
Chapter 1880: Strangulation

Then, only the sound of "Ding Dong" was heard, and a sound of gold and iron clash came from all over the world.

Lin Fei frowned slightly, because he felt that the other party's momentum had changed again.

He clearly felt that the demon emperor's offensive was suddenly and fiercer, and it seemed that the Vietnam War was stronger.

But this is wrong...

No matter how serious the injury is, the stronger it becomes...

What is the reason?

The demon emperor seemed to know the doubts in Lin Fei's heart, but a vague expression appeared on his **** face.

Moreover, the offensive has not weakened at all.

The two blood-colored stone spears in my hand are getting stronger and stronger. Eventually, they are turned into a vague blood shadow.

The confrontation between the two was so fast that people couldn't see clearly.

The demon emperor's offensive is becoming more and more violent and fierce, and, as if he did not care about his defense, he left Lin Fei to attack, leaving a deep scar on his body.

However, under this kind of fight-and-play method, Lin Fei's injuries began to increase...

But the more he changed his injuries, Lin Fei felt wrong and discovered that things became more and more strange.

This demon is really getting stronger with the injury, the stronger the fighting power.

Moreover, not only Lin Fei, but also the monks of the Tianmen City, gradually found that something was wrong at this time. Speaking of it, everyone was well-informed, but in the face of this situation, they all felt that they were puzzled.

After Lin Fei felt wrong, he gradually converged the offensive. During the attack with the demon emperor, he began to choose to slowly retreat...


After another collision, the sharp sword gas directly tears the space, leaving a shocking blood hole on the shoulder of the demon emperor.

There was immediately a large piece of blood flowing out.

However, despite the blood flow on his body, the demon emperor didn't seem to notice it at all, or, if he did, he didn't care at all.

Just at this opportunity, with that spear-pointed end, on Lin Fei's shoulder, there was also a long blood stain...

After this encounter, the two stepped back almost simultaneously.

After the demon emperor stabilized his body, he let the blood flow on his body, but the **** meaning in his eyes became more intense...

"My royal family is born with extraordinary blood, and the more desperate, the stronger the fighting power. Why, do you still want to consume with me?"

After the words fell, the monks in the entire battlefield suddenly burst into an uproar.

It's no wonder that this demon emperor was able to fight more and more courageously. It turned out that he was so talented...

At this time, Hong Yitian, Zhou Xiangfu and others heard this voice, and his face suddenly became dignified.

At this point, they have long discovered that they just did not expect that the demon emperor's talent and blood were superb.

Although the two sides are fighting each other and fighting in a fighting stance, the Demon Emperor is getting stronger and stronger!

For a long time like this, this demon emperor, I am afraid that it can gradually control the situation.

This situation, for Lin Fei, which has exploded and consumed more and more, is also a bit disadvantageous.

Opposite this demon emperor, Lin Fei's face changed slightly after listening to it, and it really was like this. The combat power of this demon emperor was largely determined by the power of the bloodline...

It’s just that, but it’s really a bit tricky...

Because of the previous fight, Lin Fei can be said to be covered with bruises and bruises all over his body. There are even a few places, and he is still close to the key point.

From these injuries alone, Lin Fei seemed to escape from death several times.

But at this time, Lin Fei didn't care about these things, but just urged the True Yuan. Suddenly, the thick True Yuan flowed through the meridians.

Moreover, in that real element, a kind of majestic vitality was revealed. Suddenly, the wounds on Lin Fei's body, like the dead wood and spring, healed quickly,

Innate essence!

Lin Fei's ability to achieve his true body is largely due to the innate essence. After smelting in that realm, Lin Fei's entire person has been completely integrated with this innate realm.

At this time, Zhenyuan flowed past, but also brought the characteristics of that innate essence, with a strong vitality, any injury, under the effect of innate energy, it can heal quickly...

In the sky, the demon emperor saw this scene, but his face was suddenly darker. This time, his **** and broken scales were even more terrible.

I have a special magical power of the royal family, but now it seems that the power of the wound healing of the other human monk is very extraordinary.

The attack of the demon emperor on himself is naturally very clear. In every attack of his own, it is actually with the power of a demon that is difficult to eliminate. Like a toxin, it will entangle in the wound and hinder the healing of the wound. It even invades and confuses its consciousness.

But now, the power of the demon does not seem to exist, it is irresistible, healed so easily...

Now I see this scene again, but the Demon Emperor is also very angry. At first, I was careless, and it was just a matter of being broken by this human monk monk. How could it be only a few years, this human monk actually grew up to this Wait.

It seems that he is standing in the upper hand, but the demon emperor knows that when facing the human monk's attack on the opposite side, even himself can't help but feel a sense of palpitation.

There have been several attacks, even the power of his own bloodline magic power, dared not use it, but immediately avoided...

After all, the power of this bloodline supernatural power actually consumes its own heritage to make up for the strength of the combat power. After all, there is an upper limit. If it is used too much, then the damage to yourself after that is also extremely huge.

In just a few years, this human monk has caused himself such a big trouble. If he is given another period of time, will it still be enough?


Now, this dangerous sign must be completely strangled!

"Human monk, today I will let you know, my demon family!"

As this loud roar suddenly fell, I only saw that the demon emperor's pair of snake-like vertical pupils suddenly became scarlet.

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