
Chapter 1456: Mining

At a glance, this is even a bit skinny...

Both of them have a very weak breath. If they continue for a while, I am afraid that they will be squeezed alive and die...

Seeing this complete scene, both Manzhuer and Yuhua were okay. The scene where Li Qingshang's hard-working body of the demon was sucked directly was much more shocking than this...

Now it is easier to accept Lin Fei's use of this suction method again.

However, Wang Lingguan saw a little scalp tingling...

If they didn't agree with each other, they actually sucked all the flesh and blood of the two priests. Although Lin Fei was a brother of the same discipline, these methods simply gave Wang Lingguan a new feeling of understanding Lin Fei.

If Lin Fei was the younger brother who needed to take care of himself when he participated in the North Mobei together, then now Lin Fei makes people have to think of the fierce and murderous devil monks...

It's really cruel...

Moreover, Qiao Zhifang, who was fighting against himself, in Lin Fei's hands, actually fell to the point of being arbitrarily slaughtered. These methods are simply incredible...

"Among our true biography, I am afraid that only Luo Yu can really compare..."

"Luo Yuzhen?"

On the other side, Yu Hua heard it, but smiled a little weirdly: "Luo Yuzhen... can he kill the demon emperor?

"What?" Wang Lingguan stayed for a while and was about to ask. Lin Fei had already come over: "Brother Wang, if you enter the battlefield, you will soon be able to make up for the loss."

"Ah?" Wang Lingguan was stunned again, some surprise: "This big array is prepared for us?"


Lin Fei smiled, but did not explain too much. With a wave of his hand, Wang Lingguan, who had just recovered, and Lu Chengan, who was still in a coma, were pushed into the formation together.

Following this, he pinched the seal again, and started the battle.

In fact, after Lin Fei's transformation, the effect of this bite array has changed dramatically.

The effect of devouring the essence of human life in the array has been retained, but after extracting the essence of life, it can be infused into the body of another person.

It’s easy to say, it’s really easy to operate, but it’s extremely simple. The innumerable steps of transforming this array are enough to make a monk priest feel big head. month.

Only Lin Fei, who has already given the essence of this array, can only be so confident...

At this moment, as Lin Fei was running in a large array, the slowly floating **** mist suddenly accelerated its operation.

It was like a sudden rise of a **** storm, and around the two Lingling and Lu Chengan, who had just been thrown into the large formation, spun quickly...

Bloody essence, as the storm rolled, slowly integrated into the two...

These are all Qiao Zhifang and Pang Tong, all of the real essence blood, at this time, as Lin Fei runs this battle, they are all refined into the purest essence, which can be called the best blood and treasure medicine, directly used Make up for the losses the two had spent in the lineup...


With the lingering blood-colored essence, running down the nostrils of the two people, Wang Lingguan's complexion had already recovered, and it was even more ruddy.

On the side, Lu Cheng'an, who was always in a comatose state and was very pale, slowly recovered.

At this point, the formation can already run by itself.

Lin Fei was just watching, not doing much anymore, because what others did next could not help.

Although this flesh and blood essence is a superb treasure, but it can't be refined in a moment, it will inevitably be lost as time passes.

Before the flesh and blood essence dissipates, how much can be refined, the two are all their own...

After more than an hour, the blood in the mist gradually became dim.

When the blood color in it completely disappeared and the mist turned into a gray color again, Lin Fei knew that the time should be almost up.


As Lin Fei raised his hand, the big formation was directly disintegrated.

The gray mist slowly dissipated, and as the large array opened, Wang Lingguan and Lu Chengan walked out slowly...

At a glance, Wang Lingguan's face was ruddy, and the whole person was full of blood. The kind of atmosphere that belongs to the Fa phase is undoubtedly more than ten times stronger than before...

Lu Chengan on the other side is a little bit miserable.

The top true story of this starry sect seems to have suffered too much in the front of the bite array. Although it was a remedy at this time, he woke up, but when he walked up, he inevitably had some staggering and his face looked Some pale.

Even between the actions, Wang Lingguan still needs to be supported...

"Congratulations to Brother Wang!"

Lin Fei greeted him at this time and arched his hands with a smile. In fact, normally, Wang Lingguan did not need to make up for this large array. If the benefits of the entire large array were directly left to Lu Chengan, then Lu Chengan At this time, it was fully recovered.

But for Lin Fei, saving Lu Cheng'an is a matter of success. If you can save it, you can save it, and if you can't save it, it doesn't matter.

For Wang Lingguan, it is quite important to be able to make up for this large array.

Just look at it now and know that today's Wang Lingguan is full of spirit, has a long and powerful breath, and has a posture of a higher level. With this benefit, Lin Fei naturally has to hold his brother first.

"Thank you, my Star Suze, will not forget this kindness."

However, when walking out of the gradually dissipating gray mist, Lu Chengan was struggling to get rid of Wang Lingguan's support immediately, with a solemn expression, facing Lin Fei and paying a deep salute.

After saying this sentence, Lu Chengan didn't say much.

After all, both Lu Cheng'an and Lin Fei knew that at this time, it was Lu Cheng'an who represented Xing Suzong.

Speaking this sentence solemnly as Lu Chengan, the Xing Suzong really owed Lin Fei a kindness.

With this simple sentence, it is superfluous to say anything else...

"Oh, you're welcome."

Lin Fei smiled, but there was no evasion, and received a solemn salute.

Although it was just a smooth move just now, Lu Cheng'an was seriously shortfalled after all. If he delays for a while, it may be that Lu Chengan's way will have an impact.

To put it more, this is even for the star Suzu, who saved a future leader-level figure.

This kind of kindness, if Lin Fei is not affected, but the face of the star Suzy Sect is dull...

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