
Chapter 1561: Show power


Although this voice is somewhat looming, there are no weak people here, they all hear the voice clearly.

Hearing this sound, Jian Zhu's face changed slightly, but he shouted at random: "Pretend to be a ghost and die for me!"

As the voice fell, I saw the giant raised his hand violently and waved, and the Wuling Seal was urged again, and suddenly seemed to be a awakening of a fierce beast.

Toward the big hole where Lin Fei disappeared...


However, at the moment when the Wuling Seal broke out, a burst of sword light burst out, and it followed the Wuling Seal.


Wu Lingyin burst out a loud noise, was shocked by the sword light!

Seeing this, Jian Zhu suddenly changed his complexion.

And the discussion of the three major schools suddenly broke out.

When asked about Jianzong's side, Wang Lingguan and others were all surprised.

For a time, countless eyes gathered in the past, looking at the depth of the big hole.

At this moment, I saw that the blocked Wu Ling Yin was shaking violently, and everyone followed me, and the Wu Ling Yin was slowly lifting...

Although Jane Bamboo started to urge and suppress it in the first place, it didn't help...

In between the surge of sword light, the witch spirit was imprinted little by little and was lifted up.

But after a few breaths, the Soul Seal was pushed out hundreds of feet away.

Followed by, everyone saw that under the mark of the witch spirit, a figure wrapped in countless sword lights and stepping on the sword light star river appeared from the mark of the witch spirit...

"So, is this your last resort?"

Among the countless sword-light packages, Lin Fei looked up and looked at each other...

Jane Zhu gritted his teeth, his face cloudy and uncertain, but it was faintly withdrawn.

However, at this time, Lin Fei raised his hand...

Suddenly, the boundless sword light converged into a galaxy, rushing towards the Wuling Seal.

Suddenly the whole giant seal trembles madly, but it resists only for a moment. This giant seal turns into countless seals and bursts open.

In these countless Fuzhuan Feiwu dances, Lin Fei seems to have done nothing, and is still surrounded by countless swords and lights.

It was just standing there, but there was a kind of terrifying wave of terror that was scary.

At this time, Lin Fei's eyes were also plain, and he glanced at Jian Zhu casually, and suddenly said: "If only these means are available, come offend and ask Jianzong, you are looking for death..."

His free form is like a haze of light yarn, lingering gently beside him, revealing a mysterious feeling.

If you look closely, you will find that this gauze mist is actually composed of countless tiny sword lights, and between the gently fluttering, exudes amazing killing opportunities.

Under his feet is a galactic river of sword territory, which seems to be brewing countless distinct sword meanings. When these sword meanings are grouped together, it is like showing the entire sword way.

A breathtaking momentum emanating from Lin Fei...

At this time, I asked Jianzong or the three major schools on one side. Countless lines of sight, with either disagreement or shock, all kinds of disagreeing eyes, looked at Lin Fei...

When this means was exhausted, Lin Fei's momentum was too strong. Even if the three elders joined forces, Lin Fei in this state seemed to be suppressed...

"Is this what he got underground, this speed of progress, really..."

Asked the Jianzong side, Wang Lingguan looked at this figure surrounded by countless sword lights and couldn't help but sigh with exclamation...

He still remembers that when Lin Fei was in the void at the critical moment, he stood up. At that time, it seemed to be like now, and like now, to turn the tide.

It's just that Lin Fei at that time didn't have the strong momentum now...

How long has it passed...

The other true disciples next to him couldn't help but bring a variety of expressions, in addition to awe, they also showed a kind of complexity.

At the beginning, everyone was still in that competition, and I saw Lin Fei grabbing the true biography. It seemed that it was only yesterday.

And after missing for a few consecutive times, Lin Fei returned again, and the strength he showed was like two people...

When they spoke with admiration, Zong Yang's face was excited with pride in the humble corner.

This incident was caused by the old Taoist priests. Whether inside or outside Zong, Yu Hengfeng was mostly suppressed, and how much wronged he was, he could only swallow it silently.

However, after Brother Lin's shot, who would dare to look down on Yu Hengfeng in the future?

It's just a pity that the old Taoist is gone...

If he could see this scene, how good it would be..."

And when Zong Yang was excited, the three people of Jian Zhu on the sky were already somber...

Especially Jian Zhu, he has urged his witch pattern to the extreme, and even started to endanger himself. However, Lin Fei, actually, the stronger the Vietnam War...

And the blood color in Jian Zhu's eyes can't help but become more intense...

He can obviously feel that Lin Fei has mastered this half-step innate magic weapon to the extreme...

Otherwise, there is no such power.

This made Jane Bamboo's heart tragic and angry.

No one knows how much pain he has experienced and how much resources he has spent in order to cultivate the small five-element golden body and wear this witch tattoo.

In order to break out of the famous name in the Fa phase.

But now, as a young disciple like Lin Fei, the half-step innate treasure he exhibited can actually press himself?

Looking at the young figure in countless sword lights, in addition to anger and injustice, there was a kind of uneasiness in Jian Zhu's heart.

And just when Jian Zhu's heart surged, Lin Fei suddenly raised his hand and waved, and then, the haunting self-composed array around him was a fierce roll.

In an instant, it seemed to change from a mist to a giant wave, surging towards Jian Bamboo.

At this time, Jian Zhu was immediately aware, and his face changed suddenly, waving the giant around him to face up.


However, this response has just been made, and the violent surge of sword light has already arrived.

The fiercest swordsmanship, wrapped with a terrifying force, specifically went towards the giant's vital point.

And the giant roared loudly, but also fully greeted.


This time, as if the giant wave of sword light hit an iron wall, the sound of gold and iron clashes rang through the sky.

Where the two collided, large pieces of sparks spattered everywhere, dazzling and dazzling in the air.

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