
Chapter 1885: I have that too

Looking at the opposite, the ancient witch ghost shadow summoned by the demon emperor burst into a roaring roar filled with anger, as if he would rush up and tear it apart...

At this time, Lin Fei is also together, looking at the demon emperor, with a cold expression in his eyes: "Is the power of the Wu blood line? I happen to have it."

This ancestral witch shadow, shrouded in Lin Fei, monstrous wild gas, filled out.

Even the sound between heaven and earth seems to be quiet for a moment after the appearance of this phantom. Between heaven and earth, it seems that there are only two huge phantoms left, far away from each other.

All eyes were shocked and frightened, looking at Lin Fei's side, this ancestral witch shadow, the breath of this ancestor witch shadow, compared to the opposite one, actually did not fall.

And indistinctly, it seems to be stronger...

Everyone did not expect that Lin Fei, who was worried for a long time, would actually use the same means as the demon emperor to fight.

In the air, the demon emperor looked at Lin Fei's side. This ancestral witch shadow suddenly became difficult to look. When looking at Lin Fei, he even carried an undisguised killing intention: "You are not a Wu clan, How could you summon the ancestors and war spirits!"

Lin Fei is obviously a human monk. This, everyone including the Demon Emperor, has no doubts, but after seeing the ancestral witch shadow around Lin Fei, it is impossible for the Demon Emperor to keep cool.

The reason why I can call up the ancient witch shadow is completely relying on the depletion of the blood source, and then using my own flesh and blood as a guide, from the blood lineage inherited from ancient times, the force of squeezing out the ancient witch is coming.

But what is the opposite of this human monk?

He is just a human monk, and he does not have the blood of the ancestors and witches at all. He does not even have anything related to the Wu people. He has not sent any flesh and blood to himself. How could he use the ancestors' phantom?

Lin Fei seemed to know what he was thinking, but he just glanced at him, without explanation, and said lightly: "You don't need to know about these things. It's better to be a confused ghost."

Lin Fei will naturally not make the mistake of the villain dying from talking too much. This demon emperor can't understand it if he doesn't understand it. Like Lin Fei said, he is better to be a confused ghost.

If the monster card of the demon emperor is something else, Lin Fei is really in trouble. However, since the opponent is relying on the blood of the Wu people as the card, it is a bit of a coincidence.

The blood spirit sword spirit in Lin Fei's hands is itself born out of the blood spirit **** gold. Over the years, it has been enshrined by countless Wu clan and absorbed infinite wish.

Not to mention, as far as the lineage is pure, I am afraid that among the heavens and the world, there will be no more pure blood lineage than the ancestral ancestor of Wu Zuwu...

Previously, Lin Fei had never used this method. He always wanted to wait until the demon emperor reached the end of the mountains and waters, and then came a fatal blow.

Now it seems that this blood spirit sword spirit can really end the war...

In the next moment, Lin Fei poured all the true elements into the blood spirit of Qi.


In an instant, I only saw that the ancestral witch shadow behind Lin Fei burst into a roar, and the next moment was to take a big step toward the ancient witch shadow of the other party, directly raising the giant palm to It snapped.

The moment the two collided, I only saw a burst of violent fluctuations, like a storm, in the shadow of the ancestral witch.

Between the vibrations of the space, large cracks in the void spread out.

The kind of power erupted in the shadow of Zu Wu is also rising rapidly, as if this is a real Zu Wu coming into the world.

After looking at Lin Fei, who suddenly broke out, he couldn't help but feel a numbness. After the two men's battle, one broke out and changed to another, one by one, and the cards were continuously opened. They were comparing , Who broke out more often?

However, the war continues until now, everyone is feeling a shock for the outbreak of these two sides, everyone knows that the battle between the two sides has reached the peak of the real body.

This demon emperor is okay. After all, he said that he is an old real body, he was killed step by step in the extremely cruel demon world, but Lin Fei is just a new real body, he can reach this level , But this made many people never think of...

In this sigh of sighs, those looking at the battle situation, at this time, there is a hunch, now as the two men and women become more and more fierce, I am afraid, the final result will soon appear...

Behind the demon emperor, the ancient witch shadow is shrouded, and the whole person is standing in the void. The flesh covered by the scale armor is like a demon, all over him, exuding an extreme vicious air.

The cold vertical pupil stared at Lin Fei and the ancestral ghost shadow behind Lin Fei. After this round of eruption, he was in desperate time.

The battle has now advanced, and this battle has come to the most critical time.

Suddenly, I only saw that the demon emperor's claws gripped, and the ancient Wuxu behind him also followed. Suddenly, it was the ancestor Wuxuying who greeted him.

A loud roar was in the roar, resounding in the world: "I want to see, whose ancestor's power is even more powerful."

When the voice fell, the surging power burst out, and finally all of it was poured into the ancient witch shadow behind him.

Just listening to the sound, the ancient witch shadow behind him shook violently, and the ancient witch shadow became more solid, and it looked as if it was real, even the previously vague face became clearly visible. stand up.

All of a sudden, the horror wave that emanated from it, even the nearby space, became tremendously vibrating, as if the entire space had to be shattered.

When the ancient witch shadow moved slowly, the whole space seemed to be shaking with the movement of the ancient witch shadow.

He had a pair of eyes, staring closely at Lin Fei, that primitive wild-like fighting intention and killing intention were pushed to the extreme.

At the next moment, he suddenly moved, and the shadow of the ancient witch behind him, like the shadow, casually flew towards Lin Fei.

All of a sudden, this powerful killing intent came from all over the world.

Wherever it passes, the space is constantly surging for it, as if the entire space has become chaotic.

Lin Fei also moved slightly, and all of the real elements suddenly gathered on the ancestral ghost shadow behind him.

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