
Chapter 1886: Self-explosive

His gaze, as quiet as water, also locked the other side, without any slighting...

Just when the other party blasted, Lin Fei was also carrying the shadow of the ancestor and witch behind him, greeted him up front, and he was full of momentum!

For a time, everyone was watching this amazing scene, and I felt a shock in my heart...

In just a few moments, the two sides collided head-on...

All of a sudden, I only saw the battlefield, and a terrifying wave came out. At the center of the collision, infinite light and infinite heat erupted, making the space continue to tear apart, as if here, Turned into a chaos.

Everyone's eyes are blocked by this horrible wave, and it is impossible to see at all. What exactly is the scene in the center of the battlefield...

It's just that within the bounds of this battlefield, everything is suddenly turned into powder, and all the rocks and rivers are shattered.

After the sudden collision, the terrible True Elemental Storm suddenly raged, and the clouds above the sky were torn at this time.

The buildings underneath were turned into pieces and ruins, and streets were cracked with great destructive power.

Then, I only saw that around the battlefield below, a group of spirit treasures rose into the sky, and suddenly there was a monstrous aura scrolling, which was to block the aftermath...

This is the monks below, in the shot, blocking this aftermath...

Only after blocking the aftermath, no one had too much control, but at this time, everyone was momentary, looking at the center of the battlefield. ,

At this moment, as the aftermath gradually spread out, the two figures appeared slowly...

Whether it was Lin Fei or the demon emperor, they were wrapped up by the phantom behind him at this time, and the two sides were tit-for-tat.


The demon emperor suddenly raised his hand suddenly, so that the ancient Wuxuying should deal with the ancestor Wuxing behind Lin Fei, but he roared, and actually staggered the interception of the ancestor Wuxing, like a fierce blood In general, he rushed towards Lin Fei...

Lin Fei saw this, but he didn't hesitate at the same time, and didn't mean any defense at all. He just summoned the remaining eight sword qi and stabbed towards the heart of the demon emperor.

The cultivation of the demon all comes from that heart, but the heart is destroyed, and the demon emperor is equivalent to being destroyed. Previously, when the injury was replaced, the demon emperor did not let Lin Fei. Have the opportunity to attack your heart.

But now the Demon Emperor has no hesitation, gave up all defense, and amplified his killing power to the extreme, that is, betting that he can succeed before Lin Fei.

This gesture seems to be fighting for life.

In this scene, the atmosphere of people is not daring to breathe. Between the world and the world, except for the continuous tremors in the battlefield, there is no more movement...

The two sides collided, just after a breath, almost at the same time, their own attacks fell on the other's flesh.

At the heart of the demon emperor, a big hole was pierced by the hole, and the blood flowed from it like a spring.

Lin Fei's shoulder also had a fierce wound, and it was only a short distance from the neck, but for today's demon emperor, the distance that he can reach with his hands is so far away...

For a time, between heaven and earth, from extreme movement to extreme silence, everyone looked at this scene, and everyone seemed to have been immobilized, and they dared not move.

"It seems that you are dead."

Only Lin Fei slowly took back the traces of his sword spirit.

The demon emperor was motionless, looking at his heart. In the blink of an eye, it was already completely crushed by several sword qi, and became a blood mud.

A stream of bright red blood flows out of it, which is the lifeblood essence of his life. With the gradual loss, the surging power in his body is also receding...

However, after looking at this wound, the demon emperor suddenly looked at Lin Fei's eyes, but suddenly showed a bit of cruelty.

"Who is dead is not necessarily."

The brutality in his eyes became more and more obvious, but in his mouth, suddenly a burst of roaring sound from the ancient wilderness burst out, followed by a turbulence in his body. The power of turmoil.

"You die with me."


The roaring sound of the demon emperor resounded through the world. When his words fell, he only saw that the demon emperor, which was already broken and flesh, had a wave of earth-shattering fluctuations.

"It's impossible, how can he explode!"

Around the battlefield, Hong Yitian, Zhou Xiangfu and others saw this scene, and they all looked incredible. The power of this demon all gathered in the heart. It can be said that it is well known in the world. Nothing can happen. This demon emperor, the heart is destroyed, It is equivalent to breaking the foundation of power. How can there be self-explosive power?

But in any case, it is too late to say anything. A real body is self-explosive. It is not the same as the small one. Everyone immediately set off and turned into a shadow, and quickly fled away...

However, this seems to be a little late...


When they had just set off, they only saw a wave of terror that poured out from the center of the battlefield in all directions.

A devastating force, like a torrent, is raging between heaven and earth. Under the aftermath, the previous defense methods laid down by each individual are difficult to resist and shatter.

Everyone was injured, but fortunately they evaded the first time, but escaped the first wave of the most powerful aftermath, and no one died. ,

All were gathered together under the call of Hong Yitian and others to join hands to resist this subsequent aftermath.

But at this time, no one cared, and he suffered these injuries, but at this time he was looking at the center of the explosion.

Hong Yitian looked at the place with a ugly face. This kind of power is too terrifying. Lin Fei has already been fighting to the extreme. It is difficult to say whether he can survive...

However, it was at this time that I only heard that there was a faint voice at the center of this self-detonation, which suddenly came out.


Compared with the earth-shattering blast, this voice was very slight and almost inaudible. However, when this soft voice fell, I only saw that the raging red blood cloud was suddenly at this time. , Time is still in general.

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