
Chapter 879: Silver Frostwolf King

Lin Fei was a little surprised: "Have you not inherited the Blood Devil Emperor?"

Si Kou shook his head: "Although the blood demon emperor is our master, he has never been to the 100,000 mountain sermon. Our tribe only worships the totem god, and then the gods give power. Therefore, the greatest wish of our tribe is Can go to the city."

This is interesting...

Lin Fei laughed, and the Blood Devil Emperor placed his heritage in the Ten-Fang City, but pressed the tribe deeply. Obviously, these mountain tribes were treated as slaves. What is ridiculous is that the people in the tribe are very afraid of the Blood Demon Emperor, and No one thinks this is abnormal...

This blood devil emperor's method is indeed somewhat amazing.

Lin Fei thought for a while and then asked: "Have you heard of the Three Demon Sects?"

"No." Si Kou said: "What is that?"

Lin Fei vaguely said: "It should be the same as the blood demon emperor in your mouth."

Lin Fei was still a bit surprised that Si Kou had never heard of the Three Demons.

Lin Fei was unfamiliar with everything that Fu Li did. He knew what Sun Qing told him. According to Sun Qing, the power of the three demons was very great. Existence, since this is the case, the three demons should not be unknown.

In the end, this tribe is too closed...

Lin Fei looked at the endless mountains, sighed in his heart, and was also a little puzzled. People like Si Kou who knew little about the outside world were everywhere in the tribe, but the Blood Devil Emperor seemed to be known to everyone What kind of power is there?

Lin Fei never heard Sun Qing mention the existence of the blood demon emperor...

Lin Fei recalled everything he knew about Fulri, but he did not hear about the Blood Demon Emperor, and he remembered that when he left the Ten Thousand Monsters, the Ten Thousand Demon True Spirit once mentioned that he became a free sword. Tianwu Ling, who fell on the boundary of Fu, asked Si Kou, hopelessly, if he had heard of Tian Wu Ling.

As expected, Si Kou shook his head.

Lin Fei was not disappointed.

Except for himself and the surrounding tribes, as well as the Wangshan City and the Blood Demon Emperor, Si Kou knew nothing about the outside world, and it was indeed unlikely that he would get news about Fo Li's departure from him.

If you talk about a little understanding of this world, it should belong to their patriarch, or you should go to the city to see...

Lin Fei followed Si Kou into the mountains, and there were more and more traces of prey that he could observe. Si Kou would mention Lin Fei whenever he found one.

The deeper I went into this mountain forest, the more prey I saw. Lin Fei also found that this is indeed different from the mountain forests in the ordinary world. In the ordinary world, where will there be two-winged double-headed birds burning with red fireworks all over the body?

"That's a morning breeze bird." Si Kou took Lin Fei to hide on a big tree surrounded by ten people. Through the dense green leaves, he looked at the flamingo over three feet high on the hill not far away. , Whispered: "Morning Birds like to stand on the top of the mountain in the early morning, and each time they appear in groups, they look beautiful, but in fact the most fierce, even the ivory beasts in the mountains see, they must hide Let's go."

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes and saw that the Morrowind bird had four feet. Although the tip of the paw was wrapped in flames, he could see the sharp meaning. When the mountain wind hit, the Morrowind bird fluttered and flew. Like a cloud of fire, the sky was covered with dozens of heads. They were flying fast and swiftly, and there was a tendency for the rabbit to rise and fall. After a few times, the four claws of the morning wind bird were more or less or Shao are carrying their struggling prey.

Those prey were worn by the crows of the Morrowind bird, the blood flowed down, and even a giant wild boar with thick skin and rough flesh could not escape this robbery.

It wasn't until the Morrowind bird flew away that Si Kou breathed a sigh of relief, and then his eyes glowed. He jumped from the tree and ran towards the mountain where the Morrowind bird had just been.

"Morning Birds only appear once every few months. If we are stared at by them, we can't run away at all. This beast is the most vengeful, but their appearance is also beneficial."

Si Kou quickly traversed the jungle and the mountains, and soon came to the top of the mountain where the Morrowind bird is located.

It is strange to say that the morning breeze bird looks like it is wrapped in flames and has the momentum to ignite the forest, but the mountains where they are located, except for the slightly higher temperature, have no traces of charring.

When you cross the mountain, you can see that there are several prey on the hillside, there are wild deer with horns, and there are two buffaloes that are not taller than half. In addition to these three prey are larger, the others are some. Not enough.

The cocoon said with joy: "The Morrowind bird is fierce, and non-large beasts do not catch it. If you see a better prey, it will be replaced on the spot. We are lucky today, but we encountered it."

However, it is not only Si Kou who is thinking of picking up the leak.

Lin Fei looked at the beast showing his head from the forest, raised his eyebrows slightly, and secretly said, are these wolves?

Slowly out of the mountain, it was a group of wild wolves with green eyes and half a human height, but they looked bigger and more fierce than ordinary wolves.

Lin Fei and Si Kou hid in a leafy green tree, and saw the corpse standing around the mountain, surrounded by more and more wild wolves, roughly calculated, there were nearly twenty heads.

Si Kou frowned lightly, a look of disappointment on his face. He lowered his voice and said to Lin Fei: "I rarely see such a large group of wolves. It seems that this is cheap and we can't pick it up..."

When the group of wild wolves actually appeared in Lin Fei's field of vision, he discovered that their hair was grayish yellow, not as soft as the ordinary beast hair, but like iron thorns, sharp and sharp, and unremarkable when hiding in the forest. , But once rushed out, it was like a lightning thunder, violent and fierce, all layers of hair exploded, and even the mountains, rocks and trees could be crushed in an instant, and in a flash, several beasts that also smelled **** were killed The claws of the wild wolf are like sharp blades, and they easily pierce the beasts.

A howling wolf rose into the sky, and its sound was so fierce that the momentum was full, and the wolves roared with it. The mountains and forests, the leaves, and the wild beasts who were still watching were frightened and began to flee outside. .

Lin Fei stared at the direction on the west side, where a bright white shadow flashed by, and the next moment, a rushed out quickly, full of two black-backed wild boars, howling, blood on the neck Straight soaring, after rushing forward for ten feet, he was pressed on the back by the paw of a silver-haired wild wolf, and the paw pierced the body of the wild boar, splashing blood, and the wild boar died instantly.

"It's the Silver Frostwolf King!" Si Kou also noticed. He was surprised, and he was overjoyed, but soon his face sank, and his breathing became much weaker. With a nearly whispered voice, he said to Lin Fei: " If it was discovered by it, it would be bad..."

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