
Chapter 1883: Power of ancient ancestors

Among the phantoms, there are mountains and water, and there is a torrential river, which is winding and winding, and there is a faint light of Buddhism, blooming out.

Under a lush green tree, sit a Buddha, beside him, there are ghosts with vicious appearances, but the strange thing is that although the ghosts are vicious, they are all one. The expression of joy.

Even the yin around him has become special, without fear of the divine light shining...

As if they were, they were just one body...

This strange and sacred scene is very strange...

And beside this Buddha, there is a black lacquered coffin, but at this time, the coffin is emboldened with black spirit, seems extremely agitated, and wants to rush into reality from this world.

This seems to be a illusion, but in the eyes of everyone, it can be felt that there is a sense of authenticity in the illusion.

There is no doubt that there is such a world in the world...


After the appearance of this world, a large sound that seemed to rush out of the depths of chaos was heard inside Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei's whole person has become extremely mysterious, shrouded in that mystery, as if Lin Fei is in a world where the world is not open, and the whole person has undergone some strange changes.

And at this moment, whether it is a demon or a monk in Tianmen City among the Xihuang Dunes, it is shocking to see that the momentum of Lin Fei is at a shocking speed. Climb up quickly!

In an instant, this kind of power in Lin Fei actually surpassed the demon emperor again!

It seems that this space is a little bit unable to bear Lin Fei. The void around him is slightly torn, and the ground is cracking quickly...

In the air, the demon emperor's grinning color has completely disappeared. At this time, Lin Fei is locked tightly with a very cold look.

But if you look carefully, you will find that in his cold look, there is a deep fear...

And in this shocking gaze, it seemed that Lin Fei, who was driving the whole world behind him, slowly raised his head, his quiet gaze, looked at the demon emperor, and said: "If this faceless demon, you are Card, then you die."

When the words fell, Lin Fei was in the void, and the whole person was surrounded by a mysterious world, as if he was the whole person, and turned into a world master.

At this time, any creature present can clearly feel that Lin Fei now seems to be reborn, and his kind of cultivation and heritage, in a short moment, has skyrocketed to an extremely terrible point. .

Today, Lin Fei's power is much better than that of the Demon Emperor...

Now that the war is up, almost everyone is a little breathless. This battle between the real bodies really shows the fighting power of both sides.

One is the monster demon world, who has been practicing for some years, and is the best at fighting the demon emperor. The other is the new real body. In the early battle, he was able to suppress this old real body.

The combat power of these two real bodies is almost the same as renovating the entire void.

Under the pervasive power of this terror, thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years later, near this mountain, it is destined to be a space turmoil and a place where no grass can live.

In fact, it is also fortunate that both sides are still only real combat power. If not, this area, I am afraid that they will have to be directly removed from the Fulri...

This battle, to this day, must have joined the battlefield of this place and become a legend in the world of Ephesus, turning into a part of history...

At this time, the demon emperor in mid-air, his face was extremely gloomy. At this time, the kind of dangerous breath he felt from Lin Fei was increasing, but it was becoming more and more dense.

As if every moment, Lin Fei is becoming stronger and threatening himself, heavier and heavier.

Even the possibility of killing yourself... is getting bigger and bigger...

However, after the appearance of the demon emperor changed for a while, he finally recovered slowly. No matter how threatening his mouth is, the demon emperor has completely regarded the other party as the only enemy in his life.

Even now, he feels that he seems to have returned to the same year, when he was competing with many fellow races to fight for the position of the demon emperor...

The same is so difficult, and tragic...

After making such psychological preparations, the threat in the heart of the demon emperor quietly calmed down a lot.

After looking at Lin Fei with a very cold eye, the demon emperor didn't talk about the threats that tried to disturb the other party's state of mind, just claws and snapped together.

Suddenly, the faceless demon, the flesh quietly collapsed, turned into a blood, and was swallowed by the demon emperor.

Next, there was a mysterious will next to the demon emperor, which began to slowly wake up in the body of the demon emperor...

There was a **** breath surrounding and circling around the demon emperor, and some kind of change happened in this hidden area of ​​the demon emperor. Specifically, it seems that the demon emperor has changed a person now...

An indescribable, as if from a flood of coercion, spreading in all directions.

At this time, the demon emperor did not seem to have changed his body shape, but his body exuded a kind of wild air like the beginning of the flood, and the whole person's every move seemed to be in accordance with the laws of the world.

"Let me awaken the power of ancient ancestors in the bloodline, human monk, you are not dead..."

Even the figure of the demon emperor has changed, and it has become much deeper. As soon as the words came out, it seemed like Hong Zhong Dalu, but there was not much fierce blood and blood. meaning.

Lin Fei just looked at him for a few moments, then suddenly smiled lightly and said, "Is the power of the Wu people? It seems that at least your ancient wasteland clan is following the ancient Wu people, and it is deeply involved. But did your ancestors know that his juniors were actually hybridized into this ghost look?"

The demon emperor heard this but didn't say much. At this time, after awakening the power hidden in the ancient blood, it was like the whole person's violent anger, which was all diluted.

At this moment, I saw his claws and produced a strange seal...


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