
Chapter 1422: North side

"Me, I'm all crazy, I can make up for it, can I watch it..." Feng Hai's voice trembled, and he wanted to die.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful." Yu Hua was much lazy to listen, and interrupted directly, thinking for a while: "No one has picked up the task on the north side recently, you go."

"North, north?" Who knew, Feng Hai's face suddenly paled when he heard it: "But, there is the devil's site, I, I..."

"Why don't you want to go?" Yu Hua sneered.

"No, no, I just..." Feng Hai gritted his teeth there and said, "Okay, I'm going, just how long it will take..."

"Whatever this one, you can go as long as you like, or leave by yourself, no one will force you." Yu Hua said: "It's just that you think about the consequences yourself."

"I'm going to go..." Feng Hai didn't dare to hesitate and promised to come down quickly.

Following this, Yu Hua taught something casually, and Feng Hai repeatedly promised to say nothing.

In the end, Feng Hai left his face with a bitter face, and left towards the north...

"You are good enough..." Lin Fei looked at the whole course, and then looked at Yu Hua, his eyes were a little weird, and he felt like he didn't know anymore...

No matter what Feng Hai said, it was all a Fa, and Yu Hua's feeling to Lin Fei at this time was only Jin Dan's turn.

But Feng Hai nodded his head, his frightened cold sweat repeated, and he accepted all the harsh conditions.

Lin Fei is well-informed, but if this scene was just seen, it would be hard for Lin Fei to believe.

"It's not that I'm terrible, it's just a special environment, I will slowly say..." After Feng Hai left, the look on Yu Hua's face was put away, and he scratched his head. When he said this, he suddenly remembered something and quickly explained. : "Oh, how did you get here?"

"You might not believe it." Lin Fei said: "I was looking for your traces in another place, and I was sent here by a dharma body."

"It's really him?" Who knows, unlike Feng Hai, Yu Hua didn't look surprised, just sighed helplessly: "It seems he hasn't left yet..."

"What's it really about him?" Lin Fei suddenly froze: "You have seen the Fa?"

"It's not that I've seen it, it's Wang Lingguan they've seen..." Yu Hua nodded bitterly, followed by Lin Fei and headed towards the top of the mountain. While climbing, he looked a little complicated and said: "Now these situations are also worship The specific things he gave, I also listened to Wang Lingguan and others..."

"In the first battle of the Dragon Tomb, the impact was more profound than we thought. There was a continuous space crack near the Dragon Tomb. The disciples of the Ten Gates in the North, including Wang Lingguan, were swallowed in. Fortunately, this There is also this land in the crack of the space, and Wang Lingguan and other talents have a temporary residence.

"However, it was not long before the old dragon vacated. It was anger, it was found, and finally it was found on this land located in the crack of space. Originally, these people, Wang Lingguan, wanted to be it. Victims."

Lin Fei frowned, which is no wonder. At first, he and Wang Lingguan entered the Dragon Bone Realm together, and disappeared, but the old dragon transferred hatred to them...

But obviously, the old dragon failed...

"and after?"

"Later, the strong body of the magic body appeared. According to Wang Lingguan, it seemed that the strong body of the magic body came specifically to deal with the old dragon. The two sides fought a battle, and the old dragon suffered a defeat, and the strong body of the magic body seemed to be. After a bit of injury, Lao Long didn't know what secret technique he had performed, and disappeared out of thin air. The magical body did not leave. He just found Wang Lingguan and others and asked a question..."

"what is the problem?"

"He asked Wang Lingguan and others whether they came from asking the monk of Jianzong..."

"Oh?" Lin Fei was shocked, the same question, the Fa body had asked himself...

"I was surprised, right. I was surprised to hear that Wang Lingguan was here." But Yu Hua didn't know this, only Lin Fei was shocked and felt the same emotion: "It is estimated that Wang Lingguan was definitely stupid... "

"You continue."

Lin Fei didn't go to Yu Hua to explain so much, just to continue listening, what did the Fa body do.

"Later... That dharma body also gave this big mountain. On top of the mountain, there are many cultivation resources, but these things come at a price..."

"He asked Wang Lingguan and others to arrest the emperor-level existence and then invest in the Dragon Bone Realm. At that time, it was very difficult. Wang Lingguan and others were forced to a desperate situation. They could only fight one battle after another, and continue to fight. Fortunately, with the almost unlimited supply of resources, until later, they gradually stabilized."

"Wang Lingguan, Man Zhuer, and Lu Cheng'an, in that endless battle, have succeeded in breaking through successive achievements. At this point, the days are better than before. Wang Lingguan is in charge of these resources, and a few of us are the core, and a simple organization has been established. Use a little resource to help the newcomers survive and help us accomplish some things..."

"The others..." Lin Fei frowned, and it was not just these three who entered the Dragon Bone World together.

Although Yu Hua did not mention it, Lin Fei vaguely felt that their end would not be too good.

"The other people are not very lucky..." Yu Hua's expression is a bit complicated: "Xuan Tianzong's true biography Song Gezhang, died in a siege demon emperor..."

"The other is Liu Chang, who was born in the Constellation, and I don’t know what to think. When Wang Lingguan broke through the law, he had to make secret calculations. Fortunately, he was rescued by Manzhuer. After Wang Lingguan got out of the customs, he killed him directly. …This generation of Xing Su Zong has a total of these two most outstanding disciples, and this trip to the Dragon Bone Realm has gone down. Xing Su Zong is considered to be seriously injured..."

"There are also Qiao Zhifang of Lingxiao Gate and Pang Tong of Guiyi Pavilion. These two factions were originally feuds. After falling into this place, they also got a chance similar to Wang Lingguan and others, and they have been together since then. Compete with Wang Lingguan and others to **** those ghost emperors and demon emperors..."

"In short, there are not many people who survived in the end, but everyone who hasn't died, has also achieved the Fa..."

"And I, after I came to the Dragon Bone Realm, at your command, went to investigate the traces of Wang Lingguan and others. Just a little bit clueless, I accidentally fell into a crack in the space. Fortunately, I met Wang Lingguan here. , This survived until now..."

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