
Chapter 877: Getting better

Lin Fei saw that after the doctor came in, he looked at him, his face was astonished, but he dissipated that part of the shadow.

Since I first saw the doctor when I woke up, this tribe’s doctor has not been here for a few days. I thought that I should be waiting for myself to die, so that he could be used as a test article, but I did not expect that after a few days, I myself Not only did he not die, but was able to get out of bed and walk, quite spirited.

"Doctor, how is it? Is he alright?" Si Kou asked expectantly.

The physician was silent for a moment, and slowly paced to the bed. The haunting **** smell on his body struck again: "Need to be checked."

After speaking, the doctor combined **** and caught Lin Fei's eyebrows.

At that moment, there was a faint light on the doctor's body, and a very uncomfortable force fell into Lin Fei's heart.

Lin Fei looked as usual, unmoved.

For a long time, the doctor withdrew his hand and smiled secretly: "It's really unexpected."

Lin Fei also laughed: "All doctors have high means."

"What do I do? I know it myself." The doctor looked at Lin Fei again, and then walked outside the door. While walking, he said to Si Kou: "You have picked up a treasure."

Si Kou's eyes were bright, and he quickly followed.

Outside the yard, Si Kou thanked the doctor all the way, and thanked him all the way to the doctor's house. When the doctor was closed, he walked back joyfully.

Lin Fei's expression was faint, and the True Yuan had disappeared in his body. The accumulation of the past few days has all been integrated into the True Yuan that did not listen to the transfer. Even if a monk came to investigate at this moment, he would only think that he was just a There are no other losses for mortals, except for those auras.

The doctor naturally doubted his origins, but he could not get the evidence, only doubt.

After a few days of investigation, Lin Fei became more and more convinced that he had fallen into the Fulri Realm. When the Sky Axe finally cracked, the trace of his body also directed Tongyou Sword Qi, which would traverse the Underworld and Fulli The access to the world is open.

It's just that Fo Li was vast, he didn't know exactly where it fell, and he had asked Si Kou and Si Ning sideways, but the two brothers and sisters didn't know anything more than that Wangshan City. In their view, Wangshan City is the biggest and best place to go.

And this tribe has a barbaric atmosphere everywhere, books, pictures, and all other recording media. The shadow has not been seen. Lin Fei is thinking, maybe there is no text inheritance here, or all books and other things are concentrated in that Within the ancestral shrine.

It's just that people in the tribe value the altar, and Lin Fei can feel the power fluctuation in the altar. It's impossible to sneak past...

It seems that after the body's injuries are taken care of and sold into the city, it may be a good choice.

That night, the food cooked in Si Kou's house was slightly richer.

Lin Fei ate the fruit in front of him, looked at Si Kou, and occasionally looked at Si Kou, thoughtfully.

Si Kou finished eating the piece of meat in front of him, hesitating and said to Lin Fei: "There is really nothing beautiful outside, and the beasts are infested. If you have nothing else, don't go out."

Lin Fei smiled slowly: "I just felt like I was lying in the room all day, a little stuffy, and my body was getting better, nothing happened."

Si Kou thought for a while, and did not know what he thought of, so he nodded and said nothing.

Lin Fei asked: "I am here, thanks to the care of the little brother, but see the little brother hunting hard, so, now that I am better, let's go hunting with the little brother."

"Are you going to hunt?" Si Kou looked at Lin Fei and waved his hands again and again: "Don't use it, there are many beasts on the mountain. If you go, it's a burden."

Si Kou's words were straightforward, and Lin Fei only smiled slightly: "Although I am not familiar with hunting, if I only talk about strength, I am afraid that it will not be weaker than the little brother."

Si Kou was obviously unbelief.

Lin Fei didn't explain, just looked at the pile of ore beside him, picked up the piece that was more than three feet high, held it with one hand, and squeezed it lightly, and the broken stone fell down from above.

Si Kou and Si Ning beside him were stunned.

It was even Si Kou himself who couldn't do this. He was stunned for a while, and suddenly said: "No wonder the doctor will say that I picked up a treasure. If it is you, after the sale, there will be more exchanged things. "

Lin Fei rolled his eyes, and then put the ore in his hand back to the original place, laughing: "If you can take me to hunt, it would be a help for the little brother."

Early in the morning of the second day, the sky was slightly bright, Lin Fei followed Si Kou on the mountain road, the jungle was dense, and the mist at night had not completely dissipated.

As they passed a fork, there was a footstep behind them, followed by a mocking voice: "Going to hit the rabbit again?"

It was Silang et al.

The mountain road is winding and narrow, and Si Lang and his party are eight people, arrogant and overbearing, walking like a rampant crab, and more deliberately provocative people, when passing Lin Fei and Si Kou, pretend to be impatient and push them .

Si Kou's face was not good-looking, but he took the initiative to retreat to the side, but Lin Fei just continued to walk, as if he didn't hear anyone coming.

The young man who was good at pushing people was called Si Rong. He looked two or three years older than Si Kou and Si Lang. When he saw Si Kou taking a step back, he was complacent. He frowned at the people around him and saw a forest in front of him. Fei didn't care about it, and waved at random, but as a result, it seemed to be pushed onto a rock. Instead, he was hit by an unpredictable impulse and staggered back two steps.

what's the situation?

After Si Rong stood firm, he was surprised.

He just pushed Lin Fei, he didn't use the strength of the war pattern. After all, the guy looked like a weak gust of wind, but what happened?


Si Rong consciously lost face in front of everyone. After a moment of stun, he subconsciously shouted, attracting the sight of Si Lang who was walking in front.

"Is your kid looking for a fight?"

Si Rong quickly stepped forward and came to Lin Fei, then pointed at Lin Fei and said sharply.

Lin Fei looked at him, raised an eyebrow slightly, and smiled.

Si Rong stared in a fiery eye, and it seemed that the wounding would be violent. Si Kou frowned, stepped forward, and stood beside Lin Fei. Si Rong looked at the Si Kou with disdain, what he was about to say. Hearing Si Lang in front, he lowered his voice: "Are you busy?"

Si Rong didn't expect Si Lang to be aimed at himself, and he didn't respond to what happened for a while. When he saw Si Lang turned his head and continued to move forward, his voice floated: "It's better to go to waste with a waste person. Fight more prey."

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