
Chapter 1876: Bang

The Master of Dragon Ghost Domain also looked at Lin Fei with some consternation. Although it was so far away, the strongest momentum was still passed over unimpeded...

High in the sky.

The demon emperor had a pair of vertical pupils and stared at Lin Fei coldly. Obviously, he recognized Lin Fei, but he didn't have the anger that brewed like the ancient wasteland master.

It was only after a while, before he said lightly, "You were that human?"

After finishing, glanced at Lin Fei’s later trajectory, sharp fingertips, lightly on the armrest: "Since it came from the ancient wasteland, so, the waste of ancient wasteland has already died in your hands. ?"


"The ancient wasteland is a waste, but since you are here, then let you by the way and bury him..."

The voice of the demon emperor was so resounding in the world, there was not much anger, but when it sounded, it made everyone's heart chill.

Because at this time, no matter who it is, you can hear the violent killing intention from the plain voice!

"Oh, I mean the same thing..." Lin Fei also smiled and looked at the other party: "Since you love this place so much, I think it might be better to stay with you forever."


This time, the answer to Lin Fei was the coercion of the demon emperor. A dazzling red light emerged from every crevice in his body. .


Lin Fei also tit-for-tat, raised his hand.

Suddenly, I saw the Sword Star and spread it out,

In the next moment, countless sword lights converged, and in an instant, burst into burst.

Turned into countless points, the fiery white sword-mans, like rivers and rivers pouring backward, roared out like a star rain and fell towards the demon emperor.

In each torrent of sword light, there is a unique sword meaning. Countless sword meanings converge together, it is almost in a sea of ​​sword meaning.

Faced with such offensives, ordinary monks can't support it for a long time, and they are found by one of the countless swords, and then they are defeated.

But in the battlefield above the mountains, there are many eyes, seeing the scene of the sword light falling like rain.

For a time, the monks were a little touched, and such a method, but it was really scary...

However, faced with this mighty sword light, the demon emperor only smiled aloud: "Dare worms and daring to deal with me? Break me!"

As the voice fell, I only saw that the demon emperor lifted a pair of giant claws like gold and iron.

Then, I saw only that the scarlet light burst out suddenly, and a **** light burst like a burst in the body, blooming in the gaps of countless scales on that surface.

The demon emperor's giant claws suddenly lifted, and suddenly, the whole figure was dressed in a **** coat condensed with a **** light, just following the flood of sword light, colliding with each other.


In an instant, the whole sky seemed to be completely occupied by the sound of successive collisions.

Countless rain-like sword lights collided with the demon emperor, that is, the collision produced countless dazzling lights.

Aftermath of the collision, it burst out and ravaged the void.

For a time, I saw the power of both sides, and they continued to collide and then extinguished. They were simply consuming each other. That is to see, which side of the background is more abundant and can consume the other side...

And the monks above the mountain saw this scene and could not help being moved.

If you move around, I am afraid that within the ten breaths after such collisions, you will have to spend all your life and die. Wherever it is like now, it has collided for almost half of the incense, but it has not stopped. The next meaning.

This strong one is really a bit outrageous...


But Lin Fei, but still did not mean to stop. Instead, in this pair of bombardments, he raised his hands, and in addition to the Taiyi sword spirit, the other eight sword spirits were to continue bombarding the demon emperor. .

The vertical pupil in the eyes of the demon emperor almost shrank suddenly, almost becoming a line, and immediately there was more blood in the body again to prepare for shock.

Only this time, in the blood of his body, there was already blood faintly. Obviously, this confrontation was not easy for him.

However, at this time, behind this gleaming sword light, there was a ghost-like figure, which came suddenly and appeared directly behind the demon emperor.

This is exactly Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei, the whole person was condensed to the extreme general, but despite this, it should be difficult to escape the other party's induction, not to mention, can quietly come behind the other party.

Among them, the biggest reason is the 18-story tower in Lin Fei's hands.

The violent force like a wild beast, under the cover of these 18-story towers, has become strict and solid

This 18-story tower, with Lin Fei's refining, has also gained a lot of benefits, and now it is only a few steps away from the congenital.

That kind of power, like before, seems to be completely reborn, with a great improvement.

But at this time, Lin Fei was very violent, and directly flung the eighteen-story tower toward the demon emperor, and blasted away.

Suddenly, the space was shocked.

At that moment, it seemed simple and rough, but in fact, the terror power contained in this blow, but even the void passing by, was trembling for it,

Compared with the previous flood of sword light, it was even more terrifying.

Compared to these powers, the previous Jianguang Torrent can be said to be hiding Lin Fei's blow, distracting the demon emperor's attention.

At the time of this explosion, Lin Fei's power was not disappointed. All of a sudden, the space was bursting with cracks, and it seemed that it immediately shattered into space debris.

At this time, this amazing blow was finally noticed by the demon emperor, and suddenly, a very dangerous sense of crisis rose in his heart.

It's a pity that it's a bit late. He only noticed when the attack was launched, and he was destined to be too late to rescue and evade...

However, at this time, the demon emperor did not have any panic, and the scale-covered face showed a sarcastic look.

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