Hai gritted his teeth and thumped, actually kneeling down...

"Master Lin's nephew, no, Brother Lin, you adults don't care about villains, you forgive me this time..."

"I rely on..."

Lin Fei hadn't responded yet. He saw this majestic Elder Fengyu Island kneeling in front of himself.

There is such a law?

Are you too embarrassed by the Fa?

However, obviously, in front of his life, the elder of Fengyu Island, who was already a face-skinned mantra, was completely thrown away...

"Brother Lin, I am not easy here either. You, you have spared me this time, I can promise you anything..."

Perhaps it was the struggle and pitman experience in this Jedi for a long time that made Feng Hai’s shelf that was the elder of Fengyu Island completely lost. After kneeling down at this time, he didn’t care anymore. All can be said.

Anyway, this is not a wind and rain island, no matter how shameful you are, no one will know...

Even after it was released, Feng Hai felt that he had nothing to be ashamed of.

The strength of this organization here is simply incomparable, not to mention yourself, even if his brother who retreats and seeks to break through the real realm comes, it will definitely not be provoked.

"You get up first..."

Lin Fei has seen quite a lot of Fa-Phases, just like the seven of Fulri from the World. Although he did not play any role in the Battle of the Demon Emperor, he also preserved his morality, and even wanted to die together. Lin Fei somewhat admired.

In order to get rid of destiny, the real people of Gu Yue dare to unite with the demon emperor and calculate their own ancestors.

But this one...

It's really a wonderful flower in the Fa...

It was so wonderful that it was worth staying as a specimen.

Speaking of it, if Lin Fei had no idea, it would definitely be wrong. In fact, although Lin Fei was just thinking about some of his own puzzling problems, he didn't forget the person around him who wanted to pit himself.

Originally I wanted to see how this elder Fengyuyu elder, who had a bold appearance and a lot of thought in his heart, would do something.

Is it a dead net? I still have to continue to make nonsense and play tricks...

who knows…

This elder from Fenghai Island, from the realm of Hanhai, is a decisive person...

Seeing this man who was kneeling on the ground, holding his thighs, and licking his face at the age of calling his brother, Lin Fei really took it for a moment before he kicked him away from himself.

"You let go first."

"No, Brother Lin, you must forgive me, I really know I was wrong..."

"What are you doing?"

While the two were talking, Yu Hua hurried down from the mountain...

Just after I came down and didn't wait to speak, I first saw the two kneeling men standing in front of me. This very strange scene suddenly made Yu Hua stunned, and looked at Lin Fei to reveal the look of search: "This is …"

Feng Hai suddenly shivered, showing his begging eyes, and looked at Lin Fei...


Although this kind of wonderful physiognomy is rare, Lin Fei did not mean to protect the specimen. He turned a blind eye to Feng Hai’s begging and immediately shook it out for him.

And as Lin Fei finished talking about the matter just now, Feng Hai's face suddenly turned into a mortal color.

Yu Hua's face also completely blackened.

When I looked at Feng Hai, it was almost squeezed out of my teeth, and my face looked cold like a knife: "I said that the newcomers in front of me are always a little bit wrong. It turned out that you were a ghost, but now you are still doing it. Arrived at Brother Lin?"

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