
Chapter 875: totem

When worshipping gods in the tribe, and offering sacrifices year after year, the tribe and the gods can coexist with each other, connecting with each other in blood, honor and common, while enjoying the sacrifices and offerings of the clan, the gods also share the power with the clan, the clan in the tribe , More or less will have some bloodlines of the gods, this bloodline depends on the war pattern falling by this **** to awaken, help the clan fight, or enhance the power of the clan.

Lin Fei recalled the battle between Si Lang and Si Kou. When Si Lang shot, the war pattern on his body did change, and this change was reflected in his strength, speed and attack power.

A Ning once said that their tribe is called the tiger tribe. Could it be that the deity enshrined in the tribe is a tiger?

The power of the tribal totem is closely related to the ancient Wu clan. This is a path that is completely different from human monks' cultivation into immortals. Although Lin Fei has heard of it, he has not encountered it very much.

No, it seems to have been encountered, Lin Fei frowned slightly, he suddenly remembered something.

In the Luofu of the last life, the Wu people of Nanhuang were at their heyday. They were good at sensing everything in the world, calling wind and rain, manipulating thunder and lightning, and once they shot, they were like a big change in heaven and earth.

Before the Luofu catastrophe, the Wu people of Nanhuang became very active. They preached on all sides, and even sent martial arts to become elders, etc., crossing the void and preaching other worlds. It is claimed that when the witch tribe withers, they will spread the fire.

However, the Wu people were not as strong as they were in ancient times. It was no longer a day or two. Although their patriarch said that his clan was dying, the momentum of fighting against the first largest faction in Nanhuang was not weakened. The Luofu people at that time, Along with Wen Jianzong, I think it is the whim of the Wu people, and some people even mocked that the Wu people are using the name of inheritance to strengthen themselves...

Lin Fei was not familiar with Nanhuang at that time, but when he heard about it, he just laughed and passed it without thinking too much, but now there is a chance to escape from Luofu Realm first, and then asked Jianzong to pass on this story. After the Tianji School kept it, under the premise of the Luofu Tribulation, all unusual and even strange things seem to have been explained.

It is said that the Wu people are the legacy of the ancient gods. Among them, the mighty people can naturally sense the change of the world. If the Wu people at that time had really noticed the coming of the Luofu Tribulation, then their behavior, the Tianji school and the question Jianzong is no different, really for the sake of heritage...

Now Luofu is still there, only things are right and wrong, and great changes have taken place. Lin Fei has always been worried about the big catastrophe of the year. Nowadays, he has found various clues, all of which indicate that the big catastrophe may have hidden deeper hidden feelings. But so far, there are only clues that have not met, and there is no clear result...

If the Wu people, like the Tianji School, expect the heaven, will the Nanhuang Wu clan still have the truth of the Luofu tribulation?

Lin Fei suddenly thought of the Taoist of Montenegro.

When he met in Wanghai City in the Death Bell Realm, the Montenegrin Taoist once asked Lin Fei to cross the void together and went to the Nanhuang Witch Temple to find a chance. Although Lin Fei made a note of it, he did not worry about it. After all, Nan Huang was a stranger Land, and there is a place of strong people on a par with the northern border. He never set foot, always wanted to wait for his strength to be stronger, but now, he can’t wait to go to Nanhuang.

Lin Fei's emotions were hard to come by, and he quietly planned. When the inheritance of Wen Jianzong was found, he would unlock the seal of his free array. When this happened, he returned to Luofu...

Lin Fei didn't open his eyes until there was a lot of pain in his body. He was still a shabby log cabin in front of him. He froze for a moment, and then rolled his eyes. Forget it, so many plans are useless. Ok.

Lin Fei thought that the Zhenyuan who had gathered together in his body swam all over the body, slowly nourished his body, and then divided another one, smelting a black iron block around him with the heavens and smelting the gold gas. Inhale, transform into aura with gold gasification aura, and slowly send it into the body.

The steps were cumbersome and the entry was slow. Lin Fei smiled bitterly and secretly said that these golden energies were not enough at all. He narrowed his eyes and looked out at the piece of semi-finished ironware he picked up at random.

The next day, the sky was still gray, and the Si Kou had already left the hunting tools and went into the mountains.

"Is this kid so resistant?"

Lin Fei was surprised to see Si Kou's back disappear.

The young man named Si Lang last night had a lot of shots. Even if the Si Kou had a good foundation, he would have to open his flesh when the palm came down. Even though the people in this tribe could get the power of totem, they did not take off the mortal body after all, What's more, this company has not yet received the power of totem...

When the sky turned slightly brighter, A Ning also started to work hard. She smashed the herbs as usual to help Lin Fei clean up the wound. Lin Fei saw the little girl finished her work and asked casually: "Is your brother injured? How did you go into the mountain today?" ?"

Lin Fei didn't expect that this random question caused A Ning's eyes to turn red again. He also had a big head. He was really worried that the little baby was crying, but A Ning sniffed and didn't fall. A tear: "In another ten days, it will be the day of offering tribute to Wangshan City. My brother is worried about the lack of prey, and the tribe will be punished, so I dare not rest for a day."

Lin Fei didn't know much about this tribe. After hearing this, he just nodded slightly.

It is indeed common for weak tribes to pay tribute like tribes stronger than them, and Nawangshan City seems to have been said by Si Kou before, and when he mentioned Wang Shan City, Si Kou's tone was awe and longing.

Lin Fei waited for the little girl to go out, and slowly mobilized the condensed true element in her body. The true element appeared pale golden, which was darker than his original true element, and the color was darker. The disadvantage, this level, is indeed not acceptable to the monks, but for Lin Fei, it is just like a fish.

Zhenyuan circulates in Lin Fei's meridians. With the operation of the Heavenly Buddhism, it turns into a floating golden mist, falling to the devastated organs and nourishing them one by one.

However, compared to the huge internal organs, this little real element is especially pitiful

The amount of gold gas is not enough...

The fatal shortcoming of gold gasification aura is that it cannot be purified and is difficult for monks to use. And its second shortcoming is also obvious, that is, the conversion rate is not high, and a gold gas must be converted into Reiki is afraid that it will waste three or four tenths, which makes Lin Fei, who is already in short supply, even more stretched.

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