
Chapter 1455: help

When he was hesitating, if he should take the initiative to ask about the situation, Qiao Zhifang suddenly saw that Lin Fei seemed to think of something and waved to himself...

"There is something that might trouble you to help Pang Tong..."

When Qiao Zhifang came over, there was still some uneasiness. Who knew that he had heard this request, he was relieved at that time.

It's good to help. Since it's help, it means that you are still valuable in the eyes of the other party. At least your life is saved.

Therefore, Qiao Zhifang was also very agreeable at the time, and he almost swears: "Don't say it is a favor, even if it is a hundred, it should be..."

Who knows, Lin Fei listened, but didn't say anything more, just nodded, then turned around and went to busy...

"What is this..."

Seeing this, Qiao Zhifang couldn't help whispering secretly, since he was helping, he would also explain it anyway, what does that mean...

and many more…

While thinking wildly there, seeing Lin Fei's movements, Qiao Zhifang suddenly felt a little puzzled.

What does Lin Fei mean?

Connect the terrain, lay the spirit stone...

This seems to be...setting up?

Moreover, the large array under the cloth seems to be familiar with himself...

"Bitcoin array?"

The bite array, originally Qiao Zhifang once exhausted his mind, personally laid out, naturally familiar with this large array.

Although Lin Fei's array technique is a little different, and this bite array is subtle and different, but at this moment, Qiao Zhifang looked at it for a while and immediately recognized that this gradually forming array is essentially the same Biting array!

What do you mean?

It is not enough to break one's own big formation, but also to innovate by yourself, and set up another course?

Just when Qiao Zhifang couldn't figure out Lin Fei's meaning, he only saw that this somewhat weird bite array was completely formed.

Immediately afterwards, in this large formation, a large gray mist spread out, as if there was a fierce beast, waking up in the gray mist, a scream of earth-shattering sounds suddenly appeared.

The endless power of inhalation came, and in an instant, a few miles away, a scene of wind and sand, a large piece of gravel was drawn into this array, and then disappeared invisible...

"about there!"

Lin Fei then closed his hands, looked at the large array he had just laid out in front of him, and after a while, nodded in satisfaction.

When I looked back, I saw Qiao Zhifang beside him, looking at himself in this large array, and immediately frowned: "Why are you still stunned, hurry and bring Pang to pass!"


Lin Fei was so urged, looking at this large array, where some inexplicable Qiao Zhifang, all of a sudden slowed down, quickly responded.

Then, he took Pang Tong in a coma, walked towards Lin Fei, looked at Lin Fei, and showed his eyes for consultation: "Then we are now..."

"What is it, go in." Lin Fei glanced at him and pointed to the large array just before him.

"Ah?!" Qiao Zhifang was stupid when he heard it, and repeatedly determined that after Lin Fei's expression didn't seem to be a falsification, he suddenly reacted.

This **** revenge...

Because of his own secret calculation of Wang Lingguan, he must treat his own way with his own way.

"You, your original promise..."

"This won't hurt your life, don't talk nonsense, go in." Lin Fei was a little impatient, and this treasure trove of the keel world was plainly excavated by others, and it was depressed there, and there was not much magic medicine left. It was actually accidentally destroyed by this Qiao Zhifang.

Don’t look at it as just a little elixir, but that was one of the details of Jianzong. After taking it out, it was enough for ten Qiao to work side by side.

In fact, if it weren't for Qiao Zhifang's role, Lin Fei had the heart to kill and sell blood. How could he have time to listen to what he said.

Therefore, after seeing Qiao Zhifang hesitating, he just waved his hand, and a powerful real element swayed, and immediately sent the two Qiao Zhifang who were caught off guard into the battlefield.

Suddenly, the mist in the burst spread out, and in a flash, they swallowed Qiao Zhifang and the two of them.

After falling into the line at that time, Qiao Zhifang originally wanted to resist. The magic weapons in his body were all confiscated. That is, he urged Zhenyuan to rush towards the gray mist that was flowing around him.

However, the large array carefully laid by Lin Fei will naturally not be so easy to break.

At that time, I saw that the gray mist was like a sea wave, surging up, like hundreds of pythons, and directly bound Qiao Zhifang to the two people.

During that time, Lin Fei saw Lin Fei pinched a complicated handprint and a series of fuzhuan into his hands...

"You, what do you want to do!"

Looking at the peculiar fuzhuan that I didn't know in the battle, Qiao Zhifang was born with an inexplicable fear. It seems that as the fuzhuan joins, the whole large formation has undergone a strange change...

If you say that the bite array you have placed is just trapped, then the bite array trapped by yourself adds a very disturbing vicious atmosphere...

It's just that no one here responds to Qiao Zhifang's screams...

Qiao Zhifang can only see in his eyes that the essence blood of his body is slowly drawn out and integrated into the formation...

Suddenly, I saw the gray mist in this large array, which was slowly changing to red, and fluttered a sweet **** gas...

For Qiao Zhifang, he felt that the blood in his body was slowly passing away, and that kind of pain made people collapse. At the beginning, he could still scream and curse there. Lin Fei did not keep his promise.

But soon, the extent of the struggle that Qiao Zhifang struggled with was getting smaller and smaller. It was really that he didn't even have the strength to scold. He was tortured and was begging...

"I admit defeat. The previous thing was that I was wrong. I am willing to compensate. Any compensation will do..."

"You have enough compensation now."

Lin Fei sneered and ignored it.

Followed, I saw that in this large formation, the gray mist gradually turned red.

As the **** smell spreads, you can feel it with just a light smell, and the rich vitality in it makes everyone present at the meeting shocked...

After half an hour, I saw that the gray mist in this large array had completely changed into a pale red.

And in the fluttering light red mist, Qiao Zhifang's appearance in the battle is extremely miserable.

Qiao Zhifang, who was originally injured, collapsed to the ground at this time, and his voice was very weak. On the side, Pang Tong, who had been eroded by the enchantment of Li Qingshan and had been comatose, the burly body like an iron tower had already shrunk. The circle, the pale gold on his body, became very dim.

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