
Chapter 1882: Faceless monster

"Of course." Zhou Xiangfu said here, looking at Lin Fei, and sighed leisurely: "You thought I was so confessed why it was so simple, if this guy was too perverted, how could I not fight for the day Big chance?"

Speaking of which, Zhou Xiangfu, who has always conceded the defeat and did not mention it again, has a sigh of memories, with a little regretful regret, but more, it is a kind of Fei's complicated admiration...

Hong Yitian glanced at him, but said nothing more. He and Zhou Xiangfu were old competitors and were very familiar with each other. He naturally knew that Zhou Xiangfu looked a little bit heartless, but in fact, the heart was in his heart. , Not lower than himself, even higher.

It’s just that I’m too lazy to do those unnecessary disputes.

It was enough to see him respond to Lin Fei, and it was enough to see that his admiration for Lin Fei was just how Lin Fei, who could make Zhou Xiangfu have to admit defeat, how should he break today? Bureau?


In that scene, many monks, because of the appearance of the faceless demon, and when his face was ugly, the demon emperor did not talk nonsense.

When Nathan's cold eyes stared at Lin Fei, he spit out a series of muffled voices in his mouth.

Then, the faceless demon in the air disappeared instantly.

When this faceless monster disappeared, Lin Fei also immediately responded. The eighteen-story tower immediately shrouded himself, and the whole person exploded in a hurry, which also retreated backward.


However, the faceless demon, the speed seems to be faster than Lin Fei, just like those shadow-like shadow clan assassins, a figure flashes, it appears behind Lin Fei.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp claws were lifted high, towards Lin Fei's heart, and he grabbed it fiercely.

The claws were covered with fine scales with blood, and the thick blood on the surface was like flowing blood, almost condensing into a liquid and dripping down.

The fierce anger that surrounds it is extremely intense,

When he grabbed it, with infinite power, even the void created ripples for it.

Lin Fei also urged the heavenly swords of the heavens to the extreme, thick and true, and burst out, pouring into the eighteen-story tower, and suddenly, the eighteen-story tower burst out of a roar. sound.

Meet the claws directly.


After a bang, the two collided.

A terrible transparent ripple, centered on the collision of this claw and the eighteen-story tower, was swept out in all directions.

The void is clear, the ground around it is directly downward, and the whole collapsed into a circular area...

This collision, the faceless demon of the demon emperor, broke out a terrible combat power, almost suppressed Lin Fei.

"On this point of patience, and dare to come here, rescue Fu from the boundary? Self-effort!"

The demon emperor roared with laughter and controlled the faceless demon, but the offensive became more and more fierce, and the offensives were like a thunder across the sky, making it difficult to parry.

There was a tremendous sound that was so dense that it shook the earth and the earth.

In the face of such fierce storm-like offensive, Lin Fei seemed to be suppressed and could not fight back, but just kept retreating.

In fact, if it were not Lin Fei's side, the 18-story tower was really powerful and protected Lin Fei's protection. At this time, I was afraid Lin Fei would have been injured under the claws of the faceless demon.

Seeing this scene, the demon who had fled before had suddenly reinvigorated the morale, and the sounds of the demon roared through the sky.

And a group of monks secretly vigilantly watched the monsters and prepared to defend. Obviously, this was also preparing. If Lin Fei showed his weakness, he must be prepared.


At this time, the figure of the faceless demon seemed to be a shadow that could not be grasped. It swept past Lin Fei and attacked the eighteen-story tower from different positions.

The thunderous sound that burst out of the sky, like a scream of some kind of monster, was a little shocking.

I saw that during this continuous offensive, the faceless demon became more and more violent during the war. Gradually, a series of offensives became more and more fierce, and the blood in the cracks in the scales of his body made his whole body as if It is just the bright and **** jade cast.


Another heavy blow, the bombardment came out, and even the space was shattered between the whistling.

This demon emperor's offensive is getting stronger and stronger. Obviously, he wants to use this momentum to blow Lin Fei completely.

Lin Fei was quite quiet during this response, just like the faceless demon violent, just became the opposite.

Suddenly, he no longer passively defended, but instead looked directly at the demon who was constantly rushing, and suddenly started.

At this time, it was the faceless demon who was close to Lin Fei, and at the moment when he was about to contact, Lin Fei was in the eyes that were watching the battle situation, and suddenly summoned him to stay with him and help defend. The nine sword spirits of the attack, toward the faceless demon, attacked in the past.

Suddenly, a person looked at this scene with subconscious breath. These nine swords were so powerful that Lin Fei was already undoubtedly exposed in the war just now.

But in spite of this, Lin Fei's nine sword qi is not obvious against the faceless demon, but the effect is not obvious now.


However, in these thoughts, in the hearts of everyone, when he first rose, Lin Fei's blow had already collided with the faceless demon.

Between heaven and earth, violent fluctuations ravaged all directions.

However, some of the monks did not expect that after this collision, they did not have the same result as before, but instead the faceless demon. In this collision, it was actually knocked down. Go back...

This time, Lin Fei's whole person only trembles a little, but he was not directly shaken out.

In the air, the demon emperor's expression was slightly dark.

As this wave of volatility gradually dissipated, everyone saw that Lin Fei's figure appeared again.

But at this time, everyone's eyes are focused on the phantom phantom behind Lin Fei...

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