
Chapter 1877: War Demon Emperor

"Humans are humans. Compared with the technique of fighting, do you really think that you can compare with the demon we spend every day in fighting?"

In the moment when the sound fell, I only saw that the iron-blue scale armor of the demon emperor turned into a red color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wisps of red blood mist rose from the gap between his scales and armor.

A terrifying and violent breath erupted out of him.

That already had a size of thousands of feet. At this time, it seemed to have expanded a circle again. I only saw that this face full of sternness showed a smile.

Following that, the flesh that collided again was a sudden movement. For Lin Fei's blow, it seemed to have been expected for a long time, but the claws extended and grabbed in the direction of Lin Fei.

Suddenly, this claw stretched out, and under the eyes of many eyes, it collided fiercely with the eighteen-story tower.


All of a sudden, the aftermath of a violent force of violent force turned away from the distance.

At the same time, there was the roar of the demon emperor, resounding through the sky: "Compete with my demon clan for the flesh, and simply find death!"

"Blood refines me!"


When Lin Fei and the Demon Emperor collided with each other in the blow, they only heard the sound of the roaring sound of gold and iron resounding through the sky.

A wave of transparent space visible to the naked eye, centered on a single hand, diffuses toward the distance.

The void near the two people is directly broken apart.

The void has just repaired itself, and was torn apart by this terrifying force, and the whole space was messed up by them.

The ground below was directly lifted up completely, like a bulge, towards the distance, surging away.

The two figures in the middle of the collision, at this time, were also slightly trembling.

It was only a moment of stalemate that the two were backwards and flew out.

After the demon emperor landed on the ground, his claws on his feet grabbed the ground, but he was blasted away for a distance. He stayed on the ground and drew two long traces, which stabilized.

Lin Fei, like a fallen leaf, fluttered lightly on a boulder lifted by aftershocks.

At this moment, frowning and looking at the demon emperor not far away, the demon emperor at this time, it looks like the scale armor is a blood red color, a trace of thick and bright red blood, dripping from the gap of the scale armor .

It seemed that the whole person had just been taken out of the blood pool. At a glance, he felt a fierce and fierce feeling.

Moreover, in the collision just now, Lin Fei also clearly felt that this demon emperor really deserves to be a demon who has been fighting for years. That kind of flesh, among the real souls, is definitely among the top ranks, absolutely incomparable. powerful.

At least Lin Fei himself, still thanks to the tempered flesh of Zhu Tian Wan Jian Jue, plus, there are eighteen layers of high towers to protect each other, this is not a big loss under this collision.

After looking at the other party, it is only by the physical body that shakes it. The gap between them should not be too big...

"Not easy..."

No wonder that the Demon Emperor, with his incarnation, was able to almost split Fo Li from the realm. Such strength is indeed amazingly strong...

At the same time, the battle between the two was quietly weakened when Lin Fei and the demon emperor battled...

After the battle, all the figures were distracted and looked at the position of the two...

Whether it is Hong Yitian, or those ordinary demon generals, they all know very well that everyone in this battle today is only secondary.

The real core is the two people who are fighting...

All the monks in Fo Lili and Tianmen City are only supporting.

And the real protagonist is the two who played in the field.

"How could this man be so powerful..."

An old demon general stared at the two of them, and in his eyes, he could not help showing a look of fear.

From his perspective, it is natural to see that Lin Fei's terrible place, but he can't figure it out, how could this be...

According to previous legends, the human monk, except for the ancestor of Phry, was extremely weak. How could such a mighty force suddenly appear today?

This is wrong...

"That demon is a bit too strong."

Luo Xiu looked at the direction of the demon emperor. In his perception, it was completely a wild beast, even compared with the black abyss beasts encountered during the Battle of Tianmen City in the fantasy world. How inferior.

This is really scary...

"Can Lin Fei win?" Zhou Xiangfu, who used to actively admit defeat to Lin Fei, was frowning at this time, looking at Lin Fei, but in his words, he was a little uncertain...

However, no one answered this question.

Even Hong Yitian was only frowning at this time. The two in front of him can be said to be the strong ones in the real body. Judging from the current battle situation, it is really difficult to judge, who will win in the end...

"Human, you must die today."

The fierce light circulated in the eyes of the demon emperor, and when he stared at Lin Fei, he seemed to feel that he had eaten Lin Fei, and said with a grin.

Lin Fei just changed his face. At this time, he raised his hand and summoned nine sword qi. Suddenly, nine sword qi seemed to have his own life, surrounded by Lin Fei, circling around, extremely smart.


Immediately afterwards, I only saw that a thick real element gathered wildly in Lin Fei's body.

In the end, between these true elements, Lin Fei turned into a huge white sword spirit with nine sword spirits in one.

Wantian Wanjian Jue, to the extreme!

Lin Fei's overall momentum, at this moment, also instantly fell to the peak state.

Obviously, after the previous confrontation, Lin Fei knew the strength of the other party. This is not what he can defeat with his general means. At the same time, there is no room for tricks.

If you want to win, you can only split the body from the front, upright.

The demon in front of him deserves his own fight.


All of a sudden, Lin Fei's face changed during the turbulent rolling of the endless truth, and the whole person's figure seemed to be a lot blurred.

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