
Chapter 876: Embarrassed

Looking at this small wooden house in the eye, it is extremely rudimentary, that is, all the hardware here is refined, and it is still a lot of money.

Lin Fei looked at the tribe who had calmed down again, and thought that this place was surrounded by mountains. Although pure **** iron and fine gold may not necessarily be there, there are mineral veins. The ore brought back by the boy Si Kou yesterday was It is rhodochrosite. This kind of stone is mostly born in the mountains. Although it is of ordinary quality, it always appears in pieces. If it can enter the mountains once, find a mineral vein, and then slowly refining, the injury in the body is estimated. It will be a good thing.

The tribes in the mountains, peaceful and quiet, waited for Lin Fei to almost completely refining the gold gas in the ore in the courtyard, but only half a day had passed. Although the effect was not obvious, the injury in his body was indeed better. At least, normal waking up is no problem.

As for the trauma, Lin Fei also had some surprises. When the internal organs recovered slightly, the trauma wrapped in pieces of herbal mud actually showed signs of improvement.

The essence of the herbs on this herb seems to have no damage at all, and all of them nourished Lin Fei's flesh in silence. Such a method cannot be done by the mortal doctor. It was only because his internal organs were so severely damaged that the blood flow was also very slow, and he could not form a circulation in the body, so that these herbs could not be effective. According to Lin Fei's situation, if an ordinary person died long ago, but because his body is a magical body, as long as the soul is there, and the flesh and bones have not disappeared, there will be nothing wrong, so it is always a dying face, but Never die.

However, although the internal organs are still seriously injured, they have recovered a little bit, and after a morning of refining, they are stronger than before. What Lin Fei did not expect was that he did not deal with trauma, but the trauma was actually followed. He got better with internal injuries.

Such means are not all things in the world.

Si Kou came back later than usual.

The bonfire outside was not up, the sky was dark and deep. After returning from the doctor's side, A Ning stood by the door of the wooden house and looked out until the figure of the Scoot appeared in front of the tribe. Quickly stepped forward.

When Si Kou came to the yard, Lin Fei looked around and found that his harvest was not much, less than yesterday. In addition to the wild boar in his hand, there were only two hares and some herbs, and he did not bring back the ore.

Si Kou placed his prey in another room, and then came to the cabin, looked at Lin Fei, and saw that Lin Fei seemed to be in a better spirit. He also smiled and greeted A Ning to deal with the hare.

After being able to use Jinqihuashen to repair himself, Lin Fei basically had no need for food, but watching them bring the broth, he also took a symbolic drink.

Na Si Kou was injured last night. Today, he tried to hunt for another day. His body was too much to eat. After applying the herbs, he fell asleep early.

Lin Fei stayed in the face of his hut, rolled over and sat up, and smiled bitterly. This is all right, even the golden energy is gone.

In the next two days, not only did the squads hurry, the entire tribe was covered with a nervous and anxious feeling. The hunters entered the mountain to hunt, and the remaining young and old were also busy, organizing prey, animal skins, herbs and Various resources from the mountains.

In the past two days, Si Kou only brought back three pieces of rhodochrosite, the largest of which was only half a person tall, and the small one was only two feet tall, all piled up in a log cabin, and it seemed to be waiting for time to continue forging, Lin Flying is not polite, but within half a day, the gold gas in these three pieces of ore has been absorbed into a clean one. Now the surface of the three pieces of ore looks unchanged, but the metal inside is completely gone. .

With the addition of the gold gas in these three pieces of ore, Lin Fei's body, although not to say that the wound was healed, was able to stand up from the small wooden bed that had been lying for several days. He moved his body and came to the wood Looked outside, and for the first time had a panoramic view of the tribe.

This tribe is not much different from Lin Fei's imagination. It is located in the mountains and surrounded by mountains. It is built on the basis of mountains and stones. It covers an area of ​​tens of miles and is oval in shape. Most of the houses are wooden houses, which are not high and quite simple, but on a slightly higher ridge, there is a stone house built of black stone. With the help of the mountain to help yourself, there is a sense of majesty.

Lin Fei also found that the tribes in the tribe were in awe of the black stone house. Every day someone guarded it, and if they encountered something, or wished, they would bow down and pray to the black stone house.

A Ning told Lin Fei that it was a tribe's ancestral temple, which housed tribe gods, and no one in the tribe dared to disrespect the gods.

As an outsider, Lin Fei is very different from the people in the tribe in terms of dressing and appearance, and is seriously injured. It seems that the text is weak and weak, and it seems that a larger wind can blow it off Therefore, although he walked out of the wooden house, no one in the entire tribe was hostile to him. As long as he did not go to the Blackstone house, he could go wherever he wanted, even if he left the tribe and went to the mountains outside. People management.

Lin Fei was also free. After getting out of bed, he walked in the nearby mountains. Now he can’t use the true element, he can’t open the underworld, and he doesn’t have the help of the heavens and ghosts. It is really difficult to find treasure, but this The resources in the mountains are also abundant. Although there is no **** iron and fine gold, there are a lot of ores in the mountains. He went through the group books and later learned the art of refining. He is also familiar with the ore and went out for an afternoon to refining More golden energy was obtained than he had added up in the past few days, and a part of it remained before leaving.

After returning to the log cabin, Lin Fei sat on the wooden bed and concentrated on repairing the wounds on his body. Although there were not many real elements he gathered at this moment, he could form a circle and nourish himself continuously, unlike the beginning, even Can't cover the wounds on the body.

When Si Kou returned, he heard that Lin Fei went out, and even had no time to deal with the prey in his hand, he entered the cabin, and looked at Lin Fei with surprise. He smiled and said: "The doctor's method is really strong. Now you are It must not die."

"Being in bed for a long time, I still want to thank the little brother for rescue."

"No need to thank you, I have to use you to get food in the city.


Lin Fei looked at the smiling crocodile, and was a little crying and laughing, but during this time, this guy was always nagging to sell himself for food. He listened and listened, but he got used to it, but what to say now, but Seeing Si Kou kept walking, he turned and went out again.

After a while, Si Kou invited the doctor over.

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