
Chapter 1875: That is Lin Fei

no way……

The real body, the weight among these two realms, is really too heavy.

Such a person is enough to suppress half of the world.

For example, the demon emperor, at the beginning of the war, controlled the territory of thousands of miles, and recently deterred the entire world. Now, I am afraid that he has already arranged a second layer of defense outside the demon army in front of him.

Come to prevent Ephesus from leaving the world and escape from here...


At this time, I only saw that on the top of the mountain, the sound of demon roar suddenly burst out, echoing between heaven and earth.

A head of demon, restless among them.

A strong murderous spirit is pervading.

On the top of the mountain, the old ghost also looked solemnly at the big movements in the sky that day.


This demon world is ready to attack...

"Get ready!"

Gui Lao looked gloomy, and the old voice sounded faintly.

On the other side, the Lord of Dragon and Ghost Domain was pale, looking at the vast monsters in the distance, and his face was extremely ugly: "That Demon Emperor... appeared..."


At this time, everyone can see that in the sky, the black demon is spread like a tide to both sides, and in it, a big dragon is carried out by countless demon, carrying it on his back...

Wherever he went, countless monsters avoided everything.

In that moment, the moment when it appeared, countless eyes between heaven and earth gathered in the past.

Immediately afterwards, everyone can see that in this big yong, a figure is sitting...

Her height is high, her face is covered with faint scales, her golden pupils are extremely cold, and there is a huge dignity over the whole body...

At the moment when this figure appeared, it seemed that between heaven and earth, all sounds disappeared instantly.

Between heaven and earth, it seems to be silent, and there is only that scary figure...

On the top of the mountain, the old ghost's face was extremely ugly, and the green tendons protruding from his hand slightly shook, with a strong cold killing intention on his face.

"Devil Emperor!"

It was this figure that brought Feuer from the world and continued the killing and death for countless years.

I don't know how many monks and martial arts perished because of him.

This is a grudge that is hard to scrub.

And just under this gathering of eyes, the eyes of the demon emperor riding on the big yin also opened slightly.

The moment of opening, a powerful coercion was suddenly filled.

It seemed that even the big yoke under his feet, at this moment, made an overwhelming squeaking noise,

And the countless demons around him, at this time, were silent, lying on the ground, expressing their surrender to this supreme emperor...

"What about your old man, let him come out to meet the emperor."

The demon emperor raised his head, his eyes faintly transmitted, but he passed the ghost old people directly and went towards the depths of the mountain...

When the demon emperor's cold voice resounded over the top of the mountain, the monks on the top of the mountain all changed color.

As soon as he came up, he pointed directly at the ancestor. He was very confident in himself and was able to defeat the ancestor...

But now that everyone knows that there is no escape route at this time, the ghost old man said somberly: "Demon Emperor, today's battle has you and me, no need to talk nonsense, come to fight!"

"It's up to you to fight me?"

When the demon emperor heard the words, he glanced coldly at the old ghost, as if he regarded it as nothing, and he ignored it at all.

"Since the old man refuses to show up, the emperor personally invites you out..."

The next moment of the demon emperor's voice was to raise his hand at random, and suddenly, I saw only that the infinite demon behind him seemed to be a surging tide, and at this moment, it was crazy.

The demon emperor sat there immovably, but also had a terrifying coercion. From his body, he diffused out, and suddenly covered the whole world...

And at this time when the pressure is pervasive, the atmosphere on the top of the mountain is also extremely silent. In the face of such extreme pressure, any struggle seems so futile...

"Well...since born in Sri Lanka, then died in Sri Lanka, there is nothing wrong with it. The old man returned this body to this world..."

Guilao looked into the distance, the army of monsters that was like a huge wave in the sea, and the old face, at this time, showed a firm color.

However, at these countless demons, closer to the top of the mountain, as they got closer and closer, they suddenly heard that there was a burst of strange noises between heaven and earth...


This movement, as if a meteorite crossed the sky...

On the top of the mountain, the old ghost and others suddenly froze.

At this moment, all eyes were on the source of the change...

Immediately afterwards, I saw only a wave of escape and came out of the sky!

"what is that?"

Everyone on the top of the mountain looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Suddenly not knowing who it was, a surprised voice broke out: "Then, that seems to be the former monk!"

Followed by, many people have seen clearly, in the forefront of this Daoguang, there is a figure, the fastest.

The people present were all cultivated as advanced people. When they saw this figure, they recognized it...

"Wait, then, that seems to be the man..."

"That's... Lin Fei?" At this time, Guilao also had an incredible look, looking at the figure...

Immediately afterwards, I saw only that figure, and when I approached the demon army, I suddenly stopped. Among them, a little thin figure appeared in the escape, although this figure, compared to a few years ago, It takes a lot of maturity, but at the moment of his appearance, all people put this person together with the figure of that year.

At the same time, a faint voice familiar with the whole world filled the whole world...

"The demon emperor...you weren't dead enough yet in the war?"


When this voice resounded through the world, everyone recognized it with a stunned expression.

"This, is this really Lin Fei?!"

"He really is back!"

At this time, everyone felt that Lin Fei's figure also showed a powerful and incomparable power.

It is far more than everyone else on his side, and even, it can be opposite to the terrifying momentum exuded by the demon emperor!

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