
Chapter 1562: Reversal

But Jian Zhu's face suddenly changed greatly, because at the moment of the impact, he could clearly feel that a majestic and permeable force, like a row of mountains and seas, penetrated into his body.

Suddenly, the body, which was originally strong like a diamond, began to appear cracks like broken porcelain, and the red blood penetrated.

Jian Zhu itself is related to the giant and his life. Once he had a problem, the giant failed to persevere for a long time. He suddenly screamed, and the whole body stepped back a few steps...

Under the ground for some time, Lin Fei has already transformed this other free array into a complete unblocking, and what is missing is nothing more than that innate golden energy.

But now that this half-step congenital treasure, once there is no restraint, such power is exploded with full force, but it is like destroying the world...

The power of each blow is a terrifying battle, as if it can move mountains and fill the sea!

The most important thing is that his free array is simply connected with the world, and the monstrous spirit is continuously poured in, which is far from human comparable...

So at this time, even if Jian Zhu had the help of two other elders, Lin Fei was alone, and he was suppressed by death...

At this time, Lin Fei didn't even know what it meant to be merciful. He directly mobilized him to the extreme and pushed him to the extreme.

That shocked the world at that time, but silenced the power of thousands of years, and finally was awakened. The first appearance in 10,000 years, it means that the Vietnam War and the bravery...

On the other side, Jian Zhu's disadvantage gradually appeared...

Although he is extraordinary in itself, and the two elders blessed with the mysterious witch pattern, but it seems to be meaningless.

Not only did the cracks on his body not heal, but more and more...

With Jian Zhu's body shape, stepping back step by step, each step will leave a blood footprint, apparently forced to the extreme, but also quite embarrassed.

Seeing this scene, the monks on the side of the three major schools could not help but show a hesitant look.

Some of the true disciples of Jindan Realm, as well as the older generation of Jindan, can't help feeling upset at this time, making people uneasy...

This is not a surprise for the disciples of the three major schools, there is really no way...

Who would have thought that even if Jian Zhu had the help of two elders, he would still be no match for this young man who asked Jianzong!

At this time, no matter what the two monks are discussing, this battle has reached an extremely fierce level.

The giant and Jianchao, in the sound of "clang", shook again.

"go with!"

As Lin Fei once again waved, the powers of Wan Tian Wan Jian Jue were perfectly integrated into his free array.

Suddenly, when the tide surged again, it was at this time that there were thousands of strange sword intents, and the power contained therein has reached a point where it is impossible for the Fa to be elusive and to be careful.

After colliding with the giant again, it seems that the whole space is slightly distorted.

After a wave of waves spread again, Jian Zhu's witch-grabbing face suddenly turned pale.

A mouthful of blood was sprayed out at that time.

The whole body of the giant seemed to be hit by a meteorite. At that time, it was an embarrassment when it was hit and flew. In the air, it seemed that it could no longer stand the brilliance, and it turned into countless fuzhuan and light spots. This disappears...

At this time, Lin Fei's eyes were locked on the pale, blood-stained Jian Zhu: "Don't you dare to say that you want to destroy Jianzong?"

When the words fell, he was manipulating the boundless sword energy, and stepped towards the other side, step by step.

For a time, the situation reversed!

Under pressure, he became a party of three major schools...

While asking Jianzong's side, Wang Lingguan, Song Tianxing and others, looking at the sky, this scene of sudden reversal of the offensive and defensive momentum was still somewhat unacceptable.

This change is too fast...

It is unimaginable that not long ago, the opponent who had repressed the entire question asked Jianzong, only after a long time, actually became the party that was suppressed.

Asked the Jianzong side, there was a brief silence...

Some disciples have wide-open mouths, and they have a sense of unreality in a dream.

Some people even couldn't help but squeezed themselves, and after a cry, they were a little bit convinced that all of this was true...

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire Wen Jianzong suddenly changed, and everyone's face was filled with excitement.

Most people in the past even held the same idea, but it was not that they did not want to live. If they had a little hope, they would not have such extreme ideas.

At this time of despair, suddenly there was hope falling from the sky.

Although he hasn't completely defeated the opponent, looking at it like this, he seems to be able to expel his opponent completely.

Suddenly, all the haze swept away!

"Get them out!"


For a time, when the earth shattered and shouted to kill, one side after another asked Jianzong.

Under the cover of Lin Fei's overwhelming sword tide, many disciples who guarded the barriers of various formations all broke out under Luo Yuzhen's signal, followed by killing...

Wang Lingguan also looked into the sky, Lin Fei's figure, sighed: "I'm right, this guy can't speculate with common sense at all, it's really capable of turning the tide..."

Song Tianxing whispered beside him: "Don't you say that Lin Fei didn't show up, why did you suddenly look good again..."

Wang Lingguan immediately patted Song Tianxing's head and reprimanded: "What do you say?!"

Song Tianxing shut his mouth obediently, and dared not say anything, but he looked weird, obviously still complaining...

And at this time, after sending a signal, Luo Yuzhen was also looking at Lin Fei as if he were in the world of Jianguang, his face could not see anything, but in his eyes, it seemed that some kind of contemplative color flashed away...

At the same time, not on the battleship of Laoshan.

Manzhuer and Lei Chen looked far away, where powerful waves erupted faintly, and through the dense clouds, they could also see a burst of sword light.

Although the distance is still far away, neither of them are ordinary monks, and they can immediately feel the pressure in them...

For a while, the two looked at each other, and Manjur was okay, but in Lei Chen's eyes, there was a look of surprise.

"This...is Lin Fei?"

Although the distance is far away, the strong breath can be clearly felt.

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