
Chapter 1884: One after another

Followed, I only saw that behind this demon emperor, the blood was vigorous, and a burly phantom rose.

Stepping on Ssangyong, holding double snakes in your hand, black hair like a waterfall, and a pair of eyes falling down behind him, it seems like a star day, which is breathtaking.

His phantom, shrouded in behind the demon emperor, a pair of eyes, looking down at Lin Fei, giving Lin Fei a powerful and powerful pressure...

At this time, Lin Fei did not hesitate. He directly urged Zhenyuan, and nine sword spirits suddenly rose into the sky. In the screams of that way, toward the one that enveloped the body of the demon emperor An ancient witch phantom hits hard together.


After the two collided violently, the two were suddenly in a burst of sword light, entangled and fighting with blood light.

A very complex and intense wave, just in this impact, bursts of bursts.


When the demon emperor's sound resembled the roar of an ancient bell, when it fell, I only saw that the ancient witch ghost behind him moved with it, and the spirits between heaven and earth seemed to be blowing at this moment. same.

A violent and violent wave of terror burst out of its body...

Between heaven and earth, there was a gaze, at this time they were a little numb looking at the demon emperor.

This emperor, in the battle with Lin Fei, experienced round after round of eruption, where is his end?

This demon emperor, is it really necessary to break into the realm of dharma?

That's too scary?

I have to say that this real battle is actually a battle of dharmakaya for both parties...

The demon emperor looked down at Lin Fei, together with the phantom behind him, and also had the same action, with a heavy coercive voice resounding in the sky: "The emperor lost his source, sent you to burial, and captured this world. After that, if you don’t stay, you should pay your debts!"

After his words fell, the space around him seemed to be unable to withstand this kind of power, and there was a burst of sensation.

On the other side, Hong Yitian and other monks also looked rather dignified.

"That world phantom should be Lin Fei's last resort. If it can't cope with the blood of the demon emperor, it will be bad."

A monk said anxiously.

Until now, Lin Fei's methods have come out one by one, but by now, it should be almost the same, and there is no reason to retain strength.

Even Hong Yitian looked at the situation and suddenly said decisively: "If it doesn't work later, find an opportunity to rescue Lin Fei and then say, you can't break away for the sake of Ephemeris. The ancestor of the Fashen came out."

"But the demon emperor..." Luo Xiu couldn't help saying.

"I will stop him with Zhou Xiangfu."

Hong Yitian's words fell, and Zhou Xiangfu beside him also nodded slowly.

"we can only do this…"

Luo Xiu couldn't help but frown, he knew that the demon emperor's strength was too strong, and said that the clouds were light and windy, but in fact, it was possible for Zhou Xiangfu and Hong Yitian to pay a great price .

But this is also impossible. After all, with the strength of everyone present, that is, only these two people have the strength to stop the demon...

"Lin Fei is already a real body, and the potential is stronger than mine. Tianmen City's battle still needs him."

Hong Yitian said succinctly, but the words fell, but let Luo Xiu next to him, a little silence, and finally, he said nothing, but nodded.

He knew that if Lin Fei really didn't have any cards, then now, this is indeed the best way...

For a time, between the heavens and the earth, there was a gaze of sight, which was directed towards the center of the battlefield where the two are located.

At the moment, no one can see through the situation. The two sides have hit the present, and their respective means are almost exhausted. Now, the Demon Emperor has spared no expense and used the final hole card.

If Lin Fei can't resist this hole, then the result, no doubt, will be toward the party that is beneficial to the demon world...

Under this gaze, Lin Fei also looked up. At this time, he was already the demon emperor who had climbed to the peak, and he did not look down on him.

This demon emperor is indeed extraordinary, and the opening of the cards after one by one really makes him a little unexpected.

It seems that after the defeat of that year, the entry of the demon emperor is really not a little bit...

In the face of the demon emperor and other means of wasting the source, if it was put in the past, it is really quite ugly, but after achieving the real body, there is just a way to deal with it...

Lin Fei's expression remained calm from beginning to end, and at this time, he just stretched out his palm.

Suddenly, I only saw that there was a little blood red light in the palm of my hand, which gradually bloomed...

Feel the past carefully, and even hear it, there is a burst of blood in that little light, if there is nothing, it seems that it is from the ancient barren, a roar of war full of wildness. .

Blood Spirit Sword Qi!

Lin Fei slowly closed his palms and followed, only to see that little **** light trembling slowly. ,

At first, it was only a slight tremor, but later, it was violently agitated, carefully listened, and even heard. The sound of war roar seems to be more and more clear...

The blood-red light spread out from Lin Fei's palm at this time, and then slowly creeped in the air. In the end, it turned into a giant ancient witch with a height of more than three thousand feet. .

It’s just this ancient witch, but his face is unclear, and between the roars, it seems that there is a voice from a witch from the ancient world, whispering together, there is joy, sadness, and anger in the voice, as if, Contains a lifelong wish of the Wu people...

And Lin Fei's whole person, under the package of this ancient witch figure, slowly lifted off into the sky, far away from the demon emperor...

With Lin Fei's hair, like the shadow of the ancient witch behind him, no wind fluttered automatically, and the ancient witch behind him also burst out a thick murmur.

Suddenly, the eyes of the ancient witch seemed to be endowed with a kind of spirituality, and gradually became brighter.

Looking across, the ancient witch ghost shadow summoned by the demon emperor burst into a roaring roar filled with anger, as if he was about to rush up and tear it apart...

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