
Chapter 1879: The stronger the war

In this attack, when roaring away, between heaven and earth, it seemed that Hongmeng was opening, and there was a thick and deep sound, as if it came from the depths of chaos, toward the demon emperor, issued bombardment.

This is the first time Lin Fei has united his own strength since he achieved his true body, and turned it into this ultimate.

Under the outbreak of these forces, the ordinary small world is afraid of being left with indelible scars.

Now, the demon emperor also feels the terror power contained in Lin Fei's blow.

Although his mouth was mocking, he did not dare to neglect it.

But at this time, that blow has already come near...

The demon emperor drank angrily, and suddenly, the whole body of blood rose up, and a large piece of blood burst out completely.

Followed, I only heard, banged, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Fei's blow directly fell on the **** stone spear,

Suddenly, it seemed that the world and earth were shaking together.

A terrifying force as if it could explode.

The scales on the demon emperor's claws are all broken, and the large red blood mist is directly accompanied by the broken scales.

Even the **** stone spear clenched tightly in his claws seemed to be bursting with overwhelming wailing at this moment, which might break at any time...


In the end, under the blow of Lin Fei, who concentrated all the means, the demon emperor only insisted on the time of three or four breaths. The whole figure, like a cannonball, flew away.

Along the way, he collided with a large number of demons, but he didn't know how many clan had been crushed.

His entire body was directly on the ground, and a deep gully flew out. Under the friction of his scales, everything on the ground was like tofu, crushed by everything,

When he finally stopped, the demon emperor was unable to move, struggling a bit, and then barely supported the stone spear and wanted to stand up.

But at this time, I only heard the sound of "tap", that the stone spear actually broke from the middle...

Everyone's face was shocked, and some of them looked at this scene inconceivably. They couldn't think of it. Just now, it was difficult to tell the difference, and the situation of the unknown situation was so sudden.

Almost instantaneously, Lin Fei was suddenly, bursting out a terrifying combat power, and the demon emperor was blown out of the air...

In this shocking glance, Lin Fei's side, nine sword qi circling around, but in Lin Fei's hand, but also some drops of blood, spilled down.

It is impossible for Lin Fei to control such a terrifying force without paying a price.

The blood was turned back by a force of terror.

"Is this power... a bit perverted, you see that Qianyuan and Zhenjun have ever exploded such a combat power?"

I don't know how long it took before there was a monk, and slowly closed his mouth, where there was full of shocking discussion.

Lin Fei's last blow just broke out, even the monks in Tianmen City, unconsciously took out Qianyuan Zhenjun who is the master of Tianmen City for comparison.

"I rely on, no wonder Zhou Xiangfu gave up on his own initiative, I want to know that he can explode so much combat power, I also give up..." At this time, some people began to praise Zhou Xiangfu's foresight...

"What are you talking about nonsense? Lin Fei was just a Fa-Shen at that time. How did Zhou Xiangfu know that he could have the fighting power of today?"

"That's because you don't understand. People like this genius, they all know what they know, and they know autumn when they see it. I think that Zhou Xiangfu at that time must have noticed that Lin Fei has the potential today..."

"The opportunity given by the Spiritualist Taoist people is really not wasted......"

"I said, that demon, can't get up now?"

"Nonsense, it's all this way. You said, a demon is not a wild beast."

After a while, with a shocked discussion sound, sounded in the venue.

At this moment, no one cared about those monsters, because at this time, the battle situation had been decided, and the monsters had spontaneously fled in all directions and fled out...


However, when everyone was talking about these, they only saw that the ruins where the demon emperor was buried suddenly burst from the inside.

Immediately afterwards, I saw only that the blood that was so thick that it couldn't be melted, like a volcanic eruption, exploded violently, and turned the rubble buried in it into a powder.

For a time, all the discussion sounded for a while, and everyone's eyes were focused on the past.

Follow, everyone can see that in the ruins, it was already impossible to stand up, even the **** stone spear, the broken demon emperor, was actually raised again...

It is just different from the previous one. At this time, he was covered with iron-blue scales, and he already had a lot of shattering, exposing the fierce flesh under the shattered scales.

Obviously, Lin Fei's final blow just made him physically destroyed almost...

But now, it seems that the demon emperor did not care about his broken body. It was also the scales broken and the flesh and blood on the face, with a strong murderous intention at this time.

The pair of cold vertical pupils were completely occupied by blood.

He looked at Lin Fei and opened his mouth, revealing a sneer sneered: "Human monk, is this your card?"

Lin Fei was also looking at the demon emperor, frowning slowly.

Because at this time, in the feeling of Lin Fei, after experiencing the devastation, the demon emperor seems to have no effect at all. Instead, it looks more violent than before...

I only saw that the demon emperor, standing in the void, had the **** stone spear in his hand, which had been broken in half, but he only took one in each hand and used it as two weapons.

As he gradually ascended into the air and stabilized his body, there was a burst of blood on him, suddenly burst out.


All of a sudden, I only saw that the demon emperor seemed to be turned into a fierce blood, whistling toward Lin Fei.

The two blood-colored stone spears in his hand were like two blood-colored poisonous pythons, carrying an extremely fierce air, that is, stabbing fiercely towards Lin Fei...

The sword gas wrapped around Lin Fei suddenly surged up and greeted him up front, with the two truncated spears, hard against the front.

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